Chapter 60 Mr. Moshang
Pour the last bite of rice into the plate of mapo tofu with only soup left, stir it with chopsticks, dye the rice golden red, then pile the rice grains into a small pile, and eat it in one bite, the soft glutinous rice and spicy mapo The mixed deliciousness of tofu juice exploded in the mouth, and the satisfaction at that moment made Yue Yunpeng's fat face full of enjoyment.

Lie back, eyes closed, Yue Yunpeng was satisfied!
Well worth it!
Su Chen and the others were dumbfounded by Yue Yunpeng's eating.Sometimes when I think about it, it is a good thing to have such a fat man who eats like pistachios. At least watching him eat will increase my appetite, and I can eat two more bowls of rice.

After eating, Yue Yunpeng left, he still has performances in the evening.Well, he left with his lunch box again.

In other words, when Yue Yunpeng came here today, besides the gift carefully prepared for Su Chen, what he valued the most was the lunch box that he had been holding tightly in his hand all the time.
For the two people who stayed behind, Yi Zhou took the nucleus carving bracelet that Su Chen gave him, and began to play carefully. It was a bracelet made of olive kernels. There were nine olive kernels in total, each of which was carved The Eight Immortals and a Tai Chi Eight Diagrams!

Yi Zhou is Taoist, so after seeking his opinion, Su Chen carved it specially for him.

Yi Zhou is very fond of the bracelet of the Eight Immortals of Tai Chi. Ever since he took it from Su Chen, the bracelet has never left his hands. Even Yu Qiang refused to see it, as if he planned to keep the bracelet for a lifetime.

There is also a pair of walnuts in Yu Qiang's place, which are engraved with cartoon images of Yu Qiang smoking a cigarette and Yu Qiang drinking alcohol.

The comics are exaggerated so much that the portraits are blurred, only highlighting the three characteristics of smoking, drinking, and hot hair.

After the uncle got the walnuts, he looked at the two figurines and enjoyed himself for a long time, and the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.In the end, I couldn't help but took a photo and posted it on Weibo, and it was on the headlines of Weibo within a short lunch.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are suddenly a lot of private messages on Yu Qiang's Weibo, all of which are asking for the contact information of the nuclear carving master. Many of them are big bosses with a net worth of over one billion, which caught Uncle Yu by surprise , I didn't want to talk to him at first, but I was afraid of offending others, so in the end, I could only post another Weibo explaining that the engraving master would not accept private work before it stopped.

But this is all temporary, Yu Qian is sure, there must be a follow-up to this, and there must be someone who is unwilling to give up and seeks him out for information.

There is no way, Su Chen's carving is at the master level, not to mention unparalleled in the world.As for art, it is really difficult to distinguish between good and bad in general grades, it all depends on personal preference.But once the craftsmanship of a certain piece of art reaches its peak, even ordinary people who don't understand anything can be conquered at a glance.This is the case with Su Chen's works. Even those who just look at the pictures and know a little bit about walnut carving can see how precious Yu Qiang's pair of walnuts are.

So Uncle Ke'er was playful for a while, and couldn't control himself to show off.But I didn't expect to stab a hornet's nest.

But Su Chen seemed very calm after knowing this.

"It's okay, brother Ji'er, if someone asks you about me, you can tell them that the base price of my work is [-] million yuan, and there is no upper limit. If anyone wants to come, you can tell them the address here, and let them come to me in person !"

Yu Qiang was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly realized that he couldn't help being happy.

Su Chen is different from others. Su Chen doesn't need to rely on carving to support his family, so he doesn't need to be polite to anyone. Even if someone blackmails his reputation because of his arrogance, it won't be a big loss to Su Chen .

And with Su Chen's wealth, especially after learning of Su Chen's residence, few people would have the guts to offend Su Chen.

"Yes, then do as you say!" Yu Qiang was not polite to Su Chen. After getting along these few days, they had already received a lot of favor from Su Chen. The altar monkey wine is a rare treasure that no amount of money can buy.

Furthermore, with Su Chen's wealth and ability, whether it is Yu Qiang or Wu Jing and others, they all know in their hearts that they will often take advantage of this kind of "cheapness" in the future. Best of all, human relations need to communicate with each other. Only when we get in touch with each other more, the relationship will become deeper and deeper.

Regarding Su Chen's gift, Yu Qiang and others actually kept it in their hearts, and no one would say it in normal times, and it was unnecessary.Only when Su Chen encounters difficulties is the time to really test his feelings.

After all, it was because they were getting older, and because they drank a lot of wine at noon, after a while, Yi Zhou and Yu Qian became sleepy and went to take a nap.

Su Chen is still full of energy, he is not idle, and continues to write his future plans!Now is the time to lay the foundation. Only when the foundation is laid, can he completely relax in the future.If he is stumbling now, he will not be able to stop in the future.

So in order to relax in the future, Su Chen was diligent once in a while.

In the afternoon, after three o'clock, Yi Zhou and Yu Qiang woke up one after another, took a bath and changed their clothes.If it is Guo Xiaoshi who is careful in handling things, she has been busy buying things for the family today, not to mention Su Chen's side, she changed almost all of her basic necessities of life.

When she came back at noon, she saw that Yi Zhou and Yu Qiang had both drunk, and their clothes must have smelled of alcohol, and they were going to participate in the auction in the evening, so she carefully bought a set of formal clothes for each of them, and asked them to have something to change. .

Not to mention, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou also found out about this after waking up, taking a bath and getting dressed, and they were a little worried at first.Later, seeing Guo Xiaoshi prepared clothes for them, the warmth in their hearts, the two people in their forties, thanked Miss Guo for a good meal.

Uncle Qian'er talked fast for a while, and almost recognized Guo Xiaoshi as a goddaughter, but was stepped on by Yi Zhou in time, and then he woke up in time, and hurriedly changed his mouth!

But it can be seen that the two of them really like Guo Xiaoshi, a beautiful, smart and capable girl.After this incident, the relationship between the three of them became closer again. They were a little cautious before, but now Yu Qian just teases Guo Xiaoshi when he has nothing to do, obviously he doesn't regard her as an outsider.

After playing around for a while, Su Chen was also ready.

He is still wearing a black and white casual Tang suit today. The clothes were bought by Guo Xiaoshi. They are all made of high-quality fabrics. That is, time is tight. These are all ready-made clothes bought by Guo Xiaoshi.However, Guo Xiaoshi has already selected Su Chen as a royal dressmaker, and Su Chen's clothes will all be custom-made in the future.

Although it is a ready-made garment, it is suitable to wear on Su Chen.Su Chen is just a clothes rack, with a perfect figure, the clothes on him are even better than those on the models in the online shop.

At this moment, Su Chen is wearing a black and white casual Tang suit with plum blossom embroidery patterns on it, a pair of casual cloth shoes on his feet, a string of southern red agate bracelets with a starry sky pattern he carved for himself on his left wrist, and a handful of Yi Zhou in his hand. A blank folding fan specially made by carefully selected Suzhou masters.

As soon as he walked out of the gatehouse of the antique courtyard, he really looked like Mr. Moshang who walked out of a painting of the Republic of China!
 Solemnly thank Mr. Rong Jian for the reward of 200 book coins!

  Solemnly thank you ╭"Li Xiansen" for the 999 book coin reward!

  Solemnly thank you for the 588 book coins I want to 'go to heaven'!

  Solemnly thank Mr. Rong Jian for the reward of 200 book coins!

  Emma, ​​this is the fifth reward from Mr. Rongjian!Thank you very much, you are so supportive!Don't say anything, let's go to the code!
  and also
(End of this chapter)

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