Chapter 84
In the afternoon, Su Chen received an accurate reply from Zhao Cheng. Wen Liangdong had agreed to meet Su Chen. The best time would be after [-] pm, and the place would be arranged by Su Chen.

Su Chen thought for a while, and finally arranged the location at Du Yiwei's private kitchen.

Duyiwei private kitchen is the property in the entertainment spree that Su Chen got on the second day of signing in. In addition to this, there are Xianyun Hot Spring Resort, Monkey Wine and one billion cash.

Forget it, it seems that this is the fifth day of signing in, and the task of signing in will be over in two days.

Su Chen is really reluctant, the main reason is that the rewards for this task are too generous, every reward can surprise Su Chen again and again, and he is overjoyed.

Well, it seems that there are still five days left for the crit buff that doubles the cash back when you spend money, so you have to work hard to spend money!Don't let it go to waste!
However, how to spend this money?

Su Chen has a headache!

After tinkering with Wenwan in the room for a while, more than half of his twelve zodiac nuclear carvings have been completed, and the ones that have been completed have been handicapped for at least an hour, that is to say, each pair has already been wrapped. Now, in two days, the twelve zodiac signs will be completed. After getting them, Su Chen plans to make a good sale of them, and then after the museum opens in the future, they will create a special theme exhibition hall of the twelve zodiac signs, which will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Around four o'clock, Guo Xiaoshi and Tang Wanning came back together.

Although Guo Xiaoshi has a lot of things to do in the afternoon, they are not troublesome.For information on auction houses, resorts, and private kitchens, just call Zhao Cheng directly, which is just a phone call away.

The matter of the courtyard house can also be entrusted to a real estate company without spending money. As long as you tell them the news that you intend to buy a large number of courtyard houses, there will definitely be a large number of real estate agents rushing to take up this task.

Guo Xiaoshi was very dexterous, he didn't entrust any company, and told them that he needed the information of all the courtyard houses for sale in Houhai. At that time, it is estimated that each house would give Guo Xiaoshi a report, and then he would make a final summary to analyze it.

These two things are not complicated, Guo Xiaoshi is mainly busy with the technology company this afternoon.

The experiment at the research institute has yielded results, and it has been very successful. The two-way temperature adjustment capability of the new fiber is very sensitive and stable, and its performance has exceeded everyone's expectations.

The team over there didn't pay much attention to this project at first. They came here purely for experience, and by the way, to get their qualifications and experience.But now that the experiment is successful, they don't need Guo Xiaoshi's urging, they are already crazy, and they are working hard to prepare for the next stage of the experiment.

When Guo Xiaoshi came back, the company had almost made arrangements.

It's a pity that Guo Xiaoshi didn't see Han Yao. It is said that she is learning about the clothing markets all over the country and won't be back for a while.

Guo Xiaoshi wanted to call Han Yao, but she held back in the end!
Because she knew that with Han Yao's current state, it would be useless for her to make a phone call, good words are hard to persuade a paranoid!


"Su Chen!"

Guo Xiaoshi and Tang Wanning came to the main courtyard and greeted Su Chen who was panning walnuts in the courtyard.

"Are you back? Sit down!"

Su Chen nodded.

The two women were not polite, and they found a place to sit down one after another.

"Are you done with your work?"

Su Chen first looked at Guo Xiaoshi.

Guo Xiaoshi nodded. "I have done everything you ordered, and the technology company has made arrangements, and the handover can be handled at any time! By the way, this is the investigation report on Xianyun Resort and Duyiwei private kitchen sent by Dingdun Company."

Guo Xiaoshi said, and handed the two reports to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded, and didn't look at it in a hurry, mainly because the two pairs of walnuts in his left and right hands hadn't been coiled for an hour, so he couldn't move them.

"What about you? Have you completed the resignation procedures?"

Su Chen looked at Tang Wanning.

Tang Wanning nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and said a little disappointed: "It's done, and I will be completely free from now on!"

"Hehe! Isn't freedom good?"

Tang Wanning gave Su Chen a blank look. "How do you, a rich man, know the sufferings of our ordinary people? Freedom is good, but there is no job. What do you want me to eat and live in?"

"Okay!" Su Chen smiled. "You have a big temper, and I didn't say that I won't find you a job. Why are you in a hurry!"

As Su Chen said, he glanced at Guo Xiaoshi, he asked Guo Xiaoshi to test Tang Wanning's ability at noon.

Guo Xiaoshi understood what Su Chen meant, and secretly nodded in response.

With a clue in his mind, Su Chen looked at Tang Wanning and said, "What kind of job are you looking for?"

"I'm a student of financial management, so naturally I want to be in my old profession when I'm looking for a job!"

"Financial management? Money management? Good job!"

"Cut! You are speaking in layman's terms. Financial management sounds majestic, but it is actually harder than any other line of work. You count a lot of money every day but none of it is yours. Not to mention the exhaustion of work, you have to face it every day. All kinds of calculation problems, the most hateful thing is that they often work overtime, those days are simply not human."

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Since you don't like it, why not change your career?"

"You said it lightly. This is what I studied in college, and my work experience after graduation is also related to finance. What else do you think I can do besides financial management?"

Su Chen quickly turned the walnut a few times, then thought for a moment and said: "Well, I will give you two choices. First, I can ask someone to help you find a job, but I can't control how you develop after that .Second, follow me. I can guarantee that you will not worry about food and housing, and as a friend, I will not cheat you. The advantage is that you can guarantee your income in drought and flood, but the disadvantage is that the future is uncertain, and you will be exploited by my friend.

Both directions have pros and cons, you think about it. "

"Don't think about it, I'll stay!"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Tang Wanning made a decision.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "You don't think about it anymore? You know, I won't forgive you just because you are my friend. Ability is very important to do things by my side."

"What's there to think about?" Tang Wanning said, curling her lips: "Everyone is an adult, who doesn't rely on ability to make a living these days? How much ability can make money? This is the basic rule, and the rules are the same everywhere. In this case , why don't I find a reliable boss for myself? I don't ask you to treat me differently, as long as you give me a position that can give full play to my talents, and let me earn the most money as I can , this is my greatest pursuit, and it is also a pursuit that can only be realized with you!"

After hearing this, Su Chen felt so emotional!

look look look look look!This is a person with self-knowledge. This kind of person will be popular everywhere and comfortable to use, because this kind of person will not have blind ambitions, will not be lazy and do not seek to make progress, and put their abilities in the most suitable positions. This is actually the best professional state.

Originally, Su Chen was hesitant about whether Tang Wanning would become the second Han Yao, after all, both women were foodies.

Now it seems that he thinks too much, this person is really different from person to person.

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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