I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 66: The Pearl Is Dust?

Chapter 66: The Pearl Is Dust?

"The following lot is a bronze tripod from the late Shang Dynasty. Its value must be clear to everyone in your heart. I don't need to describe it. I will announce that the starting price of the bronze tripod from the Shang Dynasty is 5000 million. Each time the price is increased, it must not be less than 100 million. !"

As soon as the female auctioneer finished speaking, someone began to raise placards.Immediately afterwards, brands from various parties came up one after another, and the price of the bronze tripod soared all the way, reaching 9000 million in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that many people are bound to get this bronze tripod.

However, after the price has risen to 9000 million, there are not many people raising placards. They can only talk about three or five. Although everyone here is rich, but they have to spend nearly [-] million at a time. Everyone has to calm down and think about it. .


Seeing the price of the bronze tripod soaring all the way, Mr. Wu's face became more and more ugly, and he looked at Su Chen hesitating to speak.

He undoubtedly attaches great importance to the bronze tripod, but the price of 9000 million is too high, and Mr. Wu doesn't want Su Chen to go bankrupt because of it.

Seeing the two of them like this, the others knew that Su Chen intended to participate in the shooting, and they couldn't help but click their tongues secretly, no one dared to say more.

Su Chen was very calm.

Will he have no money?He is now worried about how to spend the money.If it weren't for the fear of causing public anger if it was done too harshly, Su Chen would have dared to wrap up all the authentic products today!

Others spend money to participate in the auction, but Su Chen spends money to make money!

Taking a consoling look at Elder Wu, Su Chen sat calmly, never raising the sign in his hand.

It's still early, and the boss is usually the last one to come out and make a final decision.

"Okay, the bid on the 15th is 100 million yuan, and the price of the bronze tripod has officially exceeded [-] million yuan. This is also the first auction item to be sold for more than [-] million yuan today."

The auctioneer was very excited. This auction was considered the most "luxury" in recent years. Among the more than 100 lots, there were countless authentic ones. Many of them were accumulated by the auction house over the years, just to hold a large-scale auction. The reputation of the Galaxy Auction House has risen to a higher level.

And as the auctioneer of this auction, the share she can get afterwards must be an astronomical sum, and she can't help but be excited.

"200 million, another bid! Buyer No. 6 bid 200 million! This is a rare bronze ware in the auction house. I wonder if there are still buyers interested?"

Su Chen looked left and right, saw that there were almost no people raising signs, and secretly thought that the price was about to reach its peak.

He didn't hesitate anymore, he raised the sign in his hand in a leisurely manner, and at the same time he shouted: "1000 million and [-] million!"


All eyes were on Su Chen.They were all taken aback by Su Chen's courage.

It's already at this time, the price is basically finalized, but Su Chen unexpectedly added 800 million in one go.

Everyone is curious who is so arrogant.However, upon seeing this, many people secretly frowned.

It seems that this is also the one who bought the Qianlong porcelain bowl just now, and also raised the price by 500 million as soon as he opened his mouth.
Such a person is either here to make trouble, or he is a real local tyrant.And neither of these two is what other people want to see.

Su Chen didn't care about other people's eyes, he just looked at the female auctioneer calmly, ready to raise the sign in his hand at any time.

However, everyone did not increase the price in the end. This bronze ware is actually worth [-] million yuan, and it would not be worthwhile to add more.


The female auctioneer made a final decision, then stared at Su Chen closely, announcing the auction deal.


Elder Wu on the side heaved a long sigh of relief, he was really nervous just now.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled, and gave Mr. Wu a vaccination in a low voice.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, I have prepared more than a billion yuan today, which is enough to squander. And you don't have to worry about me, I can spend money, so I will naturally make money!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Wu turned his head instantly, looked at Su Chen in shock, and was speechless for a long time.

Soon, the second group of auction items was presented, and Su Chen went up to scan around as usual.

This group is not bad, there are four authentic works, but Su Chen only bought one of them, a landscape painting from the Tang Dynasty, which cost 8000 million.

In the third group, Su Chen took a piece of Tang Dynasty ancient jade and spent 500 million, but the historical value of this object is not very high.

In three sets of auctions, Su Chen made four attempts, all of which were successful, and spent nearly 5000 million yuan. This kind of spending money like water and spending a lot of money caused many people to look sideways at Su Chen, and they all thought to themselves, this young man It's the rich young master of which family in the capital.

As for Yu Qiang and Liu Yun who were sitting by the side, seeing Su Chen spend more than [-] million yuan in less than an hour, they were all numb from Su Chen's fright, and even Mr. Wu couldn't sit still. .

Su Chen was still very calm.

He is here to spend money today, so where is this going?
After buying two first-class cultural relics, Su Chen was in a good mood, but he had been looking forward to it, if he could meet a national treasure, even though he knew that the possibility of this was very small.

However, Su Chen didn't expect that just after he finished expressing his emotions, there was an unexpected harvest in the fourth group of lots.

"Jiuhua Jade of the Han Dynasty, genuine product, average quality (can be cleaned) special remarks: This object is an accessory for the Chixiao Sword!"



Looking at the explanation of Huiyan, Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and some did not react.

Akasaka Sword?Why does it sound familiar?

The next moment, Su Chen was shocked.

Fog Grass!Isn't the Chixiao Sword one of the top ten famous swords in the legend?It is said that this sword is the sword used by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty to kill the White Snake Uprising. It was made by the most famous swordsmith at that time, and the sword body imitates the Qin sword.Showing patterns, decorated with colorful beads and Jiuhua jade, the cold light is compelling!The blade is like frost and snow!
The Akasaka Sword is definitely a national treasure. Many people even suspect that this sword only exists in legends and is fabricated by history.

But the general saying is that the sword was buried in the ground, and the oxidation disappeared.

Needless to say, the preciousness of the Chixiao Sword, the Jiuhua Jade as an accessory on the Chixiao Sword, its historical value will be infinitely elevated, but the premise is that there is evidence to prove that this jade is an accessory of the Chixiao Sword.

But this is almost impossible.After all, the Akasaka Sword has long since disappeared.There is no Chixiao Sword, but based on some documents, there is no way to judge the historical identity of Jiuhuayu.After all, there are too many jade wares from ancient times to the present.

But Su Chen was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was even more excited.

Because although he couldn't prove Jiuhuayu's true identity, he was able to pick a leak secretly.

Now this piece of Jiuhua jade is just a piece of ordinary white marble in the eyes of others, with a maximum value of 1000 million, but in the system, this piece of jade is an accessory of Chixiao Sword, worth at least [-] million!

In other words, once Su Chen buys it at a low price, it can be regarded as a successful miss, which means that he will get another national treasure rewarded by the system!

(End of this chapter)

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