Chapter 74 Envy
"It's true! It's true! It can't be wrong!"

In the exhibition hall, Mr. Wu caressed the Nine Dragon Sword with trembling hands, exclaiming in a low voice excitedly.

Beside him, Liu Yun stared at the Nine Dragon Sword, her expression was full of disbelief.

"Teacher, is this really true? Then the discovery on the Ryukyu side is fake?"

Old Wu nodded. "It should be! After all, what was found there was only the remains of a remnant sword. The remnant sword has changed beyond recognition. There is no way to prove that it is the Nine Dragon Sword. It can only be analyzed based on historical data."

"Unbelievable! It's really unbelievable!"

Liu Yun sighed.

Mr. Wu stroked the Nine Dragon Sword for a while, then suddenly turned around and asked, "Xiaochen, can I ask you about the origin of this sword?"

Su Chen nodded, and said: "Of course, I don't know much about it. I can know all this because of the elder who gave me the inheritance. My elder is a person who loves collecting. It's a pity that he entered the industry. I didn’t receive any good things late, but I left a contact information. The other party is an organization that specializes in selling antiques and cultural relics in the world. If you pay, they can also help you find what you want all over the world. I bought this Nine Dragon Sword from him, and I bought some other things, but they haven't been delivered yet!"

"There is such an organization?" Mr. Wu was surprised. "Xiaochen, this organization was able to obtain the Nine Dragons Sword, which means that there must be a lot of energy behind it. You have to grasp it. If you can use them to find the cultural relics that our country has lost, then your contribution to the country will be too great." Great, this is a matter of immeasurable merit!"

Su Chen rubbed his nose, nodded and said, "Mr. Wu, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Elder Wu nodded, looked at the Nine Dragon Sword again, carefully put the sword back in place, then exhaled, and left the secret room with everyone.

During the process of coming out, Mr. Wu said to Su Chen: "Xiaochen, I know you like antiques, and I know that you are not short of money, but this matter is definitely a contribution to our country in the present and a future. So , once you are short of money because of this matter, you must tell me, if the thing is very precious, then I can help you apply for a financial subsidy from above!"

Su Chen nodded without refusing.But he didn't take it to heart at all.This is an excuse he made up, just to find a source for the national treasure rewarded by the system.In fact, all national treasures are system rewards and do not require money at all.

Afterwards, a group of people had a simple supper. At the dinner table, everyone finally couldn't bear it and asked about the auction.

"Xiaochen, what happened to you at the auction? Is there anything special about that piece of Jiuhua jade and that bottle?"

On the way back, everyone already knew the routines that Su Chen played with Yi Zhou and Tang Wanning at the auction. These routines are actually very common in auction houses. Everyone just marveled at Su Chen's good brain and ability to adapt to changes.

Of course, what everyone was more concerned about was what was so special about the two things that Su Chen took so much trouble to photograph. At least they didn't see anything special about these two things.

Su Chen knew that everyone would ask, and he didn't want to hide it, so he said truthfully: "Hey, those two things are really special, but I can't confirm it yet, it's just a guess."

"Oh?" Everyone looked at each other, and in the end it was Mr. Wu who asked the question. When it comes to antiques, Mr. Wu must have the most say.

Mr. Wu thought about the two items first, then shook his head and said, "I really didn't find anything special about those two items, hey! Xiao Chen, it seems that I am much worse than you in terms of eyesight!"

Su Chen hurriedly waved his hand. "No! Mr. Wu, you are being modest. The reason why I can see it is because of other reasons."

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Oh? Then tell me, let's talk about that piece of Jiuhua jade first! If we misread it, it is a piece of ancient jade from the Qin and Han Dynasties. Apart from the better material, could there be more Anything else special?"

Su Chen chuckled. "Mr. Wu, have you noticed that the shape of that piece of jade is a bit special, and there are two buckles that are somewhat worn out on the back of the special piece. If I guess correctly, what object should this piece of jade be set on?" !"

"Huh?" Hearing what Su Chen said, Mr. Wu thought for a while, and said in surprise: "It really is! It's my negligence."

The buckle on the back of that piece of Jiuhua Jade has almost been worn away, leaving only a few traces. If Su Chen hadn't known that Jiuhua Jade was from Chixiao Sword, he wouldn't have noticed.

"Chen'er, to hear you say that, do you know what this piece of jade is made of?"

Yu Qiang asked curiously.

"It's a coincidence, it's still that organization. I bought a sword there before. I wasn't sure if the sword was real. Until I saw the jade today, I found that the two fit so well. , and the sword is indeed missing a piece of jade!"

Su Chen has already planned to make up this nonsense to the end, there is no way, if you encounter such a system, if you don't want to be suspected every day, you can only make up nonsense.

Su Chen reckons that if this continues, he can switch careers to become an actor.


Everyone was confused.

On the other hand, Mr. Wu, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he remembered something. "Qin and Han Dynasties, Jiuhuayu, Baojian. Hiss? Xiaochen, you are not talking about that sword, are you?"

Knowing that Mr. Wu remembered, Su Chen nodded affirmatively.

Others were dumbfounded.

What are you talking about?What is the relationship between Jiuhua jade and swords in the Qin and Han Dynasties?
Akasaka Sword is not very famous among the top ten famous swords. Some people may have only heard of his name, but not many people know the specifics.

But Liu Yun, who was reminded by Wu Laoyi, also remembered.After all, he is a university history lecturer, so he must know more than Yu Qiang and others.

"Teacher, you are not talking about the Akasaka Sword, are you?"

Liu Yun covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Elder Wu looked at Su Chen, but didn't answer.

"It's the Akasaka Sword!" Su Chen said bluntly, not trying to be a joke.

"Hiss?" Yi Zhou slapped the table in shock and said, "Chixiao Sword? Isn't that one of the top ten famous swords in history? This treasure really exists? Isn't it fabricated?"

Su Chen shook his head. "Second brother, there are historical records about the Chixiao Sword. "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" says: "Emperor Han Gaodi's snake-slaying sword is decorated with seven pearls and nine-flower jade. The blade is often like frost and snow, and the light shoots people , which is the so-called broken snake in "Guang Ya"."

Su Chen has master-level antique appreciation skills, and has already memorized these historical materials about antiques. Of course, they are all given by the system.

Yu Qiang took a deep breath and said, "Damn! According to this, the value of that piece of Jiuhua jade would have to be multiplied by at least ten times. If the Chixiao sword you bought is real, wouldn't it mean that you Got another complete national treasure?"

Su Chen shrugged. "You can say that!"

There was an instant silence in the room, and even Mr. Wu, who was always calm, felt a feeling of envy and jealousy in his heart after hearing this!

(End of this chapter)

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