I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 533 The meaning of inheritance lies in a new beginning

Chapter 533 The meaning of inheritance lies in a new beginning (finale)

50 years later.

The Milky Way, a newly occupied planet of life.

This is a planet tens of thousands of times larger than the earth, and it is also a planet many times more exciting than the earth. More importantly, this is a primitive planet without the birth of civilization.

On this planet, there are hundreds of millions of different kinds of animals and plants.The richness of its species is enough for people to explore tens of thousands of years without necessarily being able to study it thoroughly.

Most importantly, such a species-rich planet has no birth of intelligent life.

Until one day, a huge spaceship landed here.

It's more like a giant fortress than a spaceship.

The base area of ​​the entire spacecraft is tens of thousands of square kilometers, more than ten times larger than the ancient city of Chang'an!
This is a mobile super steel city, and it is currently the largest spaceship on Earth.The second largest spaceship was ten times smaller than him, and that spaceship was also contributed by the Su family.

It took Su Chen a full three resource planets to redeem these two spaceships from the system.

But everything is worth the money. With these two spaceships, interstellar immigration will no longer be a dream.

Two ships, the largest one is for China, and the smaller one is for other countries.

With the unremitting efforts of the future scientific research center, 40 years ago, the earth successfully developed a superluminal spaceship.

Thirty years ago, the scientific research center successfully discovered wormholes.

Twenty years ago, the scientific research center successfully developed a superfast spacecraft with a speed of ten light-years per second. As a result, the earth entered the interstellar era, and began to build wormhole systems throughout the galaxy.

If you want to be rich and build roads, this is an eternal truth.

Three years ago, the earth's resources were gradually exhausted, and the mother planet was about to enter a reorganization mode. Human beings could not survive and had to emigrate.

That's why there are two huge sky fortresses.

Fortunately, five years ago, the Future Cosmos Group discovered a giant living planet, so even though they had to emigrate, the masses did not panic, but looked forward to it.

Because the new world represents new opportunities, and everything will be reorganized.

However, some forces will always be number one in the world.

There is nothing to say about this, even the entire planet was discovered by other groups, so they give priority to mining and exploration of all resources, and there is no problem at all.

With Su Chen's system, it is guaranteed to occupy all the most valuable resources on the entire planet in the shortest possible time, and then slowly develop them.

It's not that Su Chen is greedy, but that he doesn't want the descendants of Yan and Huang to be controlled by others.

The center of the universe fortress is a giant city. In the center of the city, there is an ancient courtyard. It turns out that a group of people whose grades cannot be seen are drinking and chatting.

"Didn't I say that you are over 100 years old anyway, so you can't drink less?" Lao Guo is still dressed in a mandarin jacket and still has a baby face. He has not changed from 50 years ago. The body is still healthy, just last night, Lao Guo and Ge Erge, the golden pair, also joined hands in a cross talk in the central square, which caused a huge sensation.

"That won't work. If you live in this world and eat and drink, you will either stay in bed with a serious illness or drink to death!"

As Yu Qian spoke, he drank another sip of wine.

"Hahaha, don't worry, bro, with me here, I will guarantee you immortality!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at Su Chen with extremely complicated eyes.

For so many years, without Su Chen, they would probably have left long ago.

Who would have thought that the immortality that they had been criticizing all the time would come true in them? It's really unpredictable!

"Speaking of which, Xiao Su, I haven't seen my apprentices for a long time!"

Lao Guo put down his wine glass, feeling a little emotional.

"Yeah, when this person reaches his age, he really only has children in his heart!" Sha Yi said with emotion.

"Lao Sha, you are hypocritical, look at me, you never think about those bastards of my family!" Wu Jing said in a snarl.

"Hurry up and pull it down, your family just left last month, you don't want to. I don't know who wanted to cry before?"

"Get out, I'm going to cry? You must be drinking too much!"

"You just drank too much!"

Hearing the quarrel between the two, Su Chen was extremely emotional.

In the past 50 years, he has had fifteen children in total. This is decided by the family. Unless there is an accident, a woman can only conceive once.

For so many years, Su Chen has not been recruiting, and the five extra children belong to Gu Qingyu and Jiang Yan. Yes, they are still multiple births.

It has to be said that Su Chen is really strong in this respect.

Su Chen is even stronger. He has fulfilled his promise. Each of the fifteen children has become a world-renowned hero. No matter in character or ability, the fifteen children have no flaws. pillar of the industry.

Based on this, Su Chen and Lao Guo deserve to be honored as great educators!

Su Chen also fulfilled his promise, as long as it is not a matter of original principles, Su Chen will never interfere with the children's choices.

Therefore, the fifteen children of the Su family can do everything, and the biggest feature is that each child's family is very harmonious.

Today is Su Chen's birthday, and the elder brothers started drinking early in the morning, in fact, to vent their depression.

Children are very sensible, but now the world is getting bigger and the distance is longer, and the distance between people is getting farther.

In many families, the children will never see each other again once they leave. Compared with this, the birthday of the parents is not important!
They also understand that the children have their own careers.Comprehensible belongs to understanding, but it really doesn't feel good in my heart.

In the haze, the brothers drank too much.And in the garden, at some point, there suddenly appeared a group of young people. These people formed a circle, and everyone stood solemnly, looking respectfully at the few old people in the garden who were not in good shape.
Reincarnation is a circle. Everyone's life goes from childish to mature, and then from mature to childish.Joy is always illusory, and only those great achievements can be imprinted in the long river of history, but in fact, for a person, joy is always the most important thing.

The essence of happiness is not simply to make yourself happy.The joy that cannot be shared will eventually deteriorate.As the old saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy alone.

Therefore, dedication is not stupid, but a high-level spiritual consumption!
The continuation of civilization depends on the inheritance of firewood, and the essence of inheritance lies in carrying on the past and opening up the future!
The older generation's desire to make the young fully conform to their wishes continues, but ignores the future.

Without a future inheritance, one will eventually die in a stalemate.

The essence of inheritance is to ignite a new fire with the kindling of the past, instead of using all energy to maintain an old fire.

(End of this chapter)

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