Chapter 530 Future City?

In the afternoon, Mr. Ren and others left.

Su Chen, Yu Qiang and others gathered in Xianyun hall to play mahjong.

"By the way, I have something to tell you!" Su Chen said while touching the table: "Before the war started, did you raise a sum of money together?"

Yu Qiang and the others looked at each other in surprise.

"Don't look, I overheard it when I went to the toilet," Su Chen shook his head. "You guys are really good, just tell me face to face to raise money? Are you afraid that I will not agree if I have a thin skin?"

Seeing this, Yu Qian admitted with a smile: "There is such a thing, the main reason is that they can help you, but our brothers can't help you with anything. Doesn't it feel good?"

"I understand, I know that you are kind to me. So I have always appreciated your kindness. If I really fail, I will definitely take your money. You know, I never lie to my friends! "

Old Guo nodded. "That's not bad, Chen'er is absolutely impeccable in terms of reputation!"

"So, I understand you, and you have to understand me. Almost every effort they make, big and small horses, each of them enjoys the shares of the new group. Like you, they also want to give me the bottom line. Then they all If you can get the company's shares, you naturally can't let it go.

Of course, they paid a lot of money, so they get more shares. Eight of you, I will give each of you one and a half cents of shares, how about it? "

As soon as Su Chen spoke, someone wanted to refuse.

The new group is called Xinghuo Group, and Xinghuo Group's current market value has exceeded two trillion yuan.

In a large group of two trillion yuan, even one cent of the shares is worth 200 billion yuan, and one and a half cents of the shares are worth three billion yuan.

Moreover, the Xinghuo Group has just started, and the Future Scientific Research Center is still continuing. Now the Future Scientific Research Center has established a sub-center, called the Future Xinghuo Scientific Research Center, which belongs to the Xinghuo Group.

This time, more than 300 patented technologies, [-]% are completed by this future Xinghuo scientific research center.

From now on, Future Group will focus on the development of high technology and technological breakthroughs. With Su Chen here, the future of this company is limitless.

Two trillion yuan is just the beginning. According to the plan of Xinghuo Group, within this year, the market value of Xinghuo Group will exceed [-] trillion dollars, preferably reaching [-] trillion U.S. dollars. billions of dollars.

Converted into RMB, that is more than 800 billion.

With so much money, anyone would be terrified.

However, before they could speak, Su Chen refused, "Listen to me.

First of all, you did help me, and according to the rules, you deserve it.It can't be that big and small horses and other outsiders can get benefits, but when it comes to you, they don't have it. There is no reason for this.

Secondly, we are brothers, or, in my heart, you are my family.Family, do you really need to worry about so much?
It's like today that Brother Yanger said he likes this place, but he would not even rent it to him if I told him to rent it to him. If he is a real brother, brother Brother Yanger must not have so many scruples in his mind, right?
Since ancient times, brothers have shared blessings and shared difficulties.Money is something that must be viewed dialectically.

Money may be important to you.But for me, money is just a piece of waste paper, I really have no interest in money, and I really don't need money anymore.

You know, I’m not bragging. As far as my current worth is concerned, it’s worth at least one trillion U.S. dollars, and that’s not counting some special properties like helium-3 miner’s lamps, so money is worthless to me.For me, the most important thing is your feelings for me.

The reason why I gave you shares is not only because you deserve it, but also because I want to give you a guarantee and give your family a guarantee.

None of you are bachelors, you are all family members, especially Lao Guo, you have a Deyun Club with you.

To be more specific, we are brothers who share the blessings. As a result, I can already use money as waste paper, and you are still working hard to support your family and earn some hard money. Do you think I feel good?
So, don't say anything, treat me like a brother, and sign the contract.If you can't figure it out, count this as a grown-up gift for my nephews and nieces! "

Su Chen has said so, and everyone has nothing to say.

Besides, that is tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. No one can refuse this temptation.

What's more, Su Chen also found a reason for them to feel at ease, so everyone can really refuse.

Not surprisingly, eight people, including Yu Su and Xu, all signed the contract.

Since then, everyone present here has become tens of billionaires.

Within a year, they will all be billionaires.

Not surprisingly, this money is enough for their family to spend several lifetimes.

And this money is equivalent to an iron rice bowl. As long as the group does not go bankrupt, they can't sell the shares. This is Su Chen's consideration for them, so as not to sell the shares in the future.

In other words, as long as the Xinghuo Group does not go bankrupt in the future, they will always be able to own this wealth.

In the future, the eight of them can also say to the outside with confidence like Su Chen, that I am not interested in money anymore!

After signing the contract, everyone's faces were filled with surprise.No one can be unhappy about the sudden rise in net worth.

After playing mahjong for a while, several people were actually absent-minded.

In the end, the mahjong game was disbanded ahead of schedule. Su Chen asked the reason, but they all said that they wanted to move, and they all planned to live in the courtyard for a while.

Lao Guo and others even said that they would take a break for a period of time, and all announcements were rejected.

It could be seen that they were indeed exhausted.

There is no way, there are not many middle-aged men who are not tired.It's all just gritting your teeth.

Now that Su Chen has liberated them, they no longer have the pressure of life, so they naturally want to take a look and relax.

And such a big happy event, I must go home and tell my wife.

The group left in a hurry, leaving only Xu Zhen, who had business with Su Chen.

"Chen'er, my family asked me to ask you, can you build a future city with the current capabilities of the future scientific research center?"

"Future city?" Su Chen was startled. "This concept is a bit big. What kind of city is a future city?"

"This, we don't know, so I want to ask you. The above requirements are not too high, as long as it can build a high-tech city that is more advanced than all the cities in the world today.

This time it is a pilot task, that is to say, there are no requirements, and you can give full play to your imagination.

However, this task will be outsourced, we are only responsible for apprentices and related policies, and the rest will be taken care of by the group itself.

This project is very risky, but correspondingly, once successful, the profits are also super large.The higher-ups are afraid that someone will take this opportunity to make money, so let me ask you if you are interested. If you can take over, it must be the best! "

(End of this chapter)

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