Chapter 87

Seeing that Su Chen calmed down, Guo Xiaoshi breathed a sigh of relief.However, she still had some hesitation on her face.

Su Chen looked at it and guessed a thing or two about her mind.

"What? Do you think I've called the police too much?"

After hearing this, Guo Xiaoshi nodded instinctively, then woke up suddenly and shook her head hastily.

Su Chen was amused. "You, you are soft-hearted. There is no need for sympathy for people like them who are quick to use the knife. If you sympathize with them, they may not appreciate it at all. This kind of people are just out of habit. The more you indulge them, the more they will The more arrogant you are, in the eyes of this kind of people, there is no concept of justice at all. Their concept is that whoever disobeys me will be punished!
To deal with this kind of people, you have to deal with them severely, let them know the dangers of the world, and let them understand that not everyone is a parent who spoils their children. "

Guo Xiaoshi's complexion turned pale, she was just threatened with a knife.Now being educated by Su Chen's decisive means, she couldn't react for a while.

Su Chen shook his head, rubbed Guo Xiaoshi's little head, and smiled helplessly: "Okay, don't think about it, we are calling the police, not fighting in private, I believe the police will deal with it fairly, let the law speak for everything, and this point The matter is only detaining and educating them, and they will not be sentenced, so what is there to worry about?"

Guo Xiaoshi's eyes lit up, and she finally turned the corner.

Oh yes!

We are calling the police, not fighting privately, and calling the police is not a bad thing, so why bother?
Guo Xiaoshi's whole body relaxed, and her whole body seemed to come back to life.

She was scaring herself just now, when she mentioned the police, she thought of the prison, so she went to a dead end for a while.

In fact, it's not his fault. When there is nothing to do, anyone who encounters a policeman will tremble in his heart.After all, once the police are involved, it's no small matter!

"never mind?"

Su Chen glanced at Guo Xiaoshi and asked.

Guo Xiaoshi nodded, bared her small white teeth and smiled.

"You!" Su Chen smiled, then handed the phone to Guo Xiaoshi, and said, "Since I'm fine, help me with some work, download all the recently popular games for me, and then start krypton gold, I bought all the things that the game needs krypton gold, such as skins, clothing, hero skill cards, etc. Anyway, you can spend as much money as possible!"

Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Don't do it! Didn't you say that women love to spend when they are in a bad mood? You ask so many questions when you are asked to spend money. Do you want to do it? Don't dare to find someone else!"

"Do it! This matter is on me!"

Guo Xiaoshi immediately grabbed the phone, and started downloading the game excitedly!
spend money!Krypton gold!Who does not like?Guo Xiaoshi can't wait!In particular, there are a lot of skins in the king that she didn't like before but had no money to buy, and now she finally has a chance!
Huh?The boss asked me to download the game, but didn't give me the game account?can i
Guo Xiaoshi laughed foolishly.

Regardless of Guo Xiaoshi spending money alone in the small courtyard, Su Chen got up and took Han Yun out of the small courtyard.

Gao Qing followed Su Chen closely. The chefs were packing up and hadn't left yet. Gao Qing didn't dare to leave Su Chen.

However, Su Chen drove Gao Qing back. Su Chen didn't dare to let Guo Xiaoshi stay in the yard alone after such a thing happened. accident.

As for Su Chen himself, he is now a proper martial arts master, it is estimated that even if Gao Qing is in Su Chen's hands, he will not be able to please him!

But Gao Qing didn't know about Su Chen's martial arts skills, so at first he didn't want to leave, but in the end it was Su Chen who forcibly rushed back.

On the other hand, Han Yun kept silent all the time. No matter what Su Chen did, she remained calm and composed. With this mentality, even Su Chen felt ashamed.

Su Chen came out of the small courtyard, intending to take a good look around this unique taste, because he wanted to carry out a comprehensive transformation of this place.

On the way, he actually ran into a few cooks, the leader was a thin man who was not tall, he was dressed as the head chef here, this man had a bare head, a fierce face, and fierce eyes like a wolf, At first glance, he is not a good-tempered person.

A group of people saw Su Chen but didn't recognize him, they thought it was a guest, so they didn't respond.

Su Chen didn't bother to talk to them, anyway, the police would come soon.

Now the police are very efficient in dispatching the police. The police arrived just after making a call here and before Su Chen finished shopping in the yard.

Su Chen called Gao Qing and asked him to take Guo Xiaoshi to be a witness, and then he let go of the matter and didn't care about it any more. A few people were just bad people in society, and it wasn't worth his worrying.

After visiting the kitchen as a whole, Su Chen had an idea in his mind.

Looking at the time, it felt that it was almost time, so Su Chen took Han Yun directly to the back kitchen.

In the back kitchen, Du Yiwei's manager is still dealing with the salary settlement of the remaining chefs.After the police came just now, he was also taken aback, and he hasn't recovered yet.

Not all the back chefs are jerks, so the police only took away a few main criminals, leaving the rest behind.

After Su Chen entered the back kitchen, he revealed his identity. When the manager heard this, he was immediately excited.

The manager's surname is Wang, and he was in a hurry. Now that he saw the rightful owner, he immediately seized the opportunity and started talking nice things in Su Chen's ear.

Du Yiwei's salary is very good. It is really difficult to find a comfortable job these days, so Manager Wang is very reluctant to part with this job.

Reaching out without hitting the smiling person, this manager Wang kept smiling at Su Chen, but Su Chen couldn't bear to refuse directly.

But if you think about it carefully, apart from the bad cooking, the other places are really good and remarkable.Moreover, under the circumstances that the chef's cooking skills are not good, there are so many customers in this unique taste, which shows that Manager Wang really has some skills.

Furthermore, the head chef of the back kitchen is a relative of the former boss, and Manager Wang probably has no intentions to change it. From this point of view, it seems that Manager Wang is worth a try.

"Okay! Originally, I planned to change this place from the inside to the outside! Including people!" Su Chen interrupted Manager Wang's complaints, and said in a concentrated voice: "However, you have won a chance for yourself , You are right, the problem with the unique taste may not be on you. But no matter what, if there is a problem with the unique taste, you, the manager, cannot get rid of it. "

When Manager Wang heard this, his eyes darkened.

But what Su Chen said next made him excited instantly. "But I can give you another chance to try under me. If you do a good job, I will not only keep you, but also give you a promotion and salary increase. But if you don't do well, then I'm sorry, let's get together and break up!"

Manager Wang was so excited that he expressed his opinion immediately. "Boss, don't worry, if I'm not capable, I don't need you to ask, I will pack up and leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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