I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 529 Luxurious Su Residence

Chapter 529 Luxurious Su Residence
"Tsk tsk tsk, don't say it, it's still comfortable to stay in this courtyard house. Although living in a villa is good, it's not as comfortable as a courtyard house!"

As soon as Yu Qian entered the courtyard, his face was flushed and he was in a good mood. It could be seen that he really liked the courtyard.

"Then you can move here. I'll rent the Dongkua courtyard to you. It just so happens that we two brothers can be companions."

In the past two months, Su Chen has also bought the courtyards on both sides of Su's residence. In this way, the entire courtyards in Longkou Hutong belong to the Su family.

Now the Su Family Courtyard has an area of ​​more than 3 square meters, and the two courtyards next to it are much larger than the Su House. Su Chen spent more than 80 billion yuan to buy the two houses. This is almost friendship price.

Now in the entire Su residence, there are 23 residential courtyards, seven gardens, and more than a dozen garages and warehouses.

Because the yard was enlarged, the name of the yard was also changed.

The original Su house was used as the main courtyard of the new house, and the left and right courtyards were divided into east and west courtyards.Among them, there are eight courtyards in the East Kuayuan and ten courtyards in the West Kuayuan. Su Chen named them after Bagua and Shitiangan respectively.

Not to mention, after hearing what Su Chen said, Yu Qiang was really moved.

But at the end of the day, when I think about it, forget it, living in my brother's house always feels like being dependent on others.

Although it is said that it is rented, Su Chen will definitely not charge more rent, otherwise, a yard as large as Dongkuayuan, if the rent is really counted, several million a year is considered cheap.

"Forget it, you don't need to move here, but I will often bring your sister-in-law to live for a few days in the future, just leave me a yard!"

"That's no problem. In fact, you can move here. Anyway, after a few years, the children will grow up, and you and Lao Guo will have to help me worry about it." Su Chen shook his head and said, "How about it, you, two Brother, Lao Guo, Brother Jing, Brother Sha, Fatty, Xiao Pan, and Lao Xu, there are exactly eight people, and there are exactly eight yards in the Dongkua courtyard, and each of you is one, even if there are guests in the future, they will not be allowed to live in the Dongkua courtyard, how about it?"

"Hey, then we are so cheap and so profitable, it's a courtyard for nothing!"

Lao Guo laughed and said.

The others were also very happy and refused.

In terms of taking advantage, they took advantage of Su Chen a lot, not bad.

The main reason is that they knew that Su Chen sincerely hoped that someone would live in them. Otherwise, in such a big yard, everyone would accompany him, and he didn't go to work or have a career, so he wouldn't have problems every day?
Of course, the main reason is that they really like it here. Regardless of the environment, this courtyard house is full of people, and the living conditions are super convenient.

Plus, everything here is extravagant.

In the past two months, the entire courtyard has been refurbished. Although the previous two courtyards were good, they were far from meeting Su Chen's requirements, and even if it was the main courtyard, Su Chen always wanted to overhaul it.

After the courtyard was rebuilt, it could really be called a luxury. Su Chen replaced all the things that could be replaced in the entire courtyard.

The stone tables and benches were replaced by warm jade, the top beams and pillars were replaced by whole iron birch, and the surrounding decorative woods were all made of small-leaf red sandalwood, huanghuali and golden nan.

The decorations are all antiques, and even the floor tiles are Qingyang jade.

Many of the materials in it come from systems that simply don't exist on Earth.Moreover, the renovation of the entire yard was also arranged by the system, otherwise, it would be impossible to replace objects such as pillars.

In the refurbished courtyard house, anything you take out is worth at least tens of thousands, even if you just dig a piece of floor tile from the ground, you can sell it for tens of thousands of yuan.

Because the Qingyang jade used for floor tiles is not a product of the earth. It is said that rare things are expensive, let alone new jade that has never been seen before. It is modest to say that a piece is worth tens of thousands of yuan.

It is said that in Prince Gong's Mansion not far away, a single pillar costs several billion.Su Chen is not so proud, even a whole lobular rosewood, it is estimated that it cannot be sold for several billion.

But there are not many valuable things in Prince Gong's Mansion.But Su's house is really full of gold.

Now if the entire Su residence is sold, Su Chen will not even talk about it without 3000 billion.

Not to mention anything else, just the decoration of this house cost Su Chen nearly 1000 billion!

This is because the previous battle went smoothly, otherwise Su Chen really wouldn't be able to afford the money.

Of course, this is only temporary, and now the new group has started to make profits. In the past two months, the Future Research Center has developed more than [-] high-tech technologies, each of which is ahead of country F.Ninety percent of them are ahead of the entire world.

In the past two months, the scientific research community in the whole world has been messed up by the Future Scientific Research Center. I don't know how many people have cursed country F.

You said you're fine, why did you mess with Su Chen's ancestor?

If you don't mess with him, everyone will live in peace.

Well now, in two months, there are more than 300 scientific research patents, and each of them is an indispensable technology for each country.

This made Hua Guo stand up in the scientific research circle at once.Not to mention completely getting rid of all high-tech blockades, at least Huaguo has now taken the initiative, and will no longer be afraid of other countries imposing technological monopoly or blockade on Huaguo.

Because of the support of the future scientific research center, no one dares to play tricks.

Country F can't stand it any longer.Negotiations with Hua Guo have already started.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to these things anymore, and he vented all the anger that should be vented.Now all his thoughts are on a few children!
For the future scientific research center, Su Chen plans to let them retreat for a period of time in the future.

It is meaningless to study the existing scientific research technology at all. The significance of the future center should be to study those scientific research fields that are still inaccessible to human beings,

For example, spacecraft and lunar development programs.

At noon, Mr. Ren and others came over with red faces to grab a meal.

Thanks to Su Chen's blessing, the new group has now become the top super-class group in the entire world.With more than 300 technical patents, the new group has become a giant-like existence.

As the directors of the group, Mr. Ren and the others have stole the limelight in the past two months.

Su Chen didn't break his promise, and after confirming that he could win, he brought the big horse and Lao Wang aboard.At present, several of them have become representatives of Chinese businessmen, and their reputations are well-known throughout the world.

As for Su Chen himself, his reputation was deliberately hidden.

This is Su Chen's own meaning. He doesn't want to be a celebrity, because living like that is too tiring.

He himself is a salted fish, and as a salted fish, his greatest joy is staying at home.Like Mr. Ren, flying to all over the world to give speeches, Su Chen can't do anything.

How good it is now, he, Su Chen, wants money to have money, status to have status, daughter-in-law to have daughter-in-law, sons and daughters to have sons and daughters, to be happy and happy, and there is no messy ears and copywriting every day, every day is just a cat. Funny dog ​​Panwen, such a day, even a god would not change it!
(End of this chapter)

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