I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 532 All Night and Good Health

Chapter 532 All Night and Good Health

There is no doubt that drinking high again at night.

And this time, not only did I drink high, but I also drank all night.

No way, a group of old men suddenly let go of the pressure of life, and then get together with their best brothers and friends, have wine, food and entertainment, and don't worry about sleeping and safety at night, almost let go of all scruples And be prepared, in this case, it would be strange if you didn't drink all night!

A group of people slept directly in the south building at night.

On the way, it was Lao Guo and Yi Zhou, who couldn't take it anymore, and went back to the hospital to sleep early.

Early the next morning, the women in the courtyard gathered in the south building, looking at the mess inside, they couldn't laugh or cry.

"How much did they drink!"

Sister-in-law Qiang'er looked helplessly at the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I knew they were from the imperial capital, but I didn't know that they thought they came from the grasslands, they are so good to drink!" Guo Xiaoshi smacked her tongue.

"Xiao Shi, don't tell me, among them, only my Lao Sha is from the North East, but my Lao Sha is the worst drinker!"

Sha Yi's daughter-in-law couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, why are you still on top? Drinking is not a good thing! Shall we control them in the future?" Old Guo's daughter-in-law said,

Although Lao Guo went back to sleep last night, seeing Lao Guo drinking like that, Lao Guo's wife also felt distressed.

"It doesn't matter, sister-in-law, the hangover soup has been boiled in the dining room, which is made by Lao Su himself. It has a miraculous effect on sobering up, and the key is to strengthen the body.

I know that you are worried about their health, so don't worry about it, my family is here to ensure that no one's health will go wrong! "

Gu Qingya stood up and explained.

"Is there such a good thing? That's a good relationship! Hey, they can share a brother like Xiaosu in this life, and they have accumulated merits for several lifetimes in exchange for it!" Sister-in-law is the happiest, because there is Brother Ke'er is the best wine, so sister-in-law Ke'er has been having headaches for Brother's body.Now that I heard that Su Chen can guarantee their health, the happiest one is Sister-in-Law.

"Sister-in-law, don't say that it's his blessing that Su Chen has friends like you. It's also our sisters' blessing that I have sisters like you!"

"Tsk tsk, Qingya, you are really eloquent. It is the greatest blessing for Xiao Su to marry you!"

Gu Qingya smiled modestly. "This is our common blessing. Forget it, let's take them back to rest first!"


The girls spoke and acted hastily.

There were not many people on the first floor, only Yue Yunpeng and a few juniors drank here all night, and then fell asleep directly on the ground.Fortunately, there was floor heating in the south building, and thick blankets were spread on the floor, and quilts and pillows were specially prepared in the corner, so although the few people slept on the floor, they didn't feel uncomfortable.

The young daughter-in-law of Yue Yunpeng and the others hurried forward to wake them up. When they woke up, their expressions were a little dazed, and they sat up for a long time without slowing down.

The second floor was lively. Su Chen and others were on the second floor. A few people played cards all night on the second floor yesterday. It seemed that they had just fallen asleep.

Similarly, like the first floor, several people slept on the ground.

But a few people may be sleepy and anxious, they didn't even take the bedding, just fell asleep like arhats.

Even when the girls went upstairs, they were all talking in sleep, and the most amazing thing was that everyone's sleep talking could still be picked up.

Wu Jing: "Thirty thousand!"

Sha Yi: "I'm confused!"

Su Chen: "Why are you confused again? What kind of shit luck!"

Yu Qiang: "I have an egg!"

Several people closed their eyes, in a daze, and didn't know how to speak.

At this scene, all the women who watched were bent over with laughter, and tears came out of the low point of laughter.

There is no way, this scene in front of me is really joyful.

Then the laughter of the girls woke up Su Chen directly.

He used to sleep lightly, but now he is less and less dependent on sleep. Sometimes he doesn't sleep for days and nights, and he doesn't feel sleepy at all.

Tonight also because I drank too much and playing cards hurt my brain cells, so I only slept for a while.

After being woken up by a few girls, he immediately regained his energy.

Got up and yawned, saw all the girls standing at the door, scratched their heads and said, "Morning!"

"Did we wake you up? Get up and go back to your room to sleep, you can't sleep well here!"

Mrs. Guo spoke first.

Su Chen shook his head. "It's okay, I didn't sleep much at first, and I've had enough sleep! Hmm! Wake them up, finish drinking the hangover soup, have some breakfast and then go to bed! Is the hangover soup ready?"

"It's done, I'll wait for you to drink it!" Gu Qingya said,

Su Chen nodded, he doesn't need to worry about this aspect, a few girls are more reliable than him.

Afterwards, Su Chen woke up several people one by one, then greeted several security guards, and carried them back to their rooms.

After that, each family will be taken care of by their own family members, so Su Chen doesn't have to worry about it.

He and his daughters returned to the main courtyard, took a big bath, changed their clothes, drank hangover soup, and after breakfast, they gradually regained their spirits.

"Husband, are you alright?"

Gu Qingya asked worriedly, even though she knew that Su Chen was in good health, she couldn't help but care.

Su Chen shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's not like you don't know my body. Even if I do this every day, I can still live a long life. Don't worry about me."

Gu Qingya rolled her eyes at the complacent Su Chen, and said: "Okay, okay, I don't worry about you, but you have to think about Brother Ke'er and the others, they are all in their forties, fifty, five or sixty years old, so old , can you resist tossing like you?"

"Well, this is also true. Although I have been using various methods to recuperate their bodies, after all, they are treating the symptoms but not the root cause. It seems that they need to be given some medicine!"

"Medication? What kind of medicine?" the girls asked curiously.

"I didn't think about it. Anyway, it's just some medicine to enhance the vitality of the body and restore the youthful state. You are all young now, and I have adjusted them to be healthier than teenagers, so there is no need. Don't worry, As long as I'm here, at least I can guarantee that each of you will not grow old for a hundred years!"

"Really? Wow! Husband, you are so kind! You are so stupid!"

The girls excitedly gave Su Chen a reward.

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Haven't you all eaten Zhuyan Pill? Why do you only believe me now?"

"Oh, it's a legend after all. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, who can believe it!"

The girls said anxiously.

"You guys, it's pure mediocrity. It's okay, you take it easy, I'll go see the little ones, I haven't seen each other all night, I really miss it!"

As Su Chen said, he got up and went to the living room. Several children were eating in the living room. The children's eating problems were handled by a special nanny, and a few girls were there to assist and supervise. It was not that the girls were lazy, but that this kind of thing still had to believe in science. , It is best to have a few professional people around to guide you.

On the issue of education, Su Chen will not relax.But in terms of living conditions and physical growth of children, Su Chen has always pursued perfection!

(End of this chapter)

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