Chapter 61


Guo Xiaoshi took a deep breath and looked at Su Chen's eyes.It's not that she's exaggerating, it's the first time she's seen such a handsome and manly guy as Su Chen.Thinking of being the personal butler of such a handsome guy, Guo Xiaoshi would die of happiness.

Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou looked at Su Chen with amazement and envy.

"Brother, your figure, appearance and temperament are definitely no worse than Pan An in ancient times!"

Yi Zhou twirled the bracelet and said with a smile: "Then we have to prepare a convertible for Xiao San'er? Then we won't be short of fruit in the future!"

It is said that every time Pan An went out by car in ancient times, he would attract a large number of teenage fans. The way these fans chased stars was to throw fruit on Pan An's car, so that every time Pan An went home, he would return with a full load. Fruits make fortunes, which is the allusion of "throwing fruits to make money".Yi Zhou was also following what Yu Qiang said.

"That's fine!" Yu Qiang nodded in agreement. "My brother has such a good condition, it's a pity to hide it at home. How about you play two movies with tickets?"

"No!" Before Su Chen could speak, Guo Xiaoshi quit!
"Hmm!" The three of them turned their heads in unison, Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face flushed slightly, just now she blurted out without thinking, but now that the three of them saw her, Guo Xiaoshi also knew that she had overreacted.

After all, Uncle Ji'er is a veteran, after all, he is a fan of Lao Guo, and no one understands the various connotations better than him.

When he saw Guo Xiaoshi's expression, he guessed a thing or two. Knowing that this girl might be jealous, he was secretly happy and didn't expose it. Can’t be a star, or do you think he’s not handsome enough?”

Guo Xiaoshi's face turned even redder, and she glared at Yu Qiang with her big cute eyes, and said angrily, "Teacher Yu, thanks to how good I am to you, you don't turn to me, and you know how to come up with bad ideas! Hmph! I'm leaving, Do whatever you want!"

After speaking, Guo Xiaoshi didn't dare to look at the reaction of the three of them, so she turned her head and left.

Sure enough, the laughter of three men came from behind.

It is still a king SUV, Gao Qing drives, Su Chen and the three sit in the back seat, now when Su Chen goes out, he basically drives this car, Guo Xiaoshi even ordered 25 cars for Su Chen, five sedans, and five off-road vehicles , five SUVs, and ten supercars.The reason for buying so many cars is just to fill up the empty garage.

The 25 cars are all super luxury cars of various brands, and all of them are limited editions.Just 25 cars cost nearly 6 million.Ten sports cars cost more than [-] million.

Because he wanted to get the double crit buff, Su Chen directly asked Guo Xiaoshi to pay the full amount, so before leaving the house, Su Chen's deposit in the card had already become 22 billion.

Of course, no matter how expensive those cars are, Su Chen doesn't care much. The king suv is very comfortable for him to sit in, and he is used to the king. Su Chen doesn't plan to change cars until the king is enough.

Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou also like the king, because the king has a large interior space, even sleeping in it is still very comfortable, and the most important thing is that the king has bulletproof armor, even if there is a car accident, their safety is guaranteed. It is the most reassuring for them.

Around five o'clock, the three of them arrived at the Sovereign Hotel, a five-star hotel near the Star Auction House.

The auction starts at [-]:[-], starts at [-]:[-], and ends around [-]:[-].Because it was too late at the end, many people booked a room here to rest for one night before going back.

Su Chen also opened a room. He didn't come here to live, but to find a place for a few people to stay.

Several people entered the hotel, went straight to the eighth floor, and arrived at the pre-booked room.

Su Chen didn't swipe his card, but knocked on the door first, because the front desk said that someone had already arrived first.Su Chen told Mr. Wu the location of this place before, and agreed to meet here, so they should be the first to arrive.

"Boom boom boom!"

Su Chen knocked on the door, but he didn't expect that it was a woman who opened the door.

Long hair like a cloud waterfall, fair and supple skin, exquisite and perfect facial features, slim figure, and exudes a cool and fairy-like temperament all over her body
Um?A very familiar scene.

Looking at the girl who opened the door, Su Chen was stunned.

After the girl opened the door, she didn't react at first, and only regarded Su Chen and the others as normal guests.But after seeing Su Chen's eyes, she was also stunned.

Seeing that the door opened, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou were about to enter the room when they suddenly noticed that their expressions were not right. They looked at each other and took a step back silently.

After a while, Su Chen was the first to react and smiled at the girl. "Hello, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here."

It's a cliche greeting, but at this moment, Su Chen still doesn't know what to say!
He had seen the girl before, and he was very impressed, not only because of the girl's amazing beauty, but also because Su Chen's family history began with this girl.

Tang Wanning, the owner of the last errand order that Su Chen received, it was because of her that Su Chen got the ten consecutive draws.

Su Chen still had a good impression of Tang Wanning, and even thought about contacting him afterwards.But later, because of one after another, Su Chen almost forgot about it.

However, Su Chen remembered Tang Wanning, but Tang Wanning was still a little confused.She just felt that Su Chen looked familiar, but she didn't recognize it, or she didn't dare to recognize it.

Seeing this, Su Chen frowned slightly at first, and then suddenly thought that he had eaten the Suyan Pill after meeting Tang Wanning, and now his body and appearance have changed a lot, so it's normal for Tang Wanning not to recognize her.

Thinking of this, Su Chen chuckled. "What? Miss Tang, you don't know me after only a few days?"

Tang Wanning looked at Su Chen, thought for a long time, and then asked in doubt, "Are you Su Chen?"

Su Chen was happy. "Yes, you still remember me."

Hearing Su Chen's confession, Tang Wanning's surprised facial features magnified collectively. "Are you really Su Chen?"

"Of course, if you fake it!"

"My God!" Tang Wanning glanced up and down Su Chen in shock, then suddenly stepped forward, hugged Su Chen's arm, and asked excitedly, "My God, why have you changed so much? Did you go for plastic surgery? No, your face doesn’t look like it’s been cut by a knife, and it’s impossible to heal so quickly if you use a knife? Could it be that you used some fairy beauty products? Are the current beauty products so effective? Ahhhh I don’t know, tell me quickly, what brand is it? Is it expensive? No, with such a good effect, I’ll buy it even if I lose everything.”

Su Chen: "."

Looking at Tang Wanning who was so excited, Su Chen was at a loss, and at the same time couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Why are women's brain circuits always so strange?

What did they talk about just now?

 Lying emmmmm, my God, I actually got stuck, the next few pictures feel difficult to write.

  Cover your face!Crazy!
  All right, let's tear up your votes!I won't write today!

(End of this chapter)

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