Chapter 79
In the morning, after Su Chen had dinner, he took Gao Qing straight to the auction house to go through the procedures for handing over the auction items.

The handover was not very smooth. After Mr. Su Chen and Wu made a phone call, he successfully got all the lots.

These days, it's not so easy to spend money.Fortunately, everything was brought back.

After Su Chen checked one by one and found no mistakes, he paid the balance in one lump sum.

After getting the cultural relics, the two went straight back to the courtyard. On the way, Su Chen asked Gao Qing to call their boss and ask him to meet in the courtyard.

After returning to the courtyard, Su Chen greeted everyone, carefully moved more than a dozen cultural relics to the study room, and then opened the entrance to the underground exhibition hall by himself.

Su Chen first put all the cultural relics into the small exhibition hall, and then went through the security door to the entrance of the cellar next to him.

There are three underground spaces in the courtyard, a small basement and two large cellars.Each of the two cellars is more than [-] square meters, which is about twice the size of the basement.

Su Chen came to one of the cellars. At this moment, the cellar was empty, and Su Chen didn't know how to use it. The system just rewarded a medium-sized museum exhibition hall, which happened to be placed here, and joined the small exhibition hall as a companion!

After arriving at the cellar door, Su Chen called out the system and extracted the museum exhibition hall.Then the next moment, Su Chen saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, making Su Chen involuntarily close his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that the cellar had completely changed its appearance and turned into an empty museum exhibition hall.

Like the layout of the small exhibition hall, the medium-sized hall looks like a small exhibition hall doubled in size.

Su Chen walked around and found that the layout was very familiar, so he lost the intention of continuing to visit.

Back in the study, Su Chen moved all the cultural relics to the small exhibition hall, and then began to classify them.

In the future, the small exhibition hall will only store national treasures and some valuable first-class cultural relics, and the rest will be placed in the medium-sized exhibition hall.

Su Chen doesn't have many treasures in total now, and they are basically precious cultural relics, so there is nothing to classify. Su Chen just put two enamel snuff bottles, four-color Qin ancient jade, Qi Baishi's authentic paintings, Song Dynasty famous inkstones, and auction items. The Qianlong enamel color flower pattern bowl and the Tang Dynasty ancient jade photographed on the Internet were moved into the medium-sized exhibition hall, and the rest were left in the small exhibition hall.

Afterwards, Su Chen looked at the remaining two rewards besides the medium-sized exhibition hall—five cultural relic restoration cards and five random cultural relic lucky draw cards!

Su Chen first extracted a cultural relic restoration card, and then used it on the set of Ru porcelain fragments.

Then Su Chen felt the same as extracting a museum exhibition hall. In a blink of an eye, the original broken pieces of Ru porcelain disappeared, replaced by a very delicate Ru kiln celadon bowl.

Su Chen's eyes lit up immediately, he picked up the small celadon bowl and played with it carefully for a long time, but he didn't find any flaws. While feeling emotional in his heart, he couldn't put it down more and more for this small Ru kiln porcelain bowl.

It's a pity that the jade pot spring bottle needs a special potion to wash its own painted painting before it can show its original shape, and Mr. Wu specifically asked to clean up the fake painted painting with him, so although Su Chen was itchy, he could only wait.

Su Chen received a set of Broken Ru Porcelain, and the remaining four repair cards cannot be used for the time being, so they can only be kept for now.

Su Chen checked all the cultural relics, and after confirming that there were no problems, he returned to the study from the small exhibition hall.

After that, Su Chen came to the bathroom on the other side, washed his hands carefully with shampoo, and then called the system again to extract the last task reward.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening five random cultural relics lottery cards at the same time!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a set of Tang gold and silver cups!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of Lu Ji's original "Meditation Post"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of Tang Yin's original work "The Picture of the White Tiger Descending the Mountain"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a green-glazed flower pot from the official Song kiln!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Xuande Furnace!"


After Su Chen read them one by one, he felt that they were all good.These few cultural relics can be regarded as quasi-first-class cultural relics, and it is not too much to say that they are first-class cultural relics.

It is worthy of the system's lottery, every time it is full of sincerity.

Sending the newly acquired five cultural relics into the medium-sized exhibition hall for storage, Su Chen looked around this time and finally felt a little sense of accomplishment in his heart. He was already very satisfied with collecting so many cultural relics in just a few days.

Su Chen stayed in the two exhibition halls for more than half an hour. It was not until Su Qing said that the boss of his company had come that Su Chen reluctantly left the underground exhibition hall.

"Don't worry, I'll see you all again soon!"

Gao Qing's boss is Zhao Cheng, the president of the Imperial Capital Dingdun Security Company.Dingdun Security Company is a very well-known large-scale security company in the capital. Their business has spread to all parts of the country. Many large companies or wealthy businessmen's residences in the country have cooperated with Dingdun Company. It is said that they have a very deep official background. Most of the company members Born in the army or special police department, very professional!
Zhao Cheng is a middle-aged man with a broad face and big eyes. He walks vigorously, and he looks like he was from the army. He has a tough temperament.

"Hehe, you are Mr. Su, right? I heard people talking about you before, saying that you are young and promising, and you are a rare young talent. When I met you now, you can see that your reputation is well-deserved!"

As soon as Zhao Cheng came in, he extended his hand politely to Su Chen.

Su Chen hurriedly grabbed it, and replied with the same smile: "Mr. Zhao is too polite. Speaking of which, it was my fault that I invited you to my house without your consent. You can come here in person. My small courtyard is really full of life. Fai!"

"Hahaha! I dare to call you Brother Su, Brother Su, Gao Qing is my brother, and he and I are brothers. Speaking of which, we are not outsiders, so don't be so polite!"

"Okay, just listen to Brother Zhao! Then you don't have to be polite, Brother Zhao, just treat this as your own home, and you can do whatever you want!"

Su Chen and Zhao Cheng sat facing each other in the gazebo in the West Garden. After Han Yun made tea for them and served melon and fruit snacks, he left voluntarily. In the entire West Garden, there were only Su Chen and Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Cheng looked around at the environment of the West Garden, and couldn't help enviously saying: "My brother, here is really colorful and full of flowers. It is really a blessing to be able to sit in such a luxurious courtyard in this imperial capital!"

"Hey, it's all elder Yu Yin, nothing worth mentioning!"

"That's also my brother's blessing!"

"Hehe, brother Zhao, we are all happy people. As for me, the Ming people don't say dark words, so I just go straight to the point. I want to ask you for a few people, and I ask you to give up!"

Zhao Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly. "Brother, do you want Lao Gao?"

Su Chen nodded without denying it.

When Zhao Cheng heard this, he sighed. "Hey! Brother, if you want someone else, I have nothing to say, brother, I will give it to whoever you want. But Gao Qing, brother, with all due respect, this matter is not easy to handle!"

 Riwan failed and was depressed.
(End of this chapter)

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