I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 531 The Mission of the Future City

Chapter 531 The Mission of the Future City

Speaking of the future city, Su Chen immediately thought of the Void Iron Tree and the flying car mentioned to him by Leng Mo and Wu Qing before. These are all products of the future city.

Not to mention, with the Void Iron Tree, there is indeed the possibility of building a future city.Not to mention that with the addition of flying cars, a city with the strongest technological performance in the world will definitely be built.

There is no doubt that this project has aroused Su Chen's interest.

In his position, it is really difficult for ordinary things to arouse his enthusiasm.

Just when he was about to agree, Su Chen actually thought of the long-lost system notification sound in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special temporary task - to build a future city beyond the times.

According to the task requirements, according to the drawings given by the system, all indicators are perfectly completed, and the future city that the system requires is perfectly realized.

mission rewards.1: Super engineering construction robot team × [-] (distributed in advance).

[-]: Future city drawing database (one type issued in advance)
Three: Future technology spree × 1!

Note: During the task period, in the system mall, materials and commodities will be sold at a reduced price! "

Oh open!

The system actually woke up?

To be honest, if it weren't for the year-end sign-in gift package every year, Su Chen would really have forgotten the existence of the system.

This scumbag system was surprised.

Su Chen never expected that the concept of a future city would actually make the system so excited. Is this task the key point of the next stage of the system?

That being said, it's not quite right.

According to the virtues of the system mall, it is obviously guiding the earth in the direction of technological civilization.

So the faster Su Chen evolves, the more likely the system task will be triggered.

Thinking of this, Su Chen gradually had a vision for the future.

It seems that he can't go down in the salted fish.

"Success! I have accepted this task, and I will personally organize the team building!"

"What?" Xu Zhen looked at Su Chen in surprise, and said, "You want to do it yourself?"

"What do you think? Such a big task, besides me, who else can complete it? Fortunately, you found me, otherwise, you will lose all the money you invest. The future city is so easy to build?"

Xu Zhen scratched his head in embarrassment.

Not to mention, this time things were really impulsive.

I can't say I am impulsive. The above is just a suggestion and I haven't made a specific decision yet. I just try it.

But now that Su Chen is personally involved, it must be a success.

"It's great that you can go out in person!" Xu Zhen said excitedly.

He was the one who contacted this matter. If the future city is built, his credit must be indispensable.Although he is also a billionaire now, Xu Zhen still prefers power over money. To be precise, he prefers to do something for the common people. He likes the sense of accomplishment after accomplishing a big event.

"By the way, is the site selected yet?" Su Chen asked.

"No! This must refer to your opinion, what do you think?"

"I think?" Su Chen pondered for a moment and said: "As a future city, it must be built at the mouth of the sea to be the most conducive to development.

But this is our first attempt, and the geographical environment of the estuary is too risky to use to build future cities.My opinion is that the first city is still a conservative point, choose the inland, the specific location is the best province H, there are three imperial cities, two of which are ancient capitals for thousands of years, even if it is for the development of national culture, there is a Good choice! "

Xu Zhen thought for a while and said, "Okay! I'll tell them what you said, just wait for my news!"


Su Chen nodded, not in a hurry, building a city cannot be built in a day or two.

Even with the help of the system, it will take at least a year to complete, so there is no rush.

The courtyard was quiet all afternoon, and in the evening, Yu Qiang and others all came back one after another, and this time they brought their families with them, and everyone who could come came.

It seemed that this group of people really planned to rest for a while.

Su Chen was very happy, but he was worried that every day would be too boring, and it would be too troublesome to coax ten children.

It's all right now. Now that there are more people in the family, there is no shortage of manpower to coax the children, and even ten children are not enough.

Su Chen's sons and daughters have perfectly inherited the advantages of him and his daughters, and each child is extremely beautiful and lovely.

Su Chen used to be very envious of the child in the old movie baby project, that child is really super cute, but now Su Chen is not envious, because each of Su Chen's ten children is much cuter than that child.

In the evening, everyone dined in the South Garden of the East Kuaiyuan,

There are seven gardens in the new Dasu Residence, which are named East, West, North, South, Front, Front, and Middle respectively.

Among them, the east and west gardens are the two gardens of the original main courtyard, the north and south gardens are located on the east side of the courtyard, and the front and rear middle gardens are located on the west side of the courtyard.

There is a super-large attic in the south courtyard, which is much, much larger than the Xianyun Pavilion in the West Garden, at least three times larger.

The entire attic was transformed by Su Chen into a large restaurant and entertainment place with the same function as Xianyun Pavilion.It is used for entertaining a large number of guests.

After all, Xianyun Pavilion is too small, suitable for small gatherings.The East Garden is suitable for picnics, while the South Garden is suitable for gatherings.

There are quite a lot of people today, there are six or seventy people together, and what is even more frightening is that these six or seventy people will live together for a period of time in the future.

It's interesting to think about it these days.

Humans are all social creatures, after all, they like places with many people. The more people there are, the more comfortable they are to live in.Of course, the premise is that everyone must have their own privacy environment.Just like Su Zhai, every family has its own independent small courtyard. At the same time, there are so many relatives and friends gathering together. Such a day is the real free life.

Because of the expansion of the house, the chef team of Su's house has also expanded.

There is an entire large courtyard in the west courtyard, all of which belong to the dining room. Now the entire Su residence has a fixed chef team of eight, and there are countless temporary teams. According to the number of Su residence guests, there is no limit to increase.

Just like today, the chef team, including cooks and handymen, has a total of 32 people.

32 people serve more than 60 people for dinner. To be honest, the task is not very heavy.The main reason is that the dishes ordered by these people are very troublesome.Things like Buddha jumping over the wall, boiled cabbage, and roasted whole lamb are really labor-intensive, which is why the chef team recruited so many people.

Of course, the more people there are, the higher the quality will be.

At night, as night fell, the entire South Garden was lit up everywhere, and all kinds of small lights illuminated the entire West Garden beautifully.

All the courtyards of Su Zhai are connected by Chaoshou Corridor, and there is no place that cannot be connected. There are lampshades inside and around the Chaoshou Corridor, so from top to bottom, the entire courtyard is like a shining pearl in the establishment of an imperial capital!

After the expansion of the courtyard, there are not only many courtyards, but also complex terrain. Everyone has a map in their hands. To be honest, at the beginning, Su Chen himself lost his way, so he called and was picked up!

(End of this chapter)

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