I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 73 The Grand Canon of Yongle

Chapter 73 The Grand Canon of Yongle

"Yongle Dadian" is a collection of ancient Chinese classics compiled by Ming Chengzu Zhu Di successively ordered Xie Jin, Yao Guangxiao and others to preside over the compilation during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty. There are seven or eight thousand kinds of books in ancient and modern times.

It is a magnificent masterpiece written by Emperor Yongle with the purpose of "collecting the books of the classics and history from hundreds of schools, as well as astronomy, topography, yin and yang, medicine and divination, monk Taoism, and skills, and compiling them into one book".

The content of "Yongle Dadian" includes scriptures, history, sons, collections, astronomy and geography, yin and yang medical skills, divination, interpretation of Taoist scriptures, drama, crafts, and agriculture, covering the knowledge wealth of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

"Encyclopedia Britannica" called "Yongle Dadian", a Chinese Ming Dynasty book "Yongle Dadian", "the largest encyclopedia in the history of the world" in the "Encyclopedia" entry.

The status of "Yongle Dadian" in history is unquestionable, and the entire original "Yongle Dadian" is definitely comparable to the existence of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

It's a pity that such a magnificent masterpiece has not been handed down. Some people say that the original "Yongle Dadian" is in Yongling, but there is no evidence.However, the copies suffered catastrophe, most of which were destroyed by fire and war, and a considerable part was stolen by later generations in the name of repairing the books. Now there are only more than 800 volumes left scattered all over the world.

Although the system only rewarded 1000 copies of "Yongle Canon" this time, Su Chen has no dissatisfaction, because these 1000 copies of "Yongle Canon" are definitely much more precious than Chixiao Sword, the two are not even comparable !
This is the biggest gain today!
Su Chen was extremely excited, even more excited than the sudden increase of the small treasury to 70 billion.In terms of value alone, it is said that someone is now appraising that a manuscript copy of the "Yongle Dadian" in the Jiajing period is worth 3000 to 300 million yuan, so wouldn't a thousand copies be [-] to [-] billion yuan?

This is just a handwritten copy, but what Su Chen got here is the original?How much is that?
Of course, accounts cannot be calculated in this way. Rare things are more expensive. Once the quantity goes up, the price will come down.

But Su Chen is sure that if he wants to sell these 1000 original copies, even if the asking price is 100 billion, they will be snapped up like crazy!
But that is to say, let alone 100 billion, even if it is 1000 billion or [-] trillion, no one can come up with that much money at once, even if he can, he will not sell it, and he is not short of money!

There was a lot of chatter, and a few people didn't talk much at the auction house. Yi Zhou was even in the play, and he didn't speak when he saw Su Chen, and even snorted coldly.

Several people divided into two groups, Su Chen, Tang Wanning, and Liu Yun went directly to the underground parking lot to take a car, while Wu Lao and others waited above, try not to let people see that they are in the same group, of course, it's okay to see.

After a lot of tossing, after everyone got on the bus, it was already 11 o'clock.

Everyone was tired, and as soon as they got in the car, everyone lay down on the seat and took a nap.

Fortunately, the king's seat was big enough. Su Chen sat in the front co-pilot, Wu Lao, Yu Qiang, and Yi Zhou sat in the back, and Tang Wanning and Liu Yun sat in the same seat.Originally, the two girls wanted to go back to the hotel, but they were stopped by Su Chen. This place is relatively remote, not close to anyone's house, and there is no one to take care of the two girls staying in the hotel in case something happens.

There was nothing to say all the way, and at about twelve o'clock, everyone returned home.

Su Chen had asked Han Yun to cook a few dishes at home, and they hadn't eaten well at night, and now they just had some supper.

Elder Wu, Liu Yun, and Tang Wanning all came to Su Chen's courtyard for the first time, and they were all shocked when they entered the courtyard.It's okay for Mr. Wu to say that she has seen the world, and Liu Yun is also okay. She has a relatively calm temperament, and even if she is shocked, she won't show it on her face.

Only Tang Wanning, a girl, exclaimed and praised all kinds of things as soon as she entered the courtyard, and she was more like a fan than Uncle Ke.

Perhaps it was because they had rested beforehand, and the whole family in Su's residence didn't sleep, and the yard became lively as soon as they came back.Guo Xiaoshi didn't sleep either, and she looked very energetic, the three girls just got together, saving Su Chen from worrying, otherwise he really didn't know how to entertain the two girls.

The rest of Mr. Wu is easy to handle, the old man is very easy-going, he doesn't pick anything, he is just anxious to see the Nine Dragons Sword.

The food and drink still had to be prepared, and taking advantage of this time, Su Chen brought Mr. Wu, Yu Qiang, Yi Zhou and Miss San to the study.

Su Chen came to the stone pillar next to the desk, and began to perform triple password identification, face, fingerprint and password. The password is input in a completely closed environment, and the input is completely based on feeling, so everyone can read it generously, and there is no need to Embarrassed to avoid, anyway, nothing to see.

The others didn't care much, but Mr. Wu watched it with gusto. He is the curator of the museum and knows a lot about security and anti-theft.

Therefore, as soon as he saw that Su Chen actually needed a triple password to enter the secret room, he had a high opinion of the security level of this secret room.


After completing the password identification, the floor behind the desk in the study was automatically split, revealing a downward passage.

"Old Wu, please!"

Su Chen made a gesture of invitation to Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu was not polite, and walked in.However, he stopped at the entrance for a while. When he saw the thick steel alloy door at the entrance, the pupils in his eyes shrank instantly.

Mr. Wu never expected that the steel plate in this basement is so thick, it is estimated that even the underground vault of the National Bank is not as good as it is here.

After Mr. Wu entered the underground exhibition hall, he couldn't help but click his tongue secretly. Although this place is simple, it is not simple everywhere.Not to mention anything else, just talking about the safety glass cover on each small booth, Mr. Wu can tell at a glance that the glass is definitely stronger than military bulletproof glass.

Moreover, there are various cameras and other anti-theft monitoring facilities densely covered around the secret room, and there are almost no dead spots.

This is a collection room!The National Bank's vault is probably not as safe as it is here!

"Old Wu, can I still win here?"

Wu Laobai gave Su Chen a look. "You kid, are you kidding me? What else can a secret room like this do?"

As Wu Lao said, he was still a little emotional. "At first, I thought you left the Nine Dragons Sword casually at home, but I didn't expect you to have a special secret room. Since that's the case, keep the Nine Dragons Sword with you. Maybe it's the safest place to stay here!"

"???" Su Chen was taken aback, but Mr. Wu actually regretted it?Don't want the Nine Dragon Sword?

Su Chen was a little confused for a while, he was already mentally prepared to temporarily lend the Nine Dragon Sword to the National Museum, but he didn't expect him to figure it out, and Mr. Wu actually didn't want it.

emmmmmmm, fortunately, there are no leaders of other national museums here, otherwise, upon hearing Mr. Wu's words, he might faint from anger!
Mr. Wu didn't care what others thought, he glanced and saw the Nine Dragon Sword in the middle booth of the secret room.

The main reason is that there is nothing else in Su Chen's secret room now, and the auctioned items at night will be handed over tomorrow. Now there are only a few treasures that Su Chen bought from Panjiayuan before, and the national treasure is the Nine Dragon Sword. It is stored in the system space.

(End of this chapter)

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