Chapter 81

"Sir, what do you want for lunch today?"

It was past ten o'clock in the morning when Su Chen returned to the main courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Han Yun.

On Han Yun's side, Su Chen has already talked to her. She has completed the resignation procedures with her company. Han Yun is just an ordinary employee, so it is much easier for her to resign than Gao Qing.

"Noon." Su Chen looked up at the glaring sun, smacked his lips and said, "Let's go to the West Garden to eat hot pot at noon. Ice a case of beer, and eat two watermelons after dinner!"


Han Yun and Gao Qing's personalities are quite similar, they are both reticent.But Gao Qing was bored, and couldn't hold a fart for a long time when he was free.And Han Yun is meticulous and gentle, getting along with her is like a spring breeze and light rain, moistening things silently.

And Han Yun's Sky Eye information is also excellent.

"Race: Human
Name: Han Yun

Special skill points: 86
Relationship with Host: Allegiance
Loyalty: 90! "

The specialty score exceeds [-], which is directly related to Su Chen's training.Before Su Chen had nothing to do, he compared the system's specialty points, skill levels, and actual levels.

Take Han Yun as an example. She now has a specialty score of 86. According to the system's skill level, she is a senior chef. In reality, she is a first-class chef.

If Han Yun's specialty score breaks through 90, she has reached the master level, and in reality she is a super chef.

As for Su Chen's master level, it is relatively uniform, whether it is specialty points, skill level or real level, they are all master level.

It can be seen from this that Su Chen's abilities are all non-human.

Han Yun is now a senior chef, and her level is already very good. For people who are not so talkative and not very tricky, Han Yun's cooking skills can already be regarded as peerless and delicious.

As for loyalty, like Gao Qing, it was raised later. After Zhao Cheng left in the morning, and after Su Chen and Gao Qing finished talking about his follow-up treatment arrangements, Gao Qing's loyalty had already broken through 90 points.

According to the system, the loyalty can reach [-]%, which is already an extremely high score. Unless Su Chen cheats them in the future, they will not betray no matter how great the external temptation is. Therefore, Su Chen can completely cultivate them with all his heart.

Thinking of Su Chen, he sighed, it is so comfortable to use the eye of the sky.

In fact, the most tiring and troublesome thing in the world is to figure out people's hearts, and the purpose of trying to figure out people's hearts is to fear being betrayed. Now that Su Chen has the eyes of the sky, he can be a real person in the future, delegate power in all directions, and don't worry about the backyard at all. Fire, this feeling is really cool.

Speaking of it, this Sky Eye skill is actually the most suitable for the ancient emperors. If the ancient emperors had such a skill, then there would be no taboos, and it would free him from the court's conspiracy and do what he wanted to do.

Huh?This idea seems
"Haha. Boss, what are you doing? Are you basking in the sun?" Guo Xiaoshi was wearing pajamas, with sleepy eyes, and went out of the house yawning, just in time to see Su Chen standing in the yard in a daze, so she couldn't help asking.

"Ah?" Su Chen was thinking blankly, but was suddenly interrupted, feeling empty in his heart, as if he had lost something. "What kind of sun? Are you afraid of heat stroke in such a poisonous sun?"

Su Chen replied casually, then looked at Guo Xiaoshi who was wearing cute pink turtle pajamas, frowned and asked: "You still wear long-sleeved pajamas to sleep in this hot day? Are you afraid of the heat?"

"No way!" Guo Xiaoshi said, "The air conditioner is on in my room, and I don't cover myself with a quilt!"

"Then why don't you wear short-sleeved pajamas?"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted. "My previous short-sleeved pajamas haven't dried yet after washing."

"Just a set of short-sleeved pajamas?"

"No, I have two sets, but the other one is too ugly, I don't want to wear it!"

Su Chen's head was covered with black lines, and he laughed angrily. "What's so good about a pajamas? No one looks at it?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Guo Xiaoshi glanced at Su Chen and whispered.

Su Chen was speechless, then suddenly picked up the small wooden stick next to him, and hit Guo Xiaoshi in the air. "Smelly girl, how dare you doubt me! I think your skin is itchy! Go back and wash and change clothes for me!"

"Ah!" Seeing that Su Chen had copied the guy, Guo Xiaoshi immediately lost her nerve, jumped up and turned around 180 degrees on the spot, and then ran into her room with two tortoise legs.

"This girl is getting smaller and smaller!"

Su Chen laughed and cursed, but he was not angry at all, but felt very comfortable.

He was originally an orphan, and he was most afraid of loneliness, so he liked the harmonious family atmosphere and small courtyard life the most.

At noon, on the second floor of the gazebo in the West Garden, a big hot pot was ready.

This gazebo is an airtight gazebo by the pool in the East Garden. The gazebo has a three-story pavilion surrounded by walls with tile structures. The walls on each floor are hexagonal. Glass windows, this is a rain and snow pavilion, specially used to enjoy the scenery.

There is air conditioning inside the gazebo and floor heating underneath, so whether it is raining in summer or snowing in winter, you can sit in the gazebo and enjoy the scenery.

Especially on the third floor, Longkou Hutong is basically a quadrangle with few high-rise buildings, so standing on the third floor of the gazebo, you can almost see the entire Longkou Hutong, and you can even overlook the downtown street of Houhai.

The three-story gazebo is divided into layouts.The first floor is the entertainment hall, where friends can gather to play poker. The restaurant on the second floor also has a small built-in bar for wine storage. This is a special place for eating.

As for the third floor, it was arranged as a study by Su Chen, which was regarded as Su Chen's private territory. Unless it was a confidant or a close friend, most people would not be able to go up there.

This gazebo originally had three floors, but it was very dilapidated at the beginning. After being transformed by the systematic drawings, it became a good place for enjoying the scenery and parties. As for the final layout, Su Chen completed it himself.

The gazebo covers a large area, with each floor covering more than [-] square meters. In fact, it is called a gazebo rather than an attic.

After completing the layout, Su Chen likes this place very much. He is usually at home, except for the main courtyard, Su Chen likes to stay here.Su Chen also named this place Xianyun Pavilion, um, a very familiar name.

From now on, the functions of the east and west gardens will also be completely separated.In the future, the East Garden will be specially used to entertain a large number of relatives and friends, and can be used for picnic gatherings.

The West Garden is a place for small gatherings of friends. The number of people coming here should not be too many, three or five is best, and seven or eight is a bit too much.

Today is the first day when the Xianyun Pavilion started fire, so Su Chen specially prepared a small whip, and celebrated a little before eating.

Not many people witnessed this moment, only Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi, Gao Qing, and Han Yun.

Guo Xiaoshi likes to take pictures, so the four of them took a group photo specially, and kept it as material for chatting nonsense when they are bored in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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