I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 72 The final interpretation right belongs to the system!

Chapter 72 The final interpretation right belongs to the system!
Su Chen secretly sighed in his heart, women are really good actors.Tang Wanning's whining voice was really in place, even though she knew she was acting, Su Chen still couldn't help itching.

With a light cough, Su Chen "frowned" and said, "This is just a broken bottle, what do you want him for?"

Tang Wanning coquettishly said: "Oh, I like it!"

Su Chen pretended to shake his head helplessly. "Buy it if you like it!" Then he raised his head and said deliberately to the female auctioneer, "What's the reserve price?"

The corner of the female auctioneer's mouth twitched, forced a smile, and replied: "The base price is 80, and the price will increase every time."

The female auctioneer was interrupted by Su Chen before she finished speaking.

"So cheap? Round it up, let's say 100 million!"

When the others heard this, they shook their heads secretly.

What a dandy!Such a broken bottle, actually spent 100 million to buy it?My brain is sick!

The female auctioneer was very happy, without much ink, she dropped the hammer directly.

At the same time, he was relieved, this group finally opened. It was only then that he realized that Su Chen, a rich second generation, had finally become a second generation. It was right to spend so much money!Unfortunately, the auction is coming to an end!
Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief!Fortunately, no surprises and no dangers!
It's not that he did anything extra, but that he had good eyesight before. At least the things he bought were basically worth the money. Even that piece of Jiuhua jade was regarded as an equivalent purchase in the eyes of others.

And this jade pot and spring vase can be seen as belonging to a street stall, not even worth 1000 yuan. If Su Chen auctions it rashly, someone will think that there is something tricky in it and bid with him.

Su Chen is not afraid of spending money, but he is afraid of failing to pick up leaks.

That's great, everything went well.

This is how to behave and do things, sometimes you still need to use more ideas and wisdom!
Elder Wu, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou all looked at Su Chen vaguely.

If others don't know, how can they not know?Su Chen is not the kind of person who spends money recklessly. Although Su Chen is generous, every time he spends money, he must have a purpose.Besides, this girl Tang Wanning is not a beggar!

There must be something wrong here!

Several people felt itchy in their hearts, they were extremely curious, but they could only hold back!

Another round of shooting!

During the period, the female auctioneer frequently winked at Su Chen, but Su Chen just smiled back, and then remained indifferent. The angry female auctioneer's teeth were itching!
Why is this kid so weird?Is the old lady's charm gone?
The female auctioneer is a little suspicious of her life!

Finally, the last lot, the National Treasure Panlong Brush Wash!

The female auctioneer doesn't need to introduce more, most of the people here are here for this.

The base price is 500 million, and each increase must not be less than [-] million!

Similarly, as soon as the female auctioneer finished speaking, several signs were raised at the same time.

Su Chen is a little tired, it's the last lot, and I bought everything that should be bought, and I don't need to pretend, so there is no need to waste time!

Su Chen raised the sign without hesitation, and said lightly: "One billion!"


A price increase of [-] million?You are going crazy!

Everyone was taken aback by Su Chen's wealth.

Immediately, some people were very upset!
This junior is too rude!It’s okay to snatch so many good treasures away before, but you can also snatch this kind of national treasure?Then why are we here?
Many people didn't make a move before, in fact, they bought this one just to accumulate energy!
So even though Su Chen spoke loudly and boldly this time, he didn't frighten people.

As soon as Su Chen placed the card, someone raised the card and shouted: "One billion fifty million!"

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, spending money!He loves it so much!

"12 billion!"

Su Chen made an offer again!

Many people trembled in their hearts.

"13 billion!" A middle-aged man gritted his teeth and quoted a price!
Su Chen straightened his sleeves in a leisurely manner, then slowly raised his sign and said, "15 billion!"


Hearing this price, there are a few popular pen-hold shots!
Arrogant, so arrogant!
How can there be such a price?It takes a long time to think about a price increase of 5000 million. Your price increase is [-] to [-] million, which is too much. Your money is blown by the wind, right?

For those who couldn't figure it out, they looked at Su Chen with envy and resentment.

This shows that it is inevitable!
A few people who really like the brush wash look tangled.

[-] billion, already exceeded their psychological price!
But brush washes are very precious, [-] billion is not too much, and they can take out more, but seeing Su Chen ready to raise a placard at any time, these people are hesitant and dare not bid easily.

It’s fine if you can get a pen wash if you pay a price. If you can’t get it and offend someone out of thin air, then it’s a no-brainer. It’s said that young people nowadays are all narrow-minded!

In the end, reason overcame desire, and no one bid anymore!

One hammer down!This auction is officially over!

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, today's auction is not easy!
Calling out the system, Su Chen looked at the harvest and was taken aback. Su Chen spent a total of 24 billion this time!

The double critical hit cashback is 48 billion, plus the previous deposit, Su Chen is now worth 70 billion!
It’s not that I don’t know, but I’m startled, the more money I spend, the more I spend, it’s so annoying, what should I do?
After glancing at the deposit, Su Chen stopped paying attention.Mainly look at today's lot.

Su Chen pinched his fingers and counted, there are quite a lot.

Bronze tripod at the end of the Shang Dynasty, Chitu Ma Hongfei ornaments, Jiuhua jade in the Qin and Han Dynasties, landscape paintings by the famous painter Li Sixun in the Tang Dynasty, ancient jade in the Tang Dynasty, enamel flower pattern bowls in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, ancient jade in the Tang Dynasty, and a Buddhist scripture in the Tang Dynasty , a money tree from the Han Dynasty, a small blue-glazed bowl from JDZ in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, a copybook by Mi Fu, a calligrapher in the Song Dynasty, Ru porcelain and a Panlong brush washer.

Among them, there are seven first-class cultural relics obtained indirectly or directly!There are also three national treasures, the Panlong Brush Wash, the Chixiao Sword, and the national treasure that has not yet been claimed due to missing Ruci!

Seven first-class cultural relics, three national treasures and 48 billion cash!
The harvest of this night is enough for Boss Wang to complete more than 90 small goals!

Su Chen is very satisfied!
He happily followed everyone out of the auction house, and at the same time, the system's continuous reminder sounded in his head.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the large-scale chain task-the main task of building the world's greatest museum (1): Collect at least five national treasure-level cultural relics and ten national first-level cultural relics!
Reward: One billion cash, one medium-sized museum exhibition hall, five cultural relic restoration cards, and five random cultural relic lucky draw cards!
Main task (2): To be triggered! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully picking up the Song Dynasty official kiln and Ru kiln jade pot and spring vase, and reward the national treasure: "Yongle Dadian" original [-] volumes!"

"?????" After hearing this, Su Chen said hello with his mind full!
"System, didn't you agree to reward one or a set of national treasures? What do you mean by rewarding only a part?"

However, there was no movement in the system, and he didn't want to talk to Su Chen at all.

Su Chen was bored, so he could only think for himself.

Huh?It seems that the zodiac signs also only give part of a complete set!The Akasaka Sword is also incomplete!
So, the final explanation is what is given by the system?

 Come on come on!This chapter is too late, I can't write it, otherwise I will stay up all night again, and continue tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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