Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 1 Universe No. 1 Shenhao is currently recruiting

Chapter 1 The No. [-] Shenhao in the universe is currently recruiting

Huang Xing hung up the phone with a helpless face.

Just now the manager of the personnel department called to inform him that he didn't have to go to work tomorrow.

In other words, he was fired, and he was fired by Chuanglong Group after only three days.

Huang Xing was not surprised at all when he received the call.

Because just half an hour ago, he "heroically saved the beauty" punched Vice President Huang.

Thinking of the "hero saving the beauty" this time, Huang Xing couldn't laugh or cry.


Since high school, Huang Xing has worked part-time every winter and summer vacation.

His parents died in a car accident when he was 15 years old, leaving only one younger sister to depend on each other.

And when he sorted out his parents' relics, he learned from his mother's diary that he was just an orphan picked up from under the overpass 15 years ago.

Without the kindness of his parents to adopt him, he would not be where he is now.

He didn't tell Lu Xiaoke about this, but silently swore that he would take good care of his sister.

He kept the 100 million yuan in compensation from his parents' car accident in his younger sister's name, and left it to her as a dowry. He came out early to work part-time to make money.

"Well, it seems that I can only find a tutoring job."

Huang Chen sighed, and opened the tutoring website in the same city.

It is hard to find a short-term job during the summer vacation. Opportunities like internships at Chuanglong Group are hard to come by.

"The number one god in the universe, we are currently recruiting!"

As soon as Huang Xing opened the same city tutoring website, he saw these striking characters.

"Strange, what kind of recruitment advertisement is this?" Huang Xing looked at the big characters in puzzlement, and clicked in curiously.

"Welcome to the No. [-] Shenhao job fair in the universe..."

This sentence suddenly sounded in Huang Xing's mind, which startled him, and quickly asked, "Who is talking to me?"

"Don't be nervous, I am the interviewer Wudiqiang Shenhao System, you can call me Wudiqiang, now I will interview you."

Huang Xing was in a daze. Before he could react, the electronic voice continued to sound, "Since you are the only one participating in this job fair, the interview has been cancelled. Congratulations on being directly admitted and becoming the number one hero in the universe."

"I became the number one hero in the universe?" Huang Xing pinched his thigh, grinning from the pain.

Fuck it, it's true.

Invincible responded calmly, "Because you were not admitted through an interview, so to be more precise, you are still in the internship period of the number one Shenhao in the universe."

Huang Xing asked in confusion, "Is there any difference?"

Invincible Qiang explained, "The difference is huge. If you are admitted through my interview, you can directly become the No. 1 Shenhao in the universe at the full level. Now you are only in the internship period and need to upgrade from level [-]."

After Wudiqiang finished speaking, a set of data appeared in Huang Xing's mind:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 1 (0/100)

Today's quota: 10

Gold: 0
Combat Strength: 5
Mission: none
Huang Xing looked at his attributes, saw that his fighting power was 5, and his face was black.

"How do I improve my level and combat power? What are today's quota and gold coins? Where can I pick up the mission?" Huang Xing asked impatiently.

"Every 1 yuan spent will get a little experience and a gold coin. If you spend more than today's amount, you will not get experience and gold coins. You can get additional experience and gold coins as rewards for completing tasks. When you have full experience, you will automatically upgrade. Gold coins can be used to buy items in the system store. "

"Today's quota is a fixed amount for you to spend every day. It will increase according to the level up. It will be refreshed every day at [-] o'clock in the morning. The unused quota of the day will not be accumulated to the next day. It is recommended that the host consume the daily quota every day."

"Combat strength is the embodiment of the host's physical ability. You can take pills or practice to improve. Pills and cultivation techniques can be purchased with gold coins in the store. It is recommended that the host improve the combat strength as soon as possible, because this system is not responsible for protecting the host's personal safety."

"The tasks are all randomly generated, please let the host explore by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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