I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 70 The Final Windfall

Chapter 70 The Final Windfall
In the last three groups, there were no more treasures, most of them were jade and emerald luxury goods. After all, antiques of the national first-class cultural relic level are hard to find. To get four pieces at one auction is already very good.

Of course, it was these four things that almost made Su Chen the target of public criticism.

Because he almost got all the best treasures in the antique category. Fortunately, except for Jiuhuayu, he didn't start with luxury goods such as jade and jade, otherwise it might really arouse public outrage and end badly.

After three consecutive sets, there were no good treasures, and Su Chen's interest was a little off.In fact, it wasn't just him, he took part in eight consecutive shoots, and many people couldn't keep up physically.

Appreciating treasures is actually a very mentally consuming task. To distinguish the true from the false requires a combination of various realities.But for this auction, the auction house frantically filled it with dozens of fakes, which made people dazzled.

In fact, this is also a routine. After appreciating this kind of thing, the energy will become weaker the later, and those who are slightly unsteady will become perfunctory, so it is easy to be mistaken. This is why most of the last three groups are fakes. The auction house is counting on this time to make money.

Fortunately, the auction house is quite conscientious. In the ninth group, they finally released two more treasures.

A Buddhist scripture from the Tang Dynasty and a cash cow from the Han Dynasty are both considered national first-class cultural relics.

It has to be said that the quality of the lots offered by Xinghe Auction House is really high. Not only are there a large number of luxury goods such as jewelry, jade and jadeite, but there are also six antiques of the national first-class cultural relic level.

This is estimated to be the property that Galaxy Auction House has accumulated for at least five years.

However, it is a little strange that Galaxy Auction has put so much effort into organizing an auction without large-scale publicity beforehand, and there is no preview to maximize the benefits, and even the number of people participating in the auction is not very large.

The most important thing is that there are not many foreigners in this auction, otherwise Yi Zhou and Su Chen would not have been so arrogant before!After all, foreign businessmen are not afraid of Hua Guofu's second generation.

Many people speculated that the auction had been intervened by the higher authorities.Especially for those few national first-class cultural relics, after the auction is successful, it is very likely that individuals will not be able to keep them in the end.Therefore, the well-informed and thoughtful people present were not very interested in antique auctions.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to it at first, but later, he gradually realized that something was wrong, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked Mr. Wu beside him in a low voice.

"Mr. Wu, why do I feel something is wrong? Is this auction house legal? The country won't take back the treasures I bought, right?"

The state allows individual collectors to collect cultural relics from legal sources, but if it is not legal, it is open to question.Of course, in fact, this aspect is very loosely controlled, and generally no one will take it seriously, but this auction is different. This auction house has many official shadows, and it is hard to guarantee that someone will make trouble.

Mr. Wu cast a glance at Su Chen, and said with a smile, "You're a clever kid! Don't worry, with me here, no one will grab your things by force!"

Su Chen smiled sheepishly, but felt a little uncertain, and began to plan secretly in his heart.

Although there is no bottom line, but you should buy it, you still have to buy it, and it doesn't cost him anyway.But this time he didn't sell it himself, but asked Yi Zhou to buy it. After all, he is now considered a rich second generation. If he didn't buy a few treasures, wouldn't he be exposed?
The two treasures cost Su Chen more than [-] million, but Su Chen didn't care at all.

I began to look forward to the last group of lots in my heart. According to common sense, this group of lots would usually have a big boss!

Sure enough, Su Chen looked from the back to the front this time, and when he saw the last lot, his heart twitched instantly.

It is a brush washer carved from Hetian jade as a whole. The overall jade is warm and milky white. The tourmaline is smooth inside the mirror, while the outside is full of auspicious clouds and jade dragon reliefs. All the patterns seem to be attached to the brush washer. Above, the shape is extremely realistic, the carving is extremely exquisite, and it is an extremely precious cultural treasure.

Su Chen decided that this baby was extraordinary at a glance, and hurriedly opened his eyes to take a look, and sure enough
"Auspicious Cloud Panlong Hetian Jade Brush Washer in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Genuine."

He knew that this cultural relic was once collected in a certain museum in the west. It was an absolute national treasure, but it was stolen later, but unexpectedly appeared here.

Su Chen was in a daze, and Mr. Wu also squeezed up. After looking at the brush through the glass for a while, Mr. Wu raised his head excitedly, and asked Su Chen, "Xiao Chen, what do you think?"

Su Chen secretly rolled his eyes. "Mr. Wu, what do I think is useful? I'll buy this thing back, are you sure I can keep it?"

Although those antique relics were precious, after all, he bought them with real money, and with the help of Mr. Wu, it is not difficult to keep them.

But this Hetian jade brush wash is definitely a national treasure. The country cannot allow him to live outside, and the auction house itself is illegal. If the country wants to take it back, he really can't say. dedication.

Of course, saying so, in fact, the moment Su Chen saw the brush washer, he had already decided to take a picture of it.

Even if he can't keep such cultural relics, handing them over to the country is the best choice.

Mr. Wu saw Su Chen's thoughts, but Mr. Wu didn't care, because he had a countermeasure before he came. In fact, the reason why he asked Su Chen to come here was probably for this pen wash.

"Xiaochen, I know what you mean. I don't have too much power, so I can't give you too many guarantees. The only thing I can guarantee is that if you take this brush wash, your museum will be established in the future. This brush wash will definitely be returned to its original owner!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up, did not expect to have unexpected gains?
"Old Wu, this statement is true!"

Old Wu smiled gently. "What? Can't you trust me?"

"Trust it, absolutely trust it!" Su Chen chuckled. "Mr. Wu, don't worry, I will order this brush washer!"

Hearing this, Elder Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he knew that many of the people here today were his own people, but these people may not be really reliable. Just in case, Mr. Wu still prefers to trust Su Chen.He believes in his own eyesight and will not misjudge anyone!
With the promise of Mr. Wu, Su Chen was relieved.The wisdom eye is not closed, just drive all the way to explore.

But to his disappointment, the last group was all rubbish, not even a decent luxury item, and they were basically fakes.

But thinking about it, there is that national treasure, and other treasures are placed here, it is definitely a hidden gem, VIPs are likely to abandon other things for that national treasure, and the auction house will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

After thinking about this, Su Chen was a little disappointed and wanted to close his wisdom eyes. Unfortunately, there is only one first-class cultural relic short of it!

However, just when he saw the last lot and wanted to close his eyes, he suddenly froze.

Hold the grass, this is the end, can you still pick up the leak?
I saw that the last lot was a jade pot and spring vase. Judging from the characteristics of the vase, it was a typical style of enamel-colored porcelain in the Qianlong era.

However, the workmanship on the surface of the bottle is somewhat new, and the materials used are not correct. It is obviously a post-processing imitation.

But Su Chen's insightful eyes told him that this is a treasure!

 Last update!It's four o'clock, I can't stand it anymore!I didn't expect the efficiency to be so poor at night, and I wrote four chapters in six hours.Tomorrow. No, let’s write again tonight. I really can’t stand it anymore!

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(End of this chapter)

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