Chapter 86 Krypton Gold
"This will not delay!" Su Chen said: "In the future, Duyiwei will not be open to the public, and will only entertain some special guests. For example, celebrities, wealthy businessmen, politicians and other people who have special needs for the dining environment, I will make Duyiwei into a dining room. A private restaurant with absolutely elegant environment, absolutely high-end dishes, absolutely high-end taste, absolutely thoughtful service, absolutely guaranteed safety, and absolutely safe privacy.

That way, you don't need to be here all the time.Well, Xiaoshi, please remember, you can find a western food chef at home, and then form a back kitchen team.Usually, the western food master and the back kitchen team sit alone, and occasionally they can take turns with sister Han, and they come to the courtyard to help cook.

In the future, Duyiwei Restaurant will mainly focus on Western food, supplemented by Chinese food.Sister Han, you can arrange your own time. I am not here every day in the courtyard, and sometimes I cook by myself, so you can come here in normal times, and you earn two wages! "

After hearing this, Han Yun hurriedly nodded excitedly in agreement.This is a salary for nothing, she can't refuse.But not everyone regards money as dung like Su Chen.They can gather around Su Chen so sincerely, isn't it more because of the money they give?
While they were talking here, the service staff over there had already brought the dishes.

Steamed braised pork with rice noodles, Sichuan roast beef, two-color fish with chopped pepper, shrimp with pepper and salt base, Miaojia sandalwood meat, three shredded cold salad, fresh shredded mushroom soup!

They are all very common dishes, but what Chinese food pays attention to is the color, fragrance, and has little to do with the name.As long as the dish is delicious, even if the name of the dish is peeing beef balls, isn't it still popular?
Of course, I didn't say this to highlight Chef Duyiwei's craftsmanship. In fact, Su Chen and Han Yun frowned once the seven dishes were served.

Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing didn't know how to cook, so they couldn't see anything.But Su Chen and Han Yun could tell at a glance that the cooking skills of these dishes were average, and the chef was at the second level at most, not even as good as before Han Yun came to Su Zhai. Han Yun was already at the level of a first-level chef. After Su Chen's training, she successfully reached the first level, and Han Yun's theoretical level has soared. What is lacking now is the practice. Just give her time and let Han Yun reach the super chef level, that is, master level cooking skills will not any question.

"Try it first!"

Su Chen realized that he was already prepared, so there was no surprise.

Several people picked up chopsticks and ate every dish. After eating, the faces of Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing changed obviously.

There is no need to analyze carefully, as soon as the dish is eaten, the two of them can feel that the cooking skills of this dish are much worse than Han Yun's.

Su Chen shook his head and asked the waiter to leave without saying anything.Then he turned to look at Guo Xiaoshi and said, "Xiaoshi, you should go to the manager of this store now and ask him to fire everyone in the back kitchen, so that the manager is also ready to hand in his resignation report. Well, after all, it was a sudden If you dismiss them, you can give them more compensation!"

Guo Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue and was taken aback by Su Chen's decisiveness. That was the job of more than a dozen people. Su Chen's words made more than a dozen people lose their jobs instantly. Only then did Guo Xiaoshi find Su Chen's job. A feeling of domineering president.

But Guo Xiaoshi didn't say anything, nodded and got up to leave.

Su Chen gave Gao Qing a look, Gao Qing nodded and followed him away.The people in the back kitchen often have bad tempers. If Guo Xiaoshi is a little girl, if she meets a bastard, she will easily suffer!

In the end, the remaining Han Yun just sat quietly, without any opinion on Su Chen's actions.As Su Chen often told them, he will not treat anyone who follows him badly, but he will never support idlers here either.

Cooking such unpalatable dishes in such a high-end place, who will be fired if they are not fired?

Having nothing to do, Su Chen took out his mobile phone and played a game. Anyway, waiting is boring.

Su Chen plays all kinds of games, whether it's King's Eating Chicken, or puzzle leisure, he plays all kinds of games, but he has no addiction to playing games, and he often likes the new and dislikes the old, and has no patience.For so many years, he has played so many games, but none of the games has reached the full level, not even games such as Kings and Alliance have reached the full level, let alone the ranking level.

The only game he played for a relatively long time was NBA2k, but it was almost not full level.

Su Chen played a game of NBA2k Dynasty, but unfortunately the stars in his hands were not strong enough. Su Chen bought more than 60 draft cards in a fit of kryptonite, and directly exchanged the fragments for Curry, the draft star of the day. The level of Li was fully upgraded, and all the special training enhancements were also fully ordered, and all the skills were upgraded to the full level. After spending thousands of dollars, a peak Curry was directly created.

Then, Su Chen used Curry to play the dynasty battle again, and directly rained three points on the opponent!

Then, Su Chen felt comfortable!

"Tsk tsk, you have to spend money to play games! I didn't have money before, but now I don't."

Su Chen laughed, and suddenly thought of a way to spend money.

He was enjoying himself, when suddenly there was a quarrel outside, and after a while, the quarrel stopped abruptly, and after a while, Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing came back together.

"What's wrong? Someone is making trouble?"

While Su Chen was frantically spending money in NBA2k, he occasionally looked up at the two of them, seeing that they were fine, then lowered his head to spend money.

"Hmm! Boss, it turns out that the head chef is the former brother-in-law of the former boss here, and he didn't know that Duyiwei had changed hands. The chef was very irritable. When he heard that he was fired, he carried The kitchen knife was thrown out to make trouble, luckily Brother Gao was there, otherwise I would have been injured!"

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned and looked at Gao Qing. "Did he use the knife?"

Gao Qing nodded. "That person seems to have a problem with his brain. He can't stand the stimulation, and his temper will explode at the slightest!"

"Fuck! If you have a problem with your brain, just stay at home and why are you running out? You have a bad temper? Who has a good temper? Can you just use a knife to hurt someone if you have a bad temper? You're so used to it! Gao Qing, hit me!" Call the police, there is surveillance in the back kitchen, protect the evidence, wait for the police to come, actively cooperate!"

Gao Qing glanced at Su Chen in a daze, as if he didn't expect Su Chen to be so angry, but he didn't say anything, took out his mobile phone and walked to the side to call the police.

Guo Xiaoshi's face turned pale from being frightened by Su Chen, and she said weakly, "Boss, don't be angry, we are fine!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Guo Xiaoshi's complexion was not good, knowing that he had scared someone, he hurriedly showed a small face. "Hi! I'm not angry, I'm just a bit of an angry youth, and I can't get used to these things."

 Solemnly thank you, book friend, for your reward of 100 book coins if you are safe and well!

  Solemnly thank book friend An Yue Luosha Xiu for the reward of 2478 book coins!

  Solemnly thank the book friend Xianggong for the reward of 588 book coins!

  Emma, ​​there are so many rewards, excited, happy, and ashamed!What the hell, the author didn't add more updates, but he actually has the face to accept the reward, and his cheeks are thick enough!

(End of this chapter)

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