Chapter 92
The next day, Su Chen woke up at his courtyard house.

Got a hangover last night!
Su Chen didn't remember too many things when he was drunk, he only remembered having a great chat with Wen Liangdong, the two actually drank two jars of monkey wine and three bottles of Moutai.Of course, Su Chen drank more than half of it, otherwise he wouldn't be drunk.

In the end, Su Chen only knew that he drank too much, and he didn't even know how to get home.

Su Chen suddenly lifted the quilt and took a look.

call!Fortunately, the pants are still there!
Um?its not right?Besides pants, what about other clothes?

Hold the grass!

You won't lose yourself, right?

Who undressed me yesterday?It would be okay if Xiao Guo, but this is somewhat impossible.If it is Gao Qing, then
When Su Chen thought of that scene, he immediately had goosebumps all over his body.

Oh My God!This time it was really a big loss.

With a slap on the forehead, Su Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

After scratching his head in a bad mood, he finally made an appointment, got out of bed, took a big shower, and then found new clothes to change into.

Afterwards, he came to his Wenwan table, picked up the dzi bead bracelet and a diamond hand and started to play.

When he went out, he saw Guo Xiaoshi feeding cats and dogs in the yard, and Su Chen was taken aback for a moment.

"Yo, why did you get up so early today?"

Seeing Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi blushed for some reason, covered her face and lowered her head, ran into the room without saying a word.

Su Chen was stunned and confused!
It happened that Gao Qing came to the main courtyard, Su Chen hurriedly called Gao Qing, gritted his teeth, and asked: "Then what, Lao Gao, who put the room near me yesterday?"

"It's me and Miss Guo!"

Su Chen's heart sank suddenly, he didn't really want to hear that answer, but he still owed it, and asked without giving up. "Who put the clothes on for me?"

"Oh, this!" Gao Qing was about to say it, but Guo Xiaoshi suddenly jumped out of the room and shouted: "Brother Gao, don't say it!"

Su Chen's eyes were opened at that time, and his heart was wide open at that time.

Oh Yo Yo!There is a situation!

Su Chen showed his white teeth, stepped forward, hugged Guo Xiaoshi's body with one hand, covered Guo Xiaoshi's mouth with the other, and said to Gao Qing: "Old Gao, you can speak now! I want to listen to the truth!"

Seeing this, Gao Qing looked at Guo Xiaoshi with some hesitation.

Guo Xiaoshi blushed anxiously and kept winking at Gao Qing.

However, Gao Qing just hesitated for a moment, and then spoke at the fastest speed: "It was Miss Guo who undressed you, and also wiped your face and feet for you."

After finishing speaking, Gao Qing turned around and ran away.

Guo Xiaoshi's entire face turned red in an instant, and she stomped her feet in anger.

Su Chen suddenly groaned and jumped up clutching his feet.

"Hiss! Girl, you are too cruel!"

Seeing this, Guo Xiaoshi immediately felt a little regretful, and wanted to go forward to ask, but then remembered what happened just now, and was immediately in a dilemma.

Su Chen smiled. "You girl, this is not a bad thing, I am very happy, what are you afraid of?"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted. "Hmph, you still said! It's all brother Gao's fault. He is so bad. After I took your husband into the house with him last night, he turned around and ran away. He said he couldn't serve others, so he left me alone. In the room, I can't help it, that's what."

Guo Xiaoshi was talking, she was ashamed and said nothing.

Su Chen was overjoyed, and at the same time gave Lao Gao a hundred likes.

He always thought that Lao Gao was a slut in terms of emotions, and he was also a veteran in the field of love. The assists he gave were simply invincible.

rise salary!Wages must be raised!
It wasn't because Lao Gao took off his clothes, Su Chen felt at ease.Seeing Guo Xiaoshi's shy look again, Su Chen was happy.

"Okay, it's a big deal, but I have to thank you for what happened last night. In this way, I will give you some rewards. Tell me, what do you like?"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted. "Hmph! I don't want rewards, and you don't ask me to serve you in the future!"

After speaking, Guo Xiaoshi covered her face and ran away.

Su Chen scratched his head and finally came to his senses.

Is this the wrong thing to say?Huh?Is he a straight man too?It shouldn't be!

Su Chen was depressed, another person walked into the front yard, it was Wen Liangdong, apparently he hadn't come home yesterday.

"Mr. Su!"

Wen Liangdong greeted Su Chen with a smile.

Su Chen asked Wen Liangdong to change his name last night, Mr. Su seemed too born.In the end, Wen Liangdong insisted on this, because it seemed respectful. After all, Su Chen is the boss, he is an employee, and the concepts of superiors and subordinates cannot be messed up.

When Su Chen heard this, he no longer objected.

"Brother Wen, you didn't come home last night, sister-in-law, are you in a hurry?"

When Wen Liangdong heard this, his expression turned bitter. "Why are you not in a hurry? I woke up in the morning and saw that there were more than [-] missed calls. I called home just now, but I didn't answer the call. I guess I was angry."

When Su Chen heard this, he secretly clicked his tongue. "What's the matter? Obediently, this is no small matter!"

Wen Liangdong sighed with a bitter face. "No way, kneel on the washboard at home! This may not be useful!"

"Pfft!" Su Chen was startled!
Washboard?My God, this thing actually exists?
"Brother Wen, isn't it? Sister-in-law's family education is so strict?"

Wen Liangdong smiled awkwardly. "She's doing it for my own good too!"

"Hitting is kissing, scolding is love! I understand that!" Su Chen patted Wen Liangdong on the shoulder.

Seeing that Su Chen understood, Wen Liangdong breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had found a bosom friend, he patted Wen Liangdong's shoulder with the same emotion.

"Come on, Brother Wen, I won't keep you for breakfast. I'll pack a few for you and take them home to eat. By the way, apologize to my sister-in-law quickly. Don't make excuses. Tell the truth. If he doesn't believe you, just say I'll go to you later." Home visit, and then you send me a text message, I will drive directly, anyway, sooner or later, I have to check the door!"

When Wen Liangdong heard this, he immediately regained his energy. If he did this, he might really be able to calm down.

"Mr. Su, you are really"

"Okay, it's all my own, you're welcome."

Wen Liangdong nodded and said nothing more.

"By the way, after you go back, go through the resignation procedures as soon as possible. I have something to ask for your help!"

"No problem, I will go to the company to go through the formalities today, and if there is no accident, I can leave tomorrow!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Afterwards, Su Chen asked Han Yun to pack four breakfasts for Wen Liangdong. Wen Liangdong had two daughters, so he wanted four breakfasts. Then Su Chen asked Gao Qing to drive Wen Liangdong home and help explain.

Seeing that Su Chen arranged it so well, Wen Liangdong was moved and happy, but at the same time, his back stiffened again!

Su Chen looked at it and sighed, it can scare people like Wen Liangdong like this, it seems that Mrs. Wen should also be a "virtuous wife"!

But such a virtuous wife, few people can bear it.

I silently blessed Wen Liangdong in my heart, and was about to go back to the house for dinner, when I heard footsteps coming from the front yard, and at the same time there was a mean voice.

"Old Su! Brother Su! I, Su Pan, are here! Miss me?"

 Today's Chapter 4, one more chapter is owed, there are three chapters left, continue tomorrow, hope to pay off the debt tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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