I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 82 False alarm 1 game

Chapter 82 A false alarm

In the west garden, lush and colorful, located on the second floor of the Xianyun Pavilion by the lake, four people sat around an antique Eight Immortals table, eating hot pot in full swing.

Guo Xiaoshi, Gao Qing, and Han Yun are currently the core figures of the courtyard.The three of them decided to follow Su Chen in the future, so now they are not as restrained in Su's house as before.

Of course, the rules that should be observed must still be observed, and they must be observed more strictly and seriously than before. This point, the three of them are clear in their hearts.

Su Chen eats very well. He is a carnivore, and his favorite thing is to eat meat, so he always prefers hot pot and barbecue dishes that can eat meat.

Pick up a piece of blanched mutton brain, roll it in the sauce that has already been prepared, wrap the upper brain meat with sauce, and then put it all in your mouth. The mellow fragrance and hundreds of flavors explode in the mouth together, spicy, delicious, sour and sweet, filling the whole mouth with various flavors, and a sense of satisfaction from the inside out.

After taking a bite of the meat, and then drinking a big mouthful of cold beer, I immediately feel refreshed from the inside out!


Su Chen spoke nonsense in an exclamation dialect that he didn't know where, and he was very comfortable.

Seeing that Su Chen was eating happily, Guo Xiaoshi and the three secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they became more relaxed, and their appetites increased a lot.

Several people ate in a muffled voice for a while, and the rhythm slowed down after feeling that there was food in their stomachs.

Su Chen picked up a piece of meat and put it in the pot to heat it up. At the same time, he casually said to Guo Xiaoshi on the side: "Xiao Guo, don't worry about the company from now on!"

Guo Xiaoshi dipped a piece of meat in the sauce and was about to put it in her mouth, but when she heard Su Chen's words, she froze. She felt a cold air rising from the soles of her feet, and her mentality was on the verge of collapse.

Guo Xiaoshi turned her head, looked at Su Chen, squeezed out an awkward smile, and asked dryly, "Boss, are you going to fire me?"

Gao Qing and Han Yun were also stunned, their complexions changed drastically, they couldn't figure out why they were doing like this all of a sudden when they were fine just now.

Both of them have very good feelings for Guo Xiaoshi, and they both like this sunny, cheerful, and simple-minded beautiful girl, so they don't want Guo Xiaoshi to leave from the bottom of their hearts.

But the two have just "joined the job" now, and they haven't established themselves yet. Even if they want to speak at this time, they don't know how to say it.

Su Chen originally just said it casually, but after he finished speaking, he found that the atmosphere was not right. He turned his head and looked at Guo Xiaoshi's pale face and Gao Qing's and Han Yun's ugly expressions, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"What are you thinking?" Su Chen stretched out his hand, Qu Zhi flicked on Guo Xiaoshi's head. "What are you thinking? Who said you were going to be fired?"

Guo Xiaoshi frightened herself, her eyes were moist.Although she came to the courtyard for a short time, she has fully adapted to and fell in love with the life here from the bottom of her heart. If she is allowed to leave, she will definitely be reluctant.

Most importantly, after leaving here, where would she find another job like this?Totally impossible.

That's why when she heard that Su Chen asked her to put down her work, she would think wildly.

"Ah? Didn't you tell me to leave the company alone?"

Guo Xiaoshi stared blankly with big watery eyes.

"Otherwise, if you manage the company, you will be fired?" Su Chen shook his head. "I ask you, in what capacity do you stay by my side?"

"Full-time secretary! Huh?" After Guo Xiaoshi finished speaking, she realized it first.

"Have you realized it?" Su Chen smiled. "I asked you to manage the company before. It was an expedient measure that no one used at the time. Now that I have found someone, I naturally don't need you. And now my business is getting bigger and bigger. Technology companies, film investment, There are more and more things to do in the museum, and I can't handle it all by myself, so I need you to come back and help me with all your heart!"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard it, she burst into laughter immediately, and was so happy and foolish.

Gao Qing and Han Yun also heaved a sigh of relief. With smiles on their lips, they lowered their heads to eat meat again.

Su Chen saw the expressions of several people, smiled and said: "You guys, you know what to think, am I the kind of person who treacherously?"

Han Yun and Gao Qing shook their heads together, and then smiled blushingly. Both of them were not good at expressing, but their expressions were obviously more relaxed.

"Where! Boss, you are the best! Come, I'll give you meat!"

Guo Xiaoshi put a piece of meat in Su Chen's bowl, and took the opportunity to flatter him.

"Go! Did you have chopsticks in your mouth just now? Your saliva is all over the meat!"

"Oh! Boss! You're going too far, you actually despise me? After all, I'm also a fairy-level figure, so you're not at a disadvantage!"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted her nose.

Su Chen gave Guo Xiaoshi a white look, but did not refute. "By the way, I remember that I promised you the shares of the technology company? At the beginning, I was thinking about letting you develop in the direction of executives, but now I suddenly realize that I can't do without you. But what I said before must not count. The choice given to you, Do you still want the shares in the company, or do you want me to give you a raise?"

"Let's raise your salary!" Guo Xiaoshi said without hesitation: "If I don't directly manage the technology company in the future, it will be a hindrance to occupy the shares, and I am poor now, so I should raise my salary!"

Of course Guo Xiaoshi knows that the company's shares are more valuable, but he understands better that since Su Chen proposed, he just wants him to give up the shares.Of course, she has nothing to be reluctant about. She believes that Su Chen will not treat her badly even if she has no shares.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and was even more satisfied with Guo Xiaoshi.He also hoped that Guo Xiaoshi would give up the shares, but it was not because he was reluctant. In fact, if he wanted to win over Wen Liangdong, a share commitment was essential.He just hoped that the secretary beside him could be more pure.If Guo Xiaoshi has shares in technology companies, she will definitely pay more attention to technology companies in the future, and as a full-time secretary, Su Chen does not want Guo Xiaoshi to have selfish intentions.

Therefore, Su Chen hoped that Guo Xiaoshi would take the initiative to give up the shares. This is because it was a bit pretentious to be suddenly rich at the beginning. She did things without going through her brain, and now she has to wipe her ass for the past.

Of course, just as Guo Xiaoshi thought, without the shares, he will definitely compensate Guo Xiaoshi in other ways. Su Chen has always been very generous to his own people.

"Then boss, what about the company?"

Guo Xiaoshi asked with concern, although she no longer cares about the company, but she is now a full-time secretary, and it is her duty to care about these things.

"I have an appointment for dinner tonight with a talented person. If it goes well, the company will be handed over to him in the future!"

Guo Xiaoshi nodded, feeling inexplicably relieved.

Before Su Chen capriciously handed over the company to her and Han Yao, Guo Xiaoshi was actually very worried about the company's future. After all, this matter was a bit of a nonsense. Seeing that Su Chen hired a great person, I knew that Su Chen was serious about the company. , she was finally relieved.

Although she only worked for a few days, Guo Xiaoshi still has feelings for the technology company. After all, it was the first company she joined, and it is precisely because of it that Guo Xiaoshi is where she is today.

Suddenly, Guo Xiaoshi thought of Han Yao, and asked without opening her mouth, "Boss, can I ask about my third sister?"

 and also.
(End of this chapter)

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