Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 2 The Contempt of the Invincible

Chapter 2 The Contempt of the Invincible
Wudiqiang's series of answers let Huang Xing basically understand the Shenhao system in his body.

"Let me see what good things are in the store first." Huang Xing couldn't wait to see what treasures were in the store.

Invincible Qiang said confidently: "They are definitely good things."

There was more information about the store in Huang Xing's mind immediately, but there were only two things in it: Xisui Pill and "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation", both priced at 10 gold coins.

"There are only two, so few?" Huang Xing thought in his heart.

The system can understand Huang Xing's thoughts, and explained, "The host is only at the first level now, and other products have not been unlocked yet. After the host upgrades, the products of the corresponding level will be automatically unlocked."

"Uh, well, talk is better than nothing, two is two."

As soon as Huang Xing finished thinking, the brief introduction of Xisui Pill and "The Heavenly Scripture" came into his mind.

Xisui Pill: It has the effect of washing the marrow and cutting the body, and transforming the body. After taking it, it can open up the meridians of the whole body and expel impurities in the body.

"The Heavenly Scripture of Good Fortune": The good fortune of the heaven and the earth, the first of the twelve heavenly scriptures, is the strongest Taoism between the heaven and the earth.

"Good stuff, really good stuff." Looking at the introduction, Huang Xing's saliva almost flowed out.

Both of these are things he urgently needs, allowing him to fight against the five slags, and they are cheap and cheap, each of which only costs 10 gold coins. As long as he uses up today's 10 quota, he will have 10 gold coins. I bought Sui Dan to regenerate myself, and then used it after the [-] o'clock quota was refreshed, and then bought the "Natural Scripture of Creation" to practice.

Huang Xing picked up the phone, and sure enough, he saw a text message on the lock screen:

"Damn it, I really transferred 10 yuan." After some communication with Wudiqiang, Huang Xing was prepared in his heart, but he was still a little excited when he read the text message.

"You are so excited for only 10 yuan?" Wudiqiang said contemptuously, "Please remember, you are the number one hero in the universe, and you should never get excited because of money. It would be embarrassing for me."

Invincible Qiang expressed dissatisfaction, and the consequences were serious.

Huang Xing heard the prompt:

Ding, trigger the task - the contempt of the invincible strong.

As the number one Shenhao in the universe, you don't have the self-confidence of Shenhao yet. In order to cultivate the self-confidence of the host Shenhao, please upgrade the Shark live account to level 10 within 120 minutes.

Task Reward: Get 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

This is the task?

Huang Xing also guessed what the triggering condition of the mission was, so he received a mission.

Shark Live is one of the most popular live streaming platforms now. The full level is 120. It is said that you have to give a gift of 500 million RMB to get to level 120.

Ding, Huang Xing heard the tone of the text message on his mobile phone, and sure enough, another 500 million was credited.


"I like this kind of contempt, let's send some more!"

Huang Xing looked at the text message and took two deep breaths, "Calm down, calm down, I am the number one god in the universe right now, don't get excited, don't get excited."

"Isn't it just brushing gifts to upgrade, who wouldn't? Such a simple task is simply a free reward."

Huang Chen completely believed in Wudiqiang's words, accepted his status as the number one god in the universe, and gradually changed his mentality. He turned on Shark Live and logged on to his account.

He came into contact with the shark live broadcast because he wanted to cheer for a friend in Glory of Kings.

That friend is called Ji Ran, who is called "Chasing and Throwing Fireballs" in Glory of Kings. He likes to play Angela, and he is a good friend of his sister Lu Xiaoke's gaming friends.

Lu Xiaoke would often pull Huang Chen and take them to pretend to fly with them, and he became familiar with them after a while, and when the three of them were online at the same time, they would fight in three rows together.

At the beginning, they didn't know that Ji Ran was an anchor. Once they encountered Huang Zhongshou Crystal in the game, and they couldn't get in after spending an hour.

Then Ji Ran said in embarrassment that his live broadcast time is coming soon, and he needs to prepare.

Only then did the Huang Chen brothers and sisters know that Ji Ran was still Shark's entertainment anchor, and after asking Shark's room number, they surrendered and went to cheer her up.

Ji Ran is only in his early twenties, a third-year student at the Magic City Conservatory of Music, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and long black and beautiful hair. His appearance is definitely at the level of a goddess, and his singing is also top-notch.

Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke also often listened to Ji Ran sing, and felt that she sang better than those top ten most popular anchors.

Especially Lu Xiaoke, ever since hearing Ji Ran sing for the first time, he has become her little fan. Every time Ji Ran starts broadcasting, Lu Xiaoke will hang on to listen to her singing when he has time.

But because Ji Ran doesn't show off, doesn't pretend to be flirtatious, and doesn't encourage viewers to give her gifts, so she has been lukewarm. The live broadcast has been live for more than a year, and her popularity is only over 5.

"It's her."

When Huang Xing received the system task, the first thing he thought of was Ji Ran.

He looked at his level 21 account, just about to recharge, and then thought that if he used this account to get gifts, Lu Xiaoke would know.

When my sister asks, I can't tell her that your brother has an invincible and powerful god system, and now your brother is the number one god in the universe.

It's not that he doesn't believe Lu Xiaoke, but the system is too unbelievable. If it gets out, it will only cause countless troubles.

Invincible Qiang also said that he is not responsible for protecting his personal safety.

Thinking of this, Huang Xing even wanted to improve his combat effectiveness immediately.

Only when one has enough strength can one be unscrupulous and inhumane.

"Invincible, if I use the newly registered shark account to upgrade to level 120, does it count as completing the task?"

"As long as it belongs to your account."

After receiving Wudiqiang's affirmative answer, Huang Xing immediately went to register a trumpet called "The Number One Shenhao in the Universe".

"That's right, you have to be so domineering when you name it." Wudiqiang praised Huang Chen's Shark with satisfaction.

"It's all taught by Brother Qiang." Huang Xing flattered Invincible Qiang before entering Ji Ran's live broadcast room.

Feiyu Zhai: "Singing so badly, I dare to broadcast live, so get out of the shark."

Holding the pig's leg: "Garbage anchor, the singing is really ugly."

Smoothie mix: "Where did a group of idiots come from, they love to listen, and if they don't listen, they will go away."

I am the most handsome in the village: "I know this anchor, 300 yuan once."

South Street fourth brother fg: "+1, no wonder it looks so familiar, I've fucked this bitch too."

Happy donut: "Do you have the quality to be so insulting."

Expired Beer Duck: "Ugly host, please close the broadcast."

Come on quick garage car: "Garbage anchors, get the shark off."


As soon as Huang Xing entered the live broadcast room, he saw the chat channel constantly swiping the screen, most of them were insulting Hei Jiran, and a few fans who came out to refute were quickly drowned in the black army.

"what's the situation?"

Huang Chen felt strange, usually the public screen in Ji Ran's live broadcast room was very clean, and few people hacked her, but in this battle, it was obvious that someone invited the navy to black Ji Ran.

 Hot new book, there are no local tyrants, only gods, burn your passion, welcome to collect.

(End of this chapter)

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