Chapter 78
"How long has it been? How could it be so fast?" Su Chen asked in amazement.

"It's okay." Guo Xiaoshi replied: "According to Professor Zhang, in fact, various countries have been researching on temperature-adjustable fibers, and the results have been remarkable. Many institutions have developed various temperature-adjustable fibers. It's a pity. These fibers are too poor to spin and cannot be made into cloth. Although the new fiber you gave is innovative, it is similar to the existing temperature-adjustable fiber, so the experiment is not very troublesome.

However, today's experiment is only the two-way temperature regulation performance of the temperature-adjustable fiber. If the test meets the standard today, we can start the textile test tomorrow. "

"Professor Zhang? That's the professor Zhang who studies new technologies and materials at Peking University, right? Did he say that if everything goes well, when will we be able to complete the weaving test of the finished fabric?"

Guo Xiaoshi nodded. "It's him! Professor Zhang really said it. He said that if all the information you gave is true, the results will definitely be available by mid-June at the latest, that is, within ten days!"

"Okay!" Su Chen nodded and said nothing.

In fact, when he first got the system, he was quite impetuous. In order to see the results as soon as possible, he pressed very hard.However, with the adjustment of time, he has now passed the excitement period, his whole heart has settled down, and he has gradually calmed down about the tasks of the system, and he is no longer impatient.

It's just that he hasn't changed anything about the previous deadline mission, and he still has to remind him, but it was purely to complete the system mission before, but now, he wants to screen a group of talents through this deadline mission.

From the current point of view, people like Guo Xiaoshi and Professor Zhang are pretty reliable, especially Guo Xiaoshi, a girl who just graduated from university, can actually support a whole mess by herself. This is beyond Su Chen's expectation. She also paid more attention to it.

Suddenly, Su Chen suddenly remembered Tianyan, and glanced at Guo Xiaoshi without hesitation.

The next moment, a piece of information appeared in front of Su Chen.

"Race: Human
Name: Guo Xiaoshi
Special skill points: 63
Relationship with Host: Allegiance
Loyalty: 92! "

After reading Guo Xiaoshi's message, Su Chen was slightly surprised.The first is loyalty, he didn't expect Guo Xiaoshi to trust her so much.Followed by specialty points, there are actually 63 points.You know, Gao Qing had served in the continuous army and special police for about ten years before he had a skill score as high as 87, while Guo Xiaoshi, a girl who just graduated, actually got 63 points!
Could it be that they were trained during this period of time?It's just that he doesn't know which aspect Guo Xiaoshi's specialty is biased towards. Sky Eye's specialty score is too generalized. According to the system, this specialty skill score is only scored by the system according to the current occupation of the observation object.

In other words, if Gao Qing's occupation is now a chef, then his special skill points probably won't even reach [-] points.

Withdrawing his sky eyes, Su Chen looked at Guo Xiaoshi, only to find that she had fallen asleep with her arms around her shoulders.

Su Chen wanted to laugh but felt distressed.

Su Chen knocked on the table, Guo Xiaoshi suddenly woke up.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"What did you say?" Su Chen laughed and said, "Okay, go back to sleep, I'll give you a break today and tell the lab, and I'll just let you know when there are results."

"Ah? Is this okay?"

"What's wrong? That's it. Go back and have a good rest. Wait for me at noon, and I'll treat you to dinner!"


Guo Xiaoshi was also really sleepy. After getting Su Chen's permission, she turned around and went back to sleep with her head tilted.

Looking at Guo Xiaoshi's exhausted back, Su Chen shook his head, making up his mind.

After everything was settled, Su Chen closed his eyes and played with the old dzi, while calming down his mind.He now finds more and more that the more successful a person is, the more he needs to be vigilant and calm himself at all times, otherwise he will really drift if he doesn't make it right.

At seven o'clock, everyone got up except Guo Xiaoshi.Everyone got together and had breakfast in the yard. The breakfast was very simple, and they were usually eaten, but because there were so many people, they all ate deliciously.This is also one of the reasons why Su Chen likes courtyard houses. Humans live in groups, and life is called life when there are many people!
After the meal, Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou bid farewell one after another. Both of them had business to do. Once they left this time, it might take some time before they can come back again.The parting is imminent, but there is no hypocrisy of parting, and everyone is still smiling when they leave. It is not a parting of life and death, but only a few days away, they are all old men, there is nothing to be pretentious about.

Even when the two left, each of them carried a food box.Now people who come to Su's house have already got the habit of packing when they leave, and they don't treat themselves as outsiders.

After Yu Qiang left, Mr. Wu also left with Liu Yun.Yesterday's auction was involved a lot, and Mr. Wu was also involved. There are some things that need to be dealt with, and he has to help Su Chen, otherwise Su Chen probably won't be able to successfully take away all the auction proceeds.

Su Chen has already made an agreement with Mr. Wu. From now on, all the antiques and cultural relics that Su Chen gets will be kept by him, and the official side will be handed over to him.On Su Chen's side, he must also promise that Mr. Wu will not only try his best to redeem the cultural relics of Huaguo that have been lost abroad, but also promise Mr. Wu that he will not sell or exchange any cultural relics above the second level of the country with others in private.

This agreement actually has no constraints on Su Chen, because he did not intend to sell any cultural relics, and he is not short of money.As for Mr. Wu, I believe this matter is not difficult for him.Because in fact, the state still supports private collectors very much. Otherwise, there would not be so many private collectors in Huaguo. Some collectors collect more antiques than local museums, and they are even more precious.

These things, to put it bluntly, are nothing more than two things, connections and capital.

This agreement did not form a legal document, it was just a gentleman's agreement between Mr. Wu and Su Chen, but in their hearts, this agreement was more effective than a legal document.

When Mr. Wu left, Su Chen brought five jars of monkey wine for Mr. Wu.Mr. Wu didn't refuse, because he really liked this wine, but Mr. Wu didn't like to take advantage, and said that next time he came, he would bring a piece of ancient jade to Su Chen!
As for Liu Yun, she is a student of Mr. Wu. If Mr. Wu leaves, she will definitely leave too.But when they were leaving, Liu Yun and Su Chen exchanged WeChat and mobile phone numbers. In fact, the two hadn't had much communication from the beginning to the end, but somehow they became friends. There is a taste of a gentleman's friendship with a confidante.

In the end, only Tang Wanning remained in the courtyard.This girl is currently unemployed, and she is anxious to ask Su Chen to help her find a job, so naturally she will not leave.What's more, she really likes the food in Su's residence, and she can't bear to leave.

 Chapter 2 Ha!besides
(End of this chapter)

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