I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 71 Seeing the Routine Again

Chapter 71 Seeing the Routine Again
"Song Guan Kiln Ru Porcelain Jade Pot and Spring Vase: Genuine, high-grade, with painted camouflage on the outside, can be removed, and the removal method is"

Looking at the intelligent eye explanation about the jade pot spring bottle, Su Chen opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth.

How bad is my luck?

It doesn't matter if you meet a Jiuhua jade, but you can even touch the disguised Ruci?

As the saying goes, being rich is not as good as being rich!Su Chen found a set of Ru porcelain fragments before and was so happy that he couldn't find it, let alone a complete piece of Ru porcelain now?And the appearance is still high-quality, such a treasure, even if it is placed in the Forbidden City, it is a proper first-class cultural relic!Even if it's not first-class, it's not much different!

In fact, in terms of preciousness, this Ru porcelain is no worse than the Xiangyun Panlong Hetian jade brush wash, but the Hetian jade brush was washed by the emperor. According to Mr. Wu, it was the thing used by Emperor Chongzhen. It was also used by Emperor Kangxi, but from the perspective of historical value, Yuhu Chunping Ru porcelain is really not that interesting.

However, Panlong Brush Wash has been targeted by people. This auction house is a trap, and there are shadows of major national museums everywhere. If Mr. Wu can't bear the pressure, Su Chen may have to lose money. After all, this auction The practice itself is illegal, so Su Chen is not very interested in brush washing now.

But this Ru porcelain vase is different, as long as he doesn't say anything, probably no one will be able to see that the enamel colored vase itself is a disguise of Ru porcelain, and he can definitely make a fortune in silence.

buy it!Must buy!wrong!This can still be missed!
Su Chen suddenly discovered that as long as he completes this leak, the first chain task can be completed!

Thinking of this, Su Chen became even more excited.

Forced to calm down, Su Chen rolled his eyes and had another idea.Looking around, he found a figure with a beautiful figure, and Su Chen leaned over calmly.


Su Chen put his arms around Tang Wanning's shoulders.

Tang Wanning was taken aback. She was attacked suddenly, and instinctively wanted to fight back. However, when she heard Su Chen's voice, her whole body shook, her face turned red, she lowered her head slightly, and spoke softly. Ask: "What are you doing?"

Um?so direct?Su Chen scratched his head, didn't dare to argue, changed the subject and said, "Then what, I want to ask you for a favor?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Wanning frowned, pouted and hummed softly, "Let's hear it!"

Su Chen looked around, then put his head close to Tang Wanning's ear, and muttered softly.

Feeling the heat coming from her ears, Tang Wanning was shy at first, but after hearing Su Chen's words, Tang Wanning opened her mouth in shock and whispered, "What? No, no! I won't!"

Su Chen scratched his head. "Oh, help me! This matter is very important to me, female hero, the world is in an emergency, and there must be a big thank you afterwards!"

Tang Wanning's eyes lit up. "Thank you for what?"

Su Chen happily said: "You say, as long as it's not too much, anything is fine!"

Tang Wanning's heart moved, and she was about to blurt out a sentence, but she changed it temporarily when she reached her mouth. "I'm unemployed, can you help me find a job?"

That's it?

Su Chen agreed directly. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Tang Wanning was happy. People who have never lost their jobs do not know the hardships of finding a job. It is really too painful.In the past few days, she was so worried about this matter that she couldn't eat. She didn't expect that it would be solved when she went out to relax and play.

She didn't have any doubts about Su Chen's words. It was too easy for someone who could easily spend hundreds of millions to buy antiques to introduce a job to others.

"Great! Don't worry, what you said is covered by Miss Ben!"

"Okay! This matter is done for me, I invite you to dinner, and I will cook myself!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Wanning let out a sneer, and her saliva immediately came out!The meal that Su Chen cooked last time almost made her cry, it's not that she's worthless, it's that she has grown up so much, it's the first time she has eaten such a delicious dish!
That one sip made her drooling in dreams many times in the middle of the night, and now when she heard that she could eat Su Chen's dishes, Tang Wanning almost jumped up excitedly.

"By the way? What's so good about that bottle? Even someone like me who doesn't understand antiques can tell that its workmanship is very ordinary! Why do you like it?"

Su Chen smiled slightly. "There are too many people talking, I will explain to you when I go back!"

When Tang Wanning heard this, she stopped asking and nodded obediently.

The two made an appointment, and the time was almost up.Tang Wanning graciously took Su Chen's arm and walked back.

Liu Yun, Mr. Wu and Yu Yizhou who passed by were dumbfounded.

what's going on?When did these two get together?too fast?
Seeing this scene, Liu Yun frowned tightly, her eyes were struggling, she didn't know what she was thinking.

The eyes of the others were very calm. In fact, many people thought that Su Chen and Tang Wanning were a couple from the very beginning. After all, they were both talented and beautiful, and they came together. It was hard not to be suspected.

Everyone returned to their positions and sat down.

The last time the female auctioneer stepped onto the stage was the tenth round. Everyone was exhausted. The female auctioneer didn't talk nonsense and started the auction directly.

The first three lots were all unsold, or in other words, the tenth group had nothing good except brush washers, and no one who could sit here could appreciate those defective items.The auction house actually wanted to fish in troubled waters, to see if they could take advantage of them, but now it seemed that even though everyone was exhausted, they still had the vision and reason they should have.

Even though the female auctioneer was mentally prepared for the three genres, she was still a little frustrated.

After quickly introducing the fourth lot, the female auctioneer set the price as if she were dealing with it: "Qianlong enamel colorful jade pot and spring vase, the base price is 80, and each increase must not be less than [-]. The auction starts now!"

The female auctioneer actually gave up all hope. The condition of this lot is not as good as the previous one. At least the previous lot is fake, but the forgery is also very good, and laymen can't tell it at all.But seeing the bottle, even a layman can see that the level of imitation is mediocre.

Sure enough, after the female auctioneer finished speaking, there was silence below, and some people even became a little impatient.

Su Chen looked around, opened his mouth impatiently and said, "Don't waste time, let's be next!"

Su Chen faked today's image as a dandy and arrogant rich second generation, so he suddenly spoke, and others didn't think it was wrong, and some even supported it, so it's really a waste of time for this crap to be auctioned.

However, as soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Tang Wanning, who was "nuggling" beside Su Chen, suddenly said in a "low voice", "Honey, I think this bottle is very beautiful! Why don't you buy it for me!"

Tang Wanning's voice was very low, but the auction house was already very quiet, so most of what she said could be heard.

Everyone's reaction after hearing this was that this woman is a canary, it's just that the canary's vision is too bad!

 So what, I didn't update last night, I didn't dare to read the comments today, for fear of being scolded!
  Explain weakly, I really don't blame me, maybe I haven't stayed up late for too long, and suddenly I can't stand it, how could it hurt my body to want to stay up late!
  Headache, brain fever, and discomfort all over the body, I was so scared that I almost thought something was wrong.After resting for a whole day, I am just recovering now!I was thinking about yesterday's counting and adding more, but it was smoothed out again and again, and adding more failed again!

  I want to cry without tears!
  I can still write a chapter in a while, it is a normal update, I will fight for it tomorrow, and now I don’t dare to speak big, it’s too embarrassing!
  (ps: I read the comments before, and some book friends said that I wrote too much about the handing over of cultural relics to the country. I hurriedly checked the information and found that I was indeed a bit too much, so I hurriedly changed it. It does not affect the plot, and I will write it later I will pay attention! It’s my first time to write cultural relics, I’m a bit negligent, I’m sorry, I will try my best to check the information before writing, and everyone is welcome to continue to criticize and correct, as long as the point of view is correct, I will definitely change it!)
(End of this chapter)

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