I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 90 I am not interested in money

Chapter 90 I am not interested in money

"Wow! It's so rich! Boss, I haven't eaten your dishes for a long time!"

Guo Xiaoshi stared at the dishes on the table with big eyes, looking hopeless.

Wen Liangdong was taken aback when he heard this, and asked in surprise, "Mr. Su made these dishes?"

Su Chen nodded with a smile. "Before, I was thinking about how to entertain Mr. Wen. Wen is always a great talent. I can't neglect it. It just so happens that I know some cooking skills, so I made a few small dishes on my own. I don't know if it suits Mr. Wen's taste!"

While explaining, Su Chen secretly gave Guo Xiaoshi an appreciative look.

This girl is a god assist!
If she didn't open her mouth like this, it would be really difficult for Su Chen to speak.It's not that he wants to show off, but he has to let Wen Liangdong know his sincerity in all aspects. In order to win over talents and liberate himself in the future, Su Chen really "takes great pains".

Sure enough, when Wen Liangdong heard this, he was very moved.

Not to mention anything else, Su Chen, a boss with a net worth of billions, can personally cook for him, no matter if Su Chen is sincere or acting, Wen Liangdong can't help but be moved.It was the first time he was treated so sincerely in such a big age.Even Jiang Feng never treated him like this before.

Wen Liangdong was moved in his heart, and his words were somewhat sincere.

"Mr. Su, you really took too much trouble. I'm really flattered and moved!"

"Harm! What is this? I often cook at home." Su Chen pointed to Guo Xiaoshi and said, "These people in my family often beg me to cook, and I enjoy it too."

"Boss Wen."

"Mr. Su, you are too polite, you should call me Xiao Wen!"

"Eh Xiaowen?" Su Chen laughed. "You're older than me, so I'll call you Brother Wen!"

"Ah! Dare not dare."

"Come on, that's it!" Su Chen waved his hand, and then continued: "Okay, let's stop being polite, the food will be cold in a while, brother Wen, I'm not used to being polite, let's relax Order it!"

"Okay! Since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Wen Liangdong smiled subtly, then stopped being polite, picked up his chopsticks and took a mouthful of food.

After eating this, Wen Liangdong was taken aback for a moment, his mouth slammed a few times, and his pupils dilated suddenly.

Surprisingly delicious!
Wen Liangdong didn't expect that Su Chen's cooking skills were so high.

He has eaten a lot of delicacies in these years, he has tasted both at home and abroad, but there is no chef whose skill is comparable to Su Chen, not even comparable.

It is no exaggeration to say that he will never forget these dishes once he eats them.

Perhaps it was because the food was too tempting, with Wen Liangdong's good self-cultivation, he couldn't help but eat a few more mouthfuls.

Su Chen saw it in his eyes and felt happy in his heart. This is a good start.

The three of them chatted while eating, and after a while, they were almost finished eating.Wen Liangdong picked up the fruit juice and respected Su Chen, "Mr. Su, I will substitute fruit juice for wine, and I propose a toast to you!"

"Okay! I have to drink this!"

After clinking glasses, the two drank in one gulp.

Immediately, Wen Liangdong put down his cup, looked at Su Chen, and said seriously: "Mr. Su, if you treat me so respectfully and respectfully, then I won't go around with you anymore. If you have anything to say, I'll just say it straight."

"Exactly!" Su Chen put down his chopsticks and looked at Wen Liangdong seriously.

After pondering for a while, Wen Liangdong said: "Mr. Su, I understand what you mean, to be honest, I do have the idea of ​​changing jobs, and during this time, many companies have contacted me, but I am not tempted. "

"Oh? Then I don't know what aspects Brother Wen feels dissatisfied with?" Su Chen asked calmly.

Wen Liangdong gave a wry smile, then struggled slightly in his eyes, and breathed out: "To be honest, Mr. Su, I am not very interested in money, but I am very keen on starting a business. I am very yearning to cultivate a company myself. , from scratch, let him thrive in my hands, I am willing to pay for this, and I am willing to dedicate myself to this, but I hate being crossed and demolished bridges!"

Su Chen exhaled. "I understand! Brother Wen yearns for power, not wealth, am I right?"

Wen Liangdong nodded.

Su Chen was secretly happy, good guy, unexpectedly met another person who is not interested in money, this is a bosom friend!
"Hahaha, Brother Wen, why don't we say that we are destined to each other? I'm just like you. I'm not interested in money. Of course, I'm not interested in power either. What I like is fun, playful fun! "

Wen Liangdong was startled, it was the first time he heard someone say that he likes to play with things and lose his mind, but Su Chen's frankness made Wen Liangdong feel very comfortable, and Su Chen said he didn't like power, which made Wen Liangdong's eyes shine.

"Mr. Su, what do you mean?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Brother Wen, I'm curious, since you like money, why don't you start your own business?"

Wen Liangdong was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while, Wen Liangdong explained: "Maybe I don't want to be distracted! If I start my own business, the goal of my struggle will become a single one. For wealth, I don't want money to invade me." Infected my heart, I just want to do a career purely!"

When Su Chen heard this, he smacked his lips and looked at Wen Liangdong without saying a word.

Guo Xiaoshi lowered her head, her little head was about to be inserted into the rice bowl, the main reason was that she was afraid that she would laugh out loud.

Damn, there is actually someone who pretends to be better than his boss
After Wen Liangdong finished speaking, seeing the reaction of the two, his lips squirmed, and he smiled wryly:
"Okay, I'll recruit! It must be that I lack some courage. I don't like to owe, but it doesn't mean I like to live a hard life. Entrepreneurship is risky. I am afraid that if I fail to start a business and lose everything, then I will be the family. I am a sinner! Therefore, I prefer to work for others, so that I can realize my ideals and at the same time, there is no risk of bankruptcy."

Su Chen laughed. "That's the reason! But, Brother Wen," Su Chen said, raised his juice glass, and said to Wen Liangdong, "I believe your first reason!"

Wen Liangdong's eyes moved, a thread in his heart seemed to be touched, his lips trembled slightly, he did not speak, but picked up the cup on the table, touched Su Chen, and drank the drink in the cup.

Su Chen smiled, drank the juice as well, then smacked his lips, and said, "Brother Wen, do you know about Future Technology Company?"

Wen Liangdong's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the topic was coming, he hurriedly pulled himself together.

"I learned something before I came here. As far as I know, Future Technology Company is a newly registered company with a registered capital of 1000 million. The company currently does not have any business. It just established a technology research institute. It seems that it is researching some projects. This is my know!"

Su Chen nodded. "Brother Wen is basically right, but there is still some inside information missing!"

 Today's Chapter 2 - count as today's update

(End of this chapter)

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