Chapter 93 Theme Party
"Su Pan?"

Su Chen stood still and turned around, just in time to see a slightly wretched face.It's just that although this face is wretched, the eyes are clear and the smile is clean, so although the face is not good, it is not annoying.

"How did you come?"

"Hey!" Su Pan's face suddenly wrinkled. "What's the matter? Why am I here? We haven't seen each other for several days, so you don't miss me? You are too ungrateful, do you know that I think about it every day at home? I haven't said anything yet When you're done, don't you go?"

Su Chen knows Su Pan too well, this guy is just a talker, and he can't stop talking.So before he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Su Pan wasn't angry either, and turned around and shouted. "Sister Han, there are guests at home, remember to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

After finishing speaking, he followed Su Pan into the house.

"Hey, I haven't finished my sentence yet, why are you running?"

Su Chen entered the living room in the center of the master bedroom, and Su Chen also ran in.

"I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense. I still miss me. I think you miss my cooking?"

Su Chen held the brush and brushed the vajra bracelet without raising his head.

Su Pan smiled, without any embarrassment, sat down next to Su Chen, and said, "Oh, aren't they all the same? Don't I miss you when I miss your cooking?"

Su Chen gave Su Pan a blank look, and said, "Tell me, why are you here?"

Su Pan's small eyes looked at Su Chen resentfully. "Look at what you said, I can't come to play with you if I have nothing to do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you yet? If you have something to say, hurry up!"

"It's all right"

"Boss, see off the guests"

"Hey! Hey! Let me tell you! Is it okay if I say it?" Su Pan said with a bitter face.

Su Chen smiled helplessly. "You, everything is fine, but your mouth is too broken!"

Su Pan giggled. "Yeah? Then tell me, I'll take them all?"

Su Chen was speechless, glanced at Su Pan, and said, "You have many advantages! For example, you have big eyes, a handsome appearance, a burly figure, and a tall stature."

"Stop!" Su Pan was dumbfounded, how could this be a compliment?It's all nonsense.

He glanced at Su Chen resentfully. "I said it's okay to be down to business? You have no conscience! You just know how to bully me!"

Su Chen shuddered instantly.

"Hold the grass, are you not going back to Taiguo these days? Let me tell you, I'm not good at that!"

"Get out! You just went to Taiguo." Su Pan seemed to be disgusted by himself, and hurriedly changed the subject. "Then what, let's get down to business. I came here this time to invite you to a themed party. Are you interested?"

"Theme party?" Su Chen shook his head and refused. "No! I can't stand that kind of environment!"

Su Pan smacked his lips. "I really don't know if you and I are the same age, why don't you have a common language? You don't even like parties, what else do you like?"

"What's the point of a party? A group of people are dancing with music playing, twisting their waists and pouting their buttocks. At that time, I find someone to eat a small barbecue at home and drink some monkey wine. Is he uncomfortable?"

When Su Pan heard about the barbecue, his eyes straightened. "Comfortable, remember to call me next time you have something like this! But what kind of wine is monkey wine? It sounds familiar!"

Su Chen rolled his eyes and said: "You will be excited when you hear about eating and drinking!"

"Nonsense, life is alive, eat and drink. Forget it, I won't talk to you, let me tell you straight, this party is not as serious as you think, and it is very exciting!"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows. "How serious? How exciting?"

"Have you ever heard of gambling with stones?" Su Pan asked mysteriously.

"Gambling stones?" Su Chen stopped the movement of his hands immediately, raised his head, looked at Su Pan, and became interested.

At this moment, Han Yun came in with food.

"Let's eat first!"

"Come on!" Su Pan jumped up happily at that moment.

"Wash your hands!"

"Huh? Why are you more verbose than my mother?"

"are you going?"

"Go! What about you?"

"Nonsense, I'll go too!"

The two brothers kept bickering after washing their hands, but they didn't affect their relationship at all. On the contrary, they got along more and more freely and had a tacit understanding.

"Tsk! It's also steamed buns, why is the steamed stuffed bun made by Sister Han so delicious? Hey, Lao Su, why don't you open a room for me, and I'll stay at your house forever!"

"Yes! The accommodation fee is [-] a month!"

"What? Fifty thousand, are you too dark? How much is my pocket money for a month?"

"Brother, settle the score! And I won't lie to you, this is a cheap price!"

"Okay! You're so cruel! Can't I live here? At worst, I'll come here every day for lunch!"

"Come here if you're not afraid of trouble, okay, let's talk about the stone bettor first, right?"

"That's right! This is an event initiated by a friend in the circle!" Su Pan stopped joking when he talked about the business. "This friend's family is in the jewelry business, and the family has always been related to the free shop country, so they can import a lot of raw jadeite every year, so their family used to hold regular jadeite rough trading markets in the capital.

However, in recent years, with the decline in the number of raw jadeite mining and the tightening of border policies, their supply of goods has been gradually decreasing every time, and they are gradually unable to support the trading market, so they can only stop!
Later, my friend took over the business from home, and relying on his connections in the capital, he organized a private jadeite fair, claiming to be a Stone Age themed party! "

Su Chen became more interested after listening to it. He was worrying that he would not be able to spend the money during this time, so betting on stones sounds reliable!Anyone who sticks to gambling has no invincible winner!
"Is your friend reliable? I mean, are his stones at the fair reliable? Are there any high-quality goods?"

"Hey! You don't have to worry about that. Old Su, if you want to get involved in our circle, face is the most important thing. Since he has a trade fair, he must have a high amount of goods, and the quantity must not be small. Otherwise, it would be fraud, and if so, he would have no way to gain a foothold in the circle.

Old Su, the rules of our circle are different from those of a serious business circle, so you can rest assured about the goods. "

Su Chen understood after listening.

Su Pan's so-called circle is the circle of the second generation. People in this circle pay more attention to face. They would rather lose a lot of money than be cheated of a penny.

The fact that Su Pan's friends can successfully gain a foothold in the circle is enough to show that there is definitely something real in his party.And it can't be less, otherwise how to satisfy those second generations.

Of course, even if there are more high-quality goods, Su Pan's friends will not lose money, and at worst, they will sell the raw stone more expensive.Anyway, these second generations are not short of money, what they care about is excitement and face.

(End of this chapter)

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