I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 65 Many Treasures

Chapter 65 Many Treasures
As soon as Mr. Wu explained, everyone understood.Emotional Auction House is an "underground" auction house that is officially approved to recycle antiques lost overseas.

The purpose of this auction house is to collect foreign antiques and bring them back to China to buy. They are only allowed to enter and not allowed to exit. Generally, if you encounter extremely precious antiques, you will definitely buy some of them. Afterwards, many of these antiques will appear in various countries. In the big museum.

Of course, in such an auction house, the buyers are definitely not only Chinese, but there will also be many foreigners. After all, even if you want to buy back antiques, you have to take care of international relations.Moreover, all the lots are from abroad after all, so foreigners cannot be excluded no matter what.

There are actually many rules in it, and some things are not even clear to Mr. Wu.In a word, this auction house has an unfathomable background!
Su Chen flipped through the auction catalog page by page, but he couldn't see anything after reading it for a long time. To appraise an antique, one must see the real thing. Just looking at the photos is almost useless, even if Su Chen has supernatural powers.

There is no other way, Su Chen can only give up and wait quietly for the auction to start.

It didn't make Su Chen wait for too long. This auction house seemed very capricious. When everyone arrived, they didn't wait for the hour. Around [-]:[-], a plump middle-aged woman came onto the stage and began to preside over the auction. .

The middle-aged woman is a veteran, so she didn't talk nonsense when she came up. She briefly introduced the rules of one side, and then started shooting directly.

Because this auction is considered a black market in a sense, there are not so many rules and the process is extremely simple.

The rules of the auction house are to divide all the lots into ten groups, each group has ten to fifteen lots, and before each group is auctioned, everyone has 15 minutes to verify the lots at close range, and then auction off the lots in each group one by one.

Soon, the first group of lots were pushed up one by one.

Most of the lots are stored in a movable counter. Above the counter is a tempered glass cover with the same name. Everyone can identify the authenticity through the glass and cannot physically touch it. This is an extremely test of eyesight.

If the lot is relatively large, such as famous paintings, calligraphy, bronze wares and other literary toys, the auction house also has a unique booth to store the lot.

Half of the lots in the first group were porcelain, as well as two paintings, an ancient sword, a bronze tripod, and three jade ornaments.

After the lot was pushed up, Mr. Wu, Su Chen and others all got up and went to appraise it. Even Yu Qiang and Tang Wanning, who didn't understand literary appreciation at all, came to watch with great interest. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you can watch the excitement.

Su Chen didn't care about other people, and didn't think about wasting time to exercise his eyesight. He directly opened his smart eyes and scanned back from the first lot one by one like a radar.

"Song official kiln famille rose porcelain jar, fake."

"Qianlong Enamel Flower Bowl, Genuine"

"Yongzheng blue and white porcelain counterfeit"

"Shang Zhou bronze tripod, authentic."

"The Emerald Jade Glazed Buddha, the real thing."

After scanning all the way, Su Chen secretly clicked his tongue.

Good guy, as expected of a large auction house, the authenticity rate is so high.There are a total of fourteen lots, and five of them are genuine. The probability is really high.

Su Chen glanced around from the beginning to the end again, and finally looked at the bronze tripod from the late Shang Dynasty.

Undoubtedly, among the fourteen lots, its price is the highest.

In recent years, in foreign auction houses, the price of bronze ware has been rising all the way. The transaction price of a complete bronze ware is in units of [-] million yuan.

Bronze ware transactions are banned in China, and only occasionally one can be seen in such "international" auction houses.

The appearance of this bronze ware is not very good, the body of the tripod is a little broken, and the workmanship is also a little rough. It can be regarded as an ordinary bronze ware.

But even in general, it is a bronze ware from the late Shang Dynasty, and its historical significance cannot be measured by money.

So the moment Su Chen saw this bronze ware was judged to be real by Huiyan, Su Chen was already determined to get this bronze ware.

Su Chen was watching vigorously, and Mr. Wu also joined him, and Mr. Wu looked very excited.

"Xiaochen, what do you think?"

Su Chen glanced at Mr. Wu, knowing that this person had been confirmed, and asked him probably more to ask if he was interested in taking pictures.

After all, Mr. Wu trusted Su Chen more than anyone else.

Su Chen nodded, and leaned close to Mr. Wu's ear and said something. "Don't worry, I'm going to order this tripod!"

Elder Wu looked at Su Chen and nodded in relief, but after a while, Elder Wu regained his senses and held Su Chen to persuade him.

"Xiaochen, do what you can!"

When Su Chen heard this, a warm current surged in his heart.

Although this old Wu is dedicated to serving the country, his character is really impeccable.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, I have a measure."

Elder Wu nodded and didn't say any more.

A quarter of an hour later, the auction began.

The first lot was the emerald jade glazed Buddha.It is a Jade Buddha ornament from the period of the Republic of China, about the size of a basketball. The Jade Buddha is carved with jade as a whole. additional value.

Therefore, the starting price of the first lot is 2500 million.

Su Chen still likes this jade ornament very much, but he didn't participate in the auction. He is ready to raid the auction house for genuine antiques today, but it is an auction after all. He eats meat, so he has to save some soup for others, so Su Chen didn't plan to participate in the auction of some items such as jadeite and jade with little historical value, or cultural relics with low historical value.

The first lot was finally bought by a wealthy businessman from Yimi Country at a price of 3900 million.

After that, the second lot was still jadeite, and Su Chen still didn't participate in the auction.

Yu Qiang, Yi Zhou and the others looked at it hot-eyed, but they were also rational. These things were really not something they could afford, so although they were envious, they didn't have any other thoughts.

Afterwards, lots of lots were sold one after another. Among them, only one piece of fake porcelain from the Ming Dynasty failed to be sold. It is estimated that the workmanship of that piece of porcelain was too poor, and the signs of aging were too obvious. People with a little vision can see it at a glance. come out.However, all the other fakes were sold, and the transaction price was not low. Su Chen clicked his tongue when he saw it.

During this period, he only spent 5000 million yuan to get the Qianlong enamel bowl with flower patterns in Qing Dynasty. level cultural relics.

Among the cultural relics Su Chen has collected so far, the bronze head of the zodiac and the Nine Dragons sword must be national treasures.

For the rest, Yuan Qinghua, Picasso's "Dove and Pea", and the pure gold Buddha statue of the Ming Dynasty bought later can be counted as first-class cultural relics, while others are at most second-class or third-class.

Of course, if the fragments collected by Su Chen were restored into a complete Ru kiln, they would definitely be considered first-class cultural relics.

Qing Dynasty Qianlong enamel colored flower pattern bowls can barely be regarded as first-class, but it is not yet known whether the system recognizes it or not.But that bronze tripod must be considered a first-class cultural relic.

(End of this chapter)

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