I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 88 Liaozhai Hutong?

Chapter 88 Liaozhai Hutong?

"Are there any guests?"

Su Chen asked while checking the storage of ingredients in the kitchen.

"No more, because the police took away a lot of chefs, so the guests all left!"

"Hmm!" Su Chen didn't care, and said casually, "Is there no one making trouble?"

"No, I have lost everything that should be lost!"

"it is good!"

Su Chen didn't say anything, but Manager Wang hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Su Chen stopped and asked.

After hesitating for a moment, Manager Wang said, "Boss, the previous incident may have a bad impact on our unique reputation. Do you want to make a public relations announcement in advance?"

"That's not necessary." Su Chen shook his head. "In the future, if you just blindly keep it closed to the outside world, what reputation do you need?"

"Huh? Not open to the outside world?" Manager Wang is stupid. What's the point of staying here if it is not open to the outside world?
Su Chen glanced at Manager Wang and said: "I have my own arrangements for the development of the unique, and I will tell you later. Now you go out and clean up, and then close the store door. Send someone to guard the door. I will tell you later. To entertain guests."

When Manager Wang heard this, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he nodded and left.

Looking at Manager Wang who left, Su Chen had a plan in mind. This person has good abilities and is worth investigating.

Wen Liangdong's mood has been very complicated recently. He is an ambitious person, but at the same time he is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

At the beginning, he gave up his high-paying job in the United States and resolutely returned to China.One is to return the fallen leaves to their roots, and the other is to make a career in the land of China.Although China's market is lagging behind that of the United States, it has a population of 13 billion and thousands of years of history and civilization. The potential here is not comparable to that of the upstarts in the United States. Wen Liangdong has great influence on China's economic market. Full confidence.

And the fact is the same. In the past few years since he returned to China, he has deeply felt the huge potential of the Huaguo market.And he has also proved his strength. In more than three years, he successfully operated and listed a small company. This kind of ability is not something ordinary people can have.

However, he never imagined that the big brother he trusted at the beginning would become like this, actually wanting to cross the river and tear down the bridge!
The outside world said that he was leaving the wave company, which was true.But the reason is not for the shares as the outside world said. Wen Liangdong actually doesn't think much about Ocean Wave's shares. Although Jiang Feng didn't give him shares, he didn't lose him in treatment. Earned tens of millions.

So he is not short of money, and naturally he doesn't particularly care about the shares.What he cared about was that after Hailang successfully went public, Jiang Feng actually wanted to support his son to take over the position.

Jiang Feng's son Jiang Cheng, like Wen Liangdong, also returned from studying in the United States.But Jiang Cheng's college education is far worse than Walton's. There is no comparison between the two, and Jiang Cheng's grades in college are also very average, so Jiang Cheng's ability can be imagined.

Jiang Feng's intention was very simple, he wanted to pass on the family business to Jiang Cheng, after all Jiang Cheng was his only son.

This is the long-term love of human beings, which is understandable, and Wen Liangdong can understand it.If Jiang Cheng is really talented, he doesn't mind helping his elder brother to train Jiang Cheng.

But Jiang Feng was in a hurry. After the company went public, he promoted Jiang Cheng to the vice president through the general meeting of shareholders, and Jiang Cheng was arrogant. Relying on his status as a returnee, he thought he was enough to control the waves. company.
So, the contradiction appeared like this!
Jiang Feng thinks that he is a "late bloomer", so he wants to "pull the seedlings and encourage them"!
Jiang Cheng thought he was a monk from outside, and he wanted to usurp the throne!

Only Wen Liangdong, he really hoped that the sea waves would get better and better, after all, he cultivated them all by himself, but now, as he was gradually emptied, he could only watch helplessly as his hard work was ruined little by little. powerless.

This made Wen Liangdong regretful, but also completely disappointed in Jiang Cheng.

Wen Liangdong is a decisive person, since the waves are irreversible, he is decisively ready to find another job.

It's just that he really needs to be cautious about this new job.After the lesson of the waves, he understood the importance of rights.In his new job, he doesn't care about the salary or the company's development. He only cares about his own right to speak. He doesn't want to try the feeling of being demolished once.

Unfortunately, no company dared to agree to his request.No boss in China is willing to completely delegate power to his company!
The current situation is that Wen Liangdong wants to monopolize the government, and he doesn't even care about the size of the country for this.But no emperor was willing to delegate power absolutely.

Wen Liangdong also knew that his request was too much, but he still wanted to try.

He is a person whose attachment to power is far greater than the temptation of money!

Tonight's dinner was recommended to him by an old friend. It is said that the other party is a super rich rich second generation.

Maybe it was also influenced by public opinion. Wen Liangdong didn't have a good impression of the so-called rich second generation, so he didn't want to come at all at first, but an old friend strongly recommended it, saying it was very evil. If you don't come, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Wen Liangdong can't bear it Bewitched, he finally agreed to take a look. Anyway, he didn't want a treat, so he just came here for a meal.

But when he found it according to the map coordinates, he was stupid.

what's the situation?Why is it closed?Even the lights at the door are turned off?Did I go wrong?

The main reason is that this place is located in a courtyard alley, and the alley is usually quiet, but this time the door is closed, it really has the taste of the opening scene of Liaozhai.

"Is it Mr. Wen?"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the dark place, Wen Liangdong was startled, he jumped up, and quickly took out the lighter from his pocket.

Started the fire, then hunched over, trembling, and looked cautiously at the dark place in front of the store.

"Who? Roughly?"

The unique waiter was also taken aback. He was too bored to wait for others, so he ate a bag of melon seeds. As a result, his throat became dry and he couldn't speak clearly for a while, but he didn't expect to scare people.

"Ahem, Mr. Wen, I am a unique waiter. The boss asked me to come here to wait for you."

"Don't come here yet!" Wen Liangdong raised his eyes, looked suspiciously at the waiter, and then at the dark shop entrance. He felt a little apprehensive. Although Huaguo's law and order was quite good, there were some accidents that no one could do. No way.

"Mr. Wen"

"Please don't talk yet!" Wen Liangdong interrupted the waiter seriously, then took out his mobile phone, and while holding a lighter to be alert to the waiter, he found a mobile phone number, clicked to dial, and even helped his eyes.

"Hello? Hello, is this Mr. Su? I'm Wen Liangdong, and this is what happened"

(End of this chapter)

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