I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 69 Another National Treasure

Chapter 69 Another National Treasure

After the red rabbit horse ornaments, there are two more luxury items of Wenwan, which are not of high value, but Su Chen bids every time.

Yi Zhou also seemed to be enlightened, and he understood, and started a furious bidding with Su Chen.Of course, every time the price of the lot reaches a critical point, one of Yi Zhou and Su Chen will always withdraw.

And the others were only focused on watching the show, mainly because this round except for the red rabbit horse ornaments, the others were not very good, so no one bothered the two "rich second generations"'s prank game.

The female auctioneer was quite happy at first, but gradually he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because he found that the eyes of these two people seemed to be a bit poisonous, and the two seemed to be bidding in anger, but the actual transaction price was not very high, not even as high as the expected transaction price before the auction.

The main reason is that both of them are angry, so every time the price increase is very large, it makes people feel that the two are really angry, rather than bidding, and then someone will always withdraw at the peak.

This is a bit too much!
The auctioneer clenched his teeth, he was very angry, he was angry and helpless at the behavior of the two of them.

But maybe the two of them acted too realistically, the auctioneer didn't see the tricks between the two, but felt a little uncomfortable with the gas in his stomach.

Finally, to Jiuhuayu!

Su Chen patted his thigh casually, then knocked on Erlang's leg, and leaned back.

Yi Zhou was right next door to Su Chen, and he could see Su Chen's actions very clearly. When he saw Su Chen's acting, and then looked at the lot of Jiuhuayu on the stand, he suddenly realized that most of the people behind this group were Wen. When it comes to luxury goods, only this one has something to do with antiques, and he also knows that Su Chen is from all kinds of antiques today.Combined with Su Chen's actions, Yi Zhou guessed that this was his goal, and couldn't help but get serious.

". This piece of Jiuhua jade from the Qin and Han Dynasties has five kinds of color. The jade is warm and moist, with a simple shape and high historical value. It is also very suitable for hand-playing. It is a rare and rare treasure. If you like it, don't miss it. .Good! This piece of Qin and Han Jiuhua jade has a base price of 600 million, and each price increase must not be less than [-]! The auction is now on! "

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, Su Chen directly raised his placard, and at the same time said harshly: "I'll offer 800 million! You son of a bitch, if you have the ability, continue to follow. I'll see who will give up first today!"

Su Chen directly increased the price by 200 million, and the others immediately understood that this was the beginning again, and they all looked at Yi Zhou.

When Yi Zhou heard this, he directly confirmed in his heart that this piece of jade was Su Chen's target. Although he didn't see anything special about this piece of jade, he was relieved.

Finally no need to pretend!What's the matter, although it feels good to have no money to recharge big money, but it's really nervous and breaking out in a cold sweat!

So exciting!
Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Yi Zhou cooperated and said, "Cut! Three bastards, you bid 800 million for such a piece of broken jade? Are you out of your mind? And what is there to fight for this little money? You have the guts to wait for the big one later!"

Su Chen secretly gave Yi Zhou a thumbs up, and shouted loudly. "Oh! If you admit defeat, you will admit defeat. What excuses are you looking for? This is the only thing. If you like to play or not, I will not follow you!"

After speaking, he leaned back, as if he was relieved.

Yi Zhou sneered cooperatively, shook his head, and said nothing.

Others get it.The game of anger between these two is over!It is estimated that the young man has no money in his pocket. After all, he spent more than [-] million when he got angry just now, and he has already spent more than [-] million, which is almost the same.

When the good show came to an end, everyone was a little unsatisfied, but at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief.

The two masters finally calmed down.If they don't stop, wouldn't they come today in vain?Fortunately, there is nothing good in this round except the red rabbit horse. After watching a big show, the loss is not too big, not a loss!
It stopped below, but the female auctioneer on the stage was secretly itching with anger!
What the hell, 800 million!It is the lowest standard transaction price again!

When these two little bastards quarreled, she lost at least 50 yuan in share. If they hadn't quarreled, the prices of the previous auctions would have been higher!
Fortunately, the two little bastards stopped temporarily.

The female auctioneer didn't talk nonsense, it's been three rounds, no matter what he said, no one raised their cards except Yi Zhou and Su Chen, and it's the same this time.

Boom boom boom!
The female auctioneer dropped three hammers perfunctorily, and the lot was sold!

At the moment when the last hammer fell, a voice instantly sounded in Su Chen's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up Jiuhua Jade, and reward one or a set of lost world-class rare treasures! Do you want to receive it?"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, what the hell, it's so dangerous!

Su Chen clicked on the task details and checked. The definition given by the system is that the purchase price is not higher than one-tenth of the price given by the system, and the system judges that the price of Jiuhuayu is 800 million. If he does not With these routines, the final transaction price may be higher than 980 million. After all, the value of ancient jade in the Qin and Han Dynasties is still very high, and the quality of this piece of Jiuhua jade itself is not bad.

It seems that money is not everything sometimes, and effective routines are truly invincible.

After receiving the reward, Su Chen originally wanted to go home and cash it out, but when he thought that the received reward could be stored in the system space, he did not withdraw it yet.Thinking of the particularity of Jiuhuayu, Su Chen thought about it and clicked to receive it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Akasaka Sword (incomplete) as a national treasure!"


Su Chen was secretly happy. Su Chen guessed that the national treasure to be rewarded might be this piece. After all, he missed Jiuhuayu. With the caring temper of the boss of the system, it is impossible for Jiuhuayu to be alone and lonely!
This time he has a plan in mind, and there is a reason for his explanation of Jiuhuayu!
There are only two national treasures left!
Maybe today can really complete the task?

Su Chen secretly looked forward to it!

Su Chen was not bidding on the next lot. He and Yi stopped bidding on Monday, and the others regained their enthusiasm for bidding. The female auctioneer on the stage finally had a sincere smile.

Order was finally restored.

After a while, the fourth group ended.

The fifth group of lots was pushed up immediately, and Su Chen took the stage again.Others followed suit.

Yi Zhou pretended to be nonchalant and followed behind Su Chen, and the two passed each other normally, but Su Chen said something in a low voice when they were in the wrong position. "Second brother, wait for my signal, the show will continue!"

Yi Zhou shuddered all over!

The fifth group has a small blue-glazed bowl from JDZ in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. It has high historical value and is extremely precious. It can be regarded as a national first-class cultural relic.

There is also a pair of calligraphy copybooks by Mi Fu, a calligrapher of the Song Dynasty, which is extremely precious and can be regarded as a first-class cultural relic.

Su Chen didn't let go, but he didn't bid. Instead, he asked Liu Yun and Tang Wanning to call for the price.

But this is just to cover up, the two girls came with him, and when they called for prices, others would naturally think that it was Su Chen who was calling for the price. The reason why Su Chen didn't call for it himself was to give Yi Zhou a reason not to call for the price.

After all, it would be a shame to bid with the woman Yi Zhou brought.

Others also saw Su Chen's thoughts, and secretly scolded Su Chen as a chicken thief, and some who were not convinced followed suit to increase the price, but Su Chen was not short of money for these two lots, and let the two girls bid as much as they wanted.

In the end, two treasures were bought at a price of 9000 million!
This also made everyone shocked Su Chen's financial resources again, and at the same time, they were stunned by what happened just now!
Don't you have no money?Did you pretend just now?Why is this grandson so thoughtful?What are you going to do?
(Third more, and.)

(End of this chapter)

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