Chapter 89

When Su Chen received the call, he was cooking the last dish. After hearing about Wen Liangdong, Su Chen was stunned.

Is this a TV show?Do you want to be so funny?

Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and handed over the work in hand to Han Yun, then dressed in a chef's uniform, washed his hands, and came to the door of Duyiwei. Manager Wang heard about this and hurriedly followed.

As soon as Su Chen arrived at the door, he saw that the door was pitch black, and he was speechless.

"Manager Wang, I told you to close the business, why are you turning off the lights?"

Manager Wang also had black lines in his head, and hurriedly explained: "Boss, I am to blame for this matter. Maybe the people below have misunderstood me."

Su Chen looked back, the unique layout is the authentic courtyard layout, there is a screen wall between the entrance and the inside, and it is true that the entrance cannot be seen from the inside.

This is a misunderstanding.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Wen Liangdong who was holding a lighter with a cautious expression on his face, and almost laughed out loud in his heart.

This Wen Liangdong also has the attribute of being funny?
"You are Mr. Wen Liang Dong Wen, right? Hello, I'm Su Chen!"

Wen Liangdong looked Su Chen up and down, saw that Su Chen was elegantly dressed and had an extraordinary demeanor, he was relieved and believed it.

Hastily retracting the lighter, Wen Liangdong stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I wonder if this is it?"

Wen Liangdong pointed to the dark door and asked.

"Damn! This is a misunderstanding. This store is my property. I originally wanted them to close down and come here to entertain you. I didn't expect the people below to misunderstand. They thought it was time to get off work and even turned off the lights. Disturbed Wen Anyway, I'm really sorry!"

When Wen Liangdong heard it, he immediately understood, knowing that he had misunderstood, his old face flushed slightly, and at the same time he was flattered. "Oh! Mr. Su, you are too polite. You are too polite to close the shop because of me. I am flattered!"

Su Chen chuckled and shook his head. "Come on, let's stop being polite at the door. If you have anything to say, let's talk inside, please!"

Wen Liangdong regained his president's demeanor, held his head high, unbuttoned his suit, and said with a smile, "Please!"

Su Chen took Wen Liangdong back to the small courtyard before.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Guo Xiaoshi lying on the table with a lollipop in his mouth, fiddling with his mobile phone.

Both Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing went to the police station to take notes, but it didn't take much time, and they came back after a while.

Those in the back kitchen didn’t have any serious problems, just administrative education plus administrative punishment, not even detention punishment. After all, they used the knife in the back kitchen, and there were no injuries. As long as Su Chen didn’t pursue it, they were not at fault.

However, Su Chen asked Gao Qing to secretly teach these people a lesson, and by the way warned them not to do stupid things. Some people may take risks because of some emotional disputes. Su Chen doesn't want to do everything, but he doesn't want people around him to be in potential danger .

So let Gao Qing give them a warning, if they really dare to be unconvinced and do stupid things in the future, then Su Chen will never be merciful.

On the other side, Su Chen also called Zhao Cheng and asked Zhao Cheng to send someone to secretly watch these people for a period of time as a double-sided insurance.It's not that Su Chen is too cautious, but that there are too many plots of kidnapping and extortion in brain-dead novels. Su Chen doesn't want people around him to be in danger, so he will nip all potential dangers in the bud from the very beginning. Anyway, what I paid was just a little money.

He, Su · upstart · system double crit cashback buff owner · Big Brother · Chen, the most important thing he lacks is money. Anything that can be solved with money, Su Chen never hesitates to feel distressed!
"Cough cough!"

After Su Chen came in, he saw that Guo Xiaoshi was fascinated by playing games, and coughed involuntarily.

Guo Xiaoshi looked up in confusion, saw Su Chen walking in, and there was a middle-aged uncle with an outstanding temperament beside him, she immediately reacted, quickly took back the phone, quickly stood up with a blushing face, and ran to Su Chen with a cute face.

Su Chen gave Guo Xiaoshi a white look, this girl's brain nerves are really thick enough.

"Mr. Wen, let me introduce you. This is my secretary, Guo Xiaoshi, a girl who just graduated from university. She lacks experience and makes Mr. Wen laugh!"

"Hello Mr. Wen, I'm Guo Xiaoshi, please take care of me!"

Guo Xiaoshi shook hands with Wen Liangdong with an obedient expression.

Wen Liangdong looked at Guo Xiaoshi inexplicably. In his eyes, Guo Xiaoshi's sloppy work style is definitely not his favorite, but Guo Xiaoshi's elegant demeanor and the quickness in his eyes told her that she should not judge this little girl by her appearance.

"Mr. Su is too polite. Ms. Guo is smart and capable at first glance. There are many real talents around Mr. Su!"

Su Chen cast a glance at Wen Liangdong, and said in his heart, this President Wen is also a man of temperament, this car drives people off guard!
After a few people were courteous, they took their seats first and second. Guo Xiaoshi did not leave, but stayed by the side.

Afterwards, Su Chen was not polite, and directly ordered the waiter to serve the food.

The dishes are still the same as before, but this time the dishes are completely different.

After the dishes were all served, Guo Xiaoshi secretly swallowed her saliva without going out, she could tell at a glance that this was made by her own boss.

At the beginning, Wen Liangdong didn't care about the dishes. Although he came here today with the purpose of getting a meal, facing Su Chen, he still put all his energy into it and didn't dare to neglect.And he doesn't have any requirements for food, as long as he can fill his stomach.

But when the dishes came out, Wen Liangdong swallowed unconsciously.

These dishes look very attractive, not only the color of the dishes is extremely beautiful, but also the aroma of the various dishes is also extremely attractive, it even directly aroused the glutton in Wen Liangdong's stomach.

After the dishes were all served, Su Chen asked someone to serve several times the iced juice, and then said to Wen Liangdong: "We have to talk about something later, so let's not drink, and when the talk is over, if Mr. Wen is interested, let's have a drink. Come, try the food first to see if it suits your appetite."

Wen Liangdong glanced at Su Chen in surprise. After returning to China for so long, he already knew the domestic wine table culture very well. , then it must be inseparable from wine.

But he didn't expect that Su Chen would not drink with him. You know, people are most likely to make impulsive decisions under the stimulation of alcohol. In fact, before Wen Liangdong came again, he had already thought of a lot of excuses for not drinking. , but now he can't use any of them.

Su Chen didn't play cards according to the routine, which made Wen Liangdong a little uncomfortable, but he looked at Su Chen differently.This Mr. Su has always treated him with courtesy from the beginning until now, and he has not the slightest arrogance, and he has not locked him up at the wine table. This demeanor alone is far better than those dandies and rich men in his heart. generation.

For no reason, Wen Liangdong, who was just planning to have a meal, became somewhat interested in the conversation for a while!

 The first update is to make up for yesterday's owed update.

  Add more today, the code word is a bit urgent, if there is a typo, please bear with me, help point it out, and I will change it in time!
(End of this chapter)

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