Chapter 91

"Insider information?"

"Not bad!" Su Chen took out his mobile phone, called up the photo of the temperature-adjustable fiber patent certificate again, and handed it to Wen Liangdong. "You look at this?"

Wen Liangdong took it over curiously and took a look. He didn't understand it at first, but after he understood it, he was shocked. "Is this for clothing that can automatically adjust temperature?"

"Not bad!" Su Chen ate a mouthful of food, and then explained: "This is a fabric that can automatically adjust the temperature. No matter how the outside temperature changes, it can automatically emit a temperature close to the normal body temperature of the human body. Among the most comfortable temperatures, it is truly warm in winter and cool in summer!"

"There is such a miraculous technology here? Has it formed a patent?"

"What? Patent?" Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded. "Boss, first ask you to apply for a patent for adjustable temperature?"

Su Chen patted Guo Xiaoshi's shoulder, signaling him to be calm.Then he looked at Wen Liangdong and asked:
"Brother Wen, what do you think of this thing?"

Wen Liangdong breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly spit out four words. "There is no limit to the money!"

"Incisive!" Su Chen gave a thumbs up after hearing these four words, then took back his phone, found another picture, and handed it to Wen Liangdong.

Wen Liangdong took it over and looked at it, and looked at it again and again. It was also a patent certificate, but after reading it for a long time, he really didn't understand it this time.

"Mr. Su, what is this?"

"A negative electrode material for batteries!"

"Battery? Energy?" Wen Liangdong's face changed. If temperature-adjustable fabrics have a great future, then energy is related to the technological development of the entire world. The two are not the same concept at all.

"Mr. Su, what do you mean by the cathode material?"

"Lithium negative battery, have you heard of it?"

"Lithium negative electrode?" Wen Liangdong exclaimed.

As long as anyone who cares about energy technology, it is impossible not to have heard of lithium anode, which is a kind of battery with abundant reserves, easy acquisition, environmental friendliness and much higher energy density than other concept batteries.

It is said that if lithium battery research is successful, society will undergo earth-shaking changes. By then, electric vehicles will become the mainstream, smartphones may have a one-month long standby time, and drones with long battery life will no longer be technically difficult, etc. , It can be said that once the lithium battery research is successful, the whole world will be shaken!

Wen Liangdong swallowed dryly, if the temperature-adjustable fiber just made his heart flutter, then the current lithium negative battery has already made his internal organs tremble.

There is no doubt that Wen Liangdong dreams of doing a big business, and the career he most hopes to do is naturally a big business that can benefit the country and the people or change the world. Wen Liangdong also hopes that one of those who can leave a name in history can be included in Baidu Encyclopedia, or even in history books.

In the past, he devoted all his efforts to developing Hailang in order to get ahead by relying on Hailang. However, Hailang is the Internet after all, and he is not yet the founder. Unless such a company becomes the top in the industry, it is impossible to be written into the book, but even so, he is still working hard. tried.

But now?If it is a muddy country road from the waves to the houses of celebrities in the world, then the future technology company with so many patents is a spacious highway!
With such a bright prospect, it is impossible for Wen Liangdong not to be tempted.

Seeing that Wen Liangdong's eyes were getting hotter, Su Chen knew that it was almost time, so he took the opportunity to say, "Brother Wen, I won't play around with you anymore, to tell you the truth, I don't have much desire for fame and wealth, but if Although I have enough ability, I hope to do something meaningful to the society. This is the purpose of my establishment of a technology company.

So if you take over a technology company, I don't ask you how much money you make, but you must ensure that the future of a technology company must be a company that is positive for society. "

Wen Liangdong nodded fiercely, Su Chen's words almost reached his heart.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, this is also my lifelong pursuit."

"I believe you, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here today."

Wen Liangdong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and also smiled.

"In addition, I also know your hope. Don't worry, you don't want to be held back, and I don't like trouble. I can assure you that as long as the future technology development direction does not go astray, then you will always be the president of the company. I will not interfere too much with the company, everything is up to you.

As for whether I will cross rivers and demolish bridges in the future, I cannot guarantee you this, because if you believe me, even if I do not give you a guarantee, you will not have doubts; if you do not believe me, then I will write my words into In the contract, you can't change what should happen.

So it depends on your own eyesight!If you believe me, from now on, you will be the president of Future Technology!If you don't believe me, it doesn't matter, we will still be friends in the future. I like to make friends with capable people, and I won't complain to my friends because of this.

There are so many words, how to choose is up to you! "

After finishing speaking, Su Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time was a little nervous.

It's not that Wen Liangdong is the only technology company, there are so many talents these days, without Wen Liangdong, there will be countless Wen Liangxia, Wen Liangqiu, he is not afraid of not having talent, but he is afraid of trouble, today's matter has taken him a lot of heart, If he could, he really didn't want to do it again.

What the hell, dealing with smart people is too brain-intensive.

Sure enough, playing with Yue Yunpeng was the happiest.

Su Chen was nervous, and Wen Liangdong also fell into entanglement, but after only a moment of entanglement, Wen Liangdong made up his mind, stood up directly, bowed to Su Chen and stretched out his left hand, saying: "From now on, I hope that Mr. Su Take care of me!"


Su Chen laughed happily, what the hell, finally got it, it's not easy!

In fact, Su Chen's worry was a bit unnecessary.With the future prospects of the company and the conditions he offered, Wen Liangdong has no reason to refuse at all. If Wen Liangdong refuses, then he will not be looking for a job, and it will be a waste of effort to find a job!

"Brother Wen, please be polite, come on! This time, we will be a family from now on, so there is no need to be polite. Then, Lao Gao, help me bring in the monkey wine I prepared!"

"Monkey wine?"

Wen Liangdong is also really relaxed and happy this time. He has spent a lot of energy on his new job during this period, and he is so worried. Now the big rock in his heart has finally fallen to the ground, and the future is still bright. He is now whole All full of energy.

"Hehe, this is good wine, you'll know it after drinking it!" Su Chen said, "By the way, Brother Wen, when will you resign from Hailang?"

"I have almost handed over the work at Hailang. Mr. Jiang has been talking to me about the new position during this time, so I have no job now. If I want to leave, I can do it at any time, but if Mr. Jiang doesn't let me go, then I may have to pay some liquidated damages!"

Su Chen waved his hand. "Then resign as soon as possible, and the liquidated damages company will reimburse you!"

"Okay!" Wen Liangdong nodded in agreement with warmth in his heart.

 The second more, there will be more later

(End of this chapter)

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