I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 83 Wages and Benefits

Chapter 83 Wages and Benefits
"Your third sister? Han Yao?" Su Chen frowned, and after eating a piece of beef balls, he said slowly: "You don't have to worry about her, don't worry, even for your sake, I won't Will cheat her!"

Su Chen no longer cares about Han Yao.At the beginning, he was really optimistic about Han Yao, the little girl loves to play, love to eat, and has good abilities, but he never thought that Han Yao would be so proud!
It's fine if I didn't tell him about the patent at the beginning. After all, it's his fault.

But since the last time, Han Yao has never visited the door again, and she hasn't even made a text message or phone call, which is somewhat unreasonable.

It’s okay for a capable person to be a little arrogant, but one must be self-aware. You, a young girl who just graduated, have no achievements. How dare you plot against your boss behind your back? You are so proud and self-sufficient, you don’t even have a work report, and you still wait for the boss to visit the thatched cottage?

Do you really think you are Zhuge Liang?

Su Chen doesn't get angry easily, but he is really disappointed with Han Yao.

Sometimes when I think about it, Su Chen is a little confused. It stands to reason that a person with such a high IQ like Han Yao can't be so ignorant. After all, he studied marketing management, so he should have some emotional intelligence, right?

Unless he never regarded Su Chen as the boss from the beginning to the end!

Thinking of this, Su Chen shook his head.It seems that the boss can't be too friendly, otherwise it will breed arrogance in his subordinates and push their noses in the face.

But thinking about it, Su Chen never thought about changing himself, he didn't want to be superior and be a loner.As for the hearts of his subordinates, that's not what he considers. If someone is really ungrateful, then Su Chen will never be soft-hearted.

With billions of people in the world, where can you not find reliable subordinates?

After listening to Su Chen's words, Guo Xiaoshi knew that the chance of her third sister was gone!

She felt a little sorry for Han Yao, after all, this start was really a good one.It's a pity, these years Han Yao has been too smooth, and she worked as an executive in a large company before graduation. Although the time is short, not everyone has this kind of experience and ability, and it is normal to breed arrogance from this.

It's just, it's a pity
Guo Xiaoshi sighed.

"Okay! Stop being sentimental." Su Chen patted the back of Guo Xiaoshi's head. "Your third sister still has the ability. Even if she is hired from me, she still doesn't have to worry about food and drink. You should take care of yourself? You just said that you are poor recently?"

"Of course!" Guo Xiaoshi said pitifully: "I haven't received a penny of salary yet. The living expenses have already bottomed out. Now I don't have a penny in my pocket, and I don't even dare to pay for my favorite cosmetics." Bought it!"

Su Chen slapped his head. "It's my negligence! You, you won't tell me if you don't have money? I'm a billionaire, and the full-time secretary around me is so poor that I can't even afford cosmetics. If this gets out, how will you tell me to behave? ?”

Guo Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue. "How dare I say this?"

"You! Really" Su Chen didn't bother to complain, this girl is too innocent, she has faced the society independently, and she is too embarrassed to open her mouth to ask for salary, this is meeting him, if she meets other black people Boss, this girl will definitely be tricked miserably.

Shaking his head, Su Chen touched his pocket
Nothing was touched.
Su Chen suddenly remembered that his card was on Guo Xiaoshi, and she even had the password.Of course, there is only [-] million in this card, which is Su Chen's old card, and the remaining billions of funds were transferred to other cards by Su Chen.

This [-] million is usually placed in Guo Xiaoshi's place for daily expenses.Normally, Guo Xiaoshi can swipe her card to buy things for him without his consent.He is not afraid of Guo Xiaoshi spending money randomly, because every consumption information on this card will be sent to his mobile phone, and even the details of when and what he bought, after all, it is an information society!
But the girl Guo Xiaoshi is really stupid, if someone else is holding the boss's purse, she will definitely use her power for personal gain to find a way to earn some extra money for herself, even if she buys something for herself, Su Chen won't say anything when she finds out.

But this girl didn't really spend any money on herself. Such a real person is only suitable to be a secretary.

"Let's do this!" Su Chen thought for a while and said, "From now on, I will give you 1 yuan of service and transportation subsidies every month, and you will be reimbursed with the invoice. In addition, I will give you [-] yuan in salary every month in the future, and bonuses will be calculated separately. Food and lodging. As for the five social insurances and one housing fund, I won’t pay them. I’ll give you free insurance here, which is definitely more reliable than banks, so there’s no need to waste the money.”


Guo Xiaoshi's mouth is watering!
Mommy!This treatment is too good, right?

These various subsidies, basic salary, board and lodging expenses, etc. add up to at least [-] a month, and this is not counted as a bonus. With Su Chen's personality, this part of the money must not be less.As for the five insurances and one housing fund, as Su Chen said, with him around, it is indeed more reliable than the bank. Even Gao Qing was promised a house, so Guo Xiaoshi still has to worry about the five insurances and one housing fund?
What's more, he is just a college student who just graduated.She can find this kind of job just after graduation, she didn't even dare to think about it before!

"Boss, I'm serious!"

Su Chen was happy. "Seriously!"

"Wow ha ha ha! Thank you boss!"

Su Chen smiled, then looked at Gao Qing and Han Yun. "Your treatment is the same as Xiao Guo's, but the basic salary is tripled, and Xiao Guo will be responsible for your financial expenses in the future."

Speaking of which, the salaries of the three of them are a bit inflated, but Su Chen doesn't care.And he is a billionaire after all, it's normal for the people around him to have high salaries and good treatment. If it wasn't for the fear of being too kind, Su Chen felt that the treatment was a little light.

The two were immediately surprised, but they only thanked Su Chen.This is the nature of the two of them, some things will only be kept in their hearts, and they will not be said directly.

"By the way! There are a few things you need to remember!"

Su Chen suddenly said to Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi immediately put down her chopsticks, took out a small notebook from her pocket, and started to record.

"Tomorrow, you can inspect the courtyard houses in Houhai to see how many are for sale, the price, the environment, etc., and then summarize them to me as soon as possible!"

"En!" Guo Xiaoshi agreed.

"Also, you also saw the girl named Tang Wanning yesterday. She is looking for a job recently. You can help me check her ability, or communicate with her to see what kind of job she is suitable for."

Tang Wanning had originally stayed in the courtyard, but her former company suddenly had something to do with her. She hadn't completed the resignation procedures, so she left in a hurry, and she probably will be back in the afternoon!

Guo Xiaoshi knew about this and nodded to show that she understood.

"Finally, you can contact Dingdun Company again and ask them to help you find some information. First, ask them to check the detailed information of the major antique auction houses at home and abroad. Second, learn about the leisure activities in the suburbs of Beijing. Detailed information on Yun Hot Spring Resort and Unique Private Kitchen."

"Okay! I'll do it after eating!"

"Also remember to sort out your work during this time, so that it will be handed over as soon as possible!"


(End of this chapter)

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