Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 3 The New Emperor "The No. 1 God in the Universe"

Chapter 3 The New Emperor "The Number One God in the Universe"

Ji Ran has always sung quietly and never had any grudges with others, and he doesn't know which god he offended this time, causing a large wave of naval attacks.

Seeing Lu Xiaoke talking on the public screen, Huang Xing quickly switched to the original account to chat privately.

Sky full of stars: Xiao Ke, what's the situation in Huoqiu's live broadcast room?
In Glory of the King, Huang Xing always called Ji Ran Huoqiu, and he never changed his words.

Happy Donut: Sister Ran offended Ke Shao just now, and then a lot of trolls came to blackmail her. It must be the troopers he invited.

The sky is full of stars: Ke Feiyang, the [-]th contributor?

Shark Live can be called Ke Shao only "Ke Feiyang" who ranks fifteen in the contribution list.

I heard that Ke Shao is a rich second generation, and has spent more than 300 million on Shark Live, and has large-scale stories with many female anchors. I don't know how Ji Ran got involved with him.

Happy Donut: Who else but him.In the live broadcast room just now, he brushed 10 rockets for Sister Ran, and said that he would give Sister Ran an earl, and sang "Guest officials are not allowed" with her, but Sister Ran did not agree.He felt that sister ran didn't show face, so he left angrily.

It turned out to be the case.

The song "Guests are not allowed" has some indescribable hints, no wonder Ji Ran refuses to agree.

Ji Ran is pretty, and she sings well, but she hasn't become popular because she doesn't know how to curry favor with those local tyrants.

There were also quite a few local tyrants who were amazed by Ji Ran and gave her planes and rockets.

But Ji Ran didn't show any special ambiguity to them other than a polite thank you, not even the "meh dah" that other anchors often talk about.

Those local tyrants left naturally when they saw that there was no smell, and those who stayed were the audience who really liked Ji Ran's singing.

After understanding the situation, Huang Xing charged 500 yuan to buy a rocket for Ji Ran.

I saw a banner floating in the live broadcast room:
The sky full of stars gave Ji Ran a rocket, click to enter the room to open the fish ball treasure box.

The public screen was swiped by 66666 in an instant.

Huang Xing sent Ji Ran a private chat: Come on Fireball, don't pay attention to those trolls, you are the best.I have something to download, and when you download it, call me Three Rows of Pesticides.

Send a private chat to Lu Xiaoke again: Brother, I got off beforehand, please comfort Huoqiu well.

Without waiting for their reply, Huang Xing changed into the newly registered trumpet "Universe No. [-] Shenhao".

Ji Ran's eyes were red, trying not to let the tears fall.

She thought her heart was strong, but seeing the vicious attacks on the screen, she felt a little broken, and she really wanted to turn off the live broadcast immediately and cry bitterly.

But she didn't do that, if she did, it would have hit the target of those sunspots.

Suddenly seeing Huang Xing brushing rockets for her, Ji Ran couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She heard Lu Xiaoke talk about their family's situation, and knew that Huang Xing's financial conditions were not good.

"Thank you for the rocket sent by the stars, thank you for your support."

Ji Ran thanked with a crying voice.

She saw her chat box flickering, so she clicked in to check the message.

Looking at Huang Xing's message, Ji Ran felt a warm current in his heart.

The audience who silently supported Ji Ran in the live broadcast room, seeing the sky full of stars brushing rockets, also gave her gifts one after another.

Happy donuts give away shark fin x32
Smoothie mix gives rocket x1
Luk Leopard Gives Shark Fin x66

"Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and support."

Ji Ran named and thanked the audience who gave him gifts one by one, and couldn't help but shed tears.

There are still audiences who really like her have been silently supporting her and encouraging her.

She worked hard to adjust her emotions, and continued to sing "Different Times" with her crying voice:

who is choking
bitter face
can't hide

Slowly blurred vision ahead
It's the tears that are slightly salty

Woo~ I never thought of a quarrel

The reason is so sloppy
I miss the old smile oh~

I haven't realized that I've already gotten used to you


The slightly choked voice, with its unique magnetism, makes this song "Different Time" more infectious.

"Look, Young Master Ke, there are still a few idiots giving gifts to that slut." Maggie and Young Master Ke, together with Mai, said sweetly when they saw the announcement that someone was giving Ji Ran a rocket.

Maggie is a well-known female anchor of Shark Live. She is good-looking, open enough, and has a nice voice. She will please the anchor. Therefore, she has attracted a large number of fans. Now the live broadcast room has more than 100 million popularity.

"A few small shrimps, their hair didn't grow evenly when I brushed the presents. If you dare to throw me in the face of Ke Shao, I will make that bitch unable to get along with the shark."

This was the first time Ke Shao met a female anchor who didn't give her face.

In other live broadcast rooms, those female anchors treated him like a God of Wealth, and took the initiative to come up to please themselves.

After he was rejected by Ji Ran, he switched to Maggie's live broadcast room and listened to Lian Mai's whining. At the same time, he shouted a lot of black Jiran, who didn't know how to praise, so that Ji Ran, who didn't know how to praise, couldn't get along with the shark.

After Ke Shao said domineeringly, he just tapped and sent out 10 rockets.

"Ke Shao is domineering, that little bastard is no match for Ke Shaobi. One, no, or ten, um, um, um..."

When Maggie saw Ke Shao's 10 rockets, she burst into a smile, making a series of babbles.

10 rockets are worth 5000 RMB. After deducting the platform share and tax, Maggie can get 2000 RMB.


"Ke Shao is mighty and domineering."

"Lord, is there still a pendant on your leg?"

"Kneel down, my monthly salary is only 5000 yuan."

"Master Ke, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."


The onlookers in Maggie's live broadcast kept swiping the screen and kneeling and licking Ke Shao, wishing that those rockets were the same as they swiped.

"Come on, I want..." Ke Shao lit a cigarette, took a puff comfortably, and adjusted his breath presumptuously.

He spends money on gifts in Shark because he likes the female anchor kneeling and licking him, and he likes the feeling of being praised by thousands of onlookers.

"Master Ke is good or bad." Maggie smiled shyly, then stuck out her tongue and licked her lips lightly.

"Long live, long live my emperor! Congratulations to the new emperor, 'the number one god in the universe', who ascended the throne in Ji Ran's live broadcast room and became the 78th emperor of Shark Live."

"Long live, long live my emperor! Congratulations to the new emperor, 'the number one god in the universe', who ascended the throne in Ji Ran's live broadcast room and became the 78th emperor of Shark Live."

"Long live, long live my emperor! Congratulations to the new emperor, 'the number one god in the universe', who ascended the throne in Ji Ran's live broadcast room and became the 78th emperor of Shark Live."

Three consecutive large banners floated across each live broadcast room, and the shark live broadcast exploded instantly.

Emperor is the highest noble title of Shark Live.

The nobles of Shark Live are divided into six classes: knight, viscount, earl, duke, king, and emperor.

Among them, the knight is 500 yuan, the viscount is 1500 yuan, the earl is 5000 yuan, the duke is 15000 yuan, the king is 60000 yuan, and the emperor is 120000 yuan.

Nobility is not for life, it's just a monthly price, and if you don't renew, nobility will be cancelled.

It costs 12 yuan to open an emperor, which is not affordable for ordinary people. There are only 78 emperors in the history of Shark Live, and many emperors will not renew after one or two months of activation.

There are no more than 30 emperors who still hold the title of emperor. It can be said that the appearance of each emperor will attract heated discussions on the shark live broadcast.

Every emperor is also the target of the major anchors rushing to win over and kneel and lick.

"Damn it, someone opened the emperor!"

"Who is Ji Ran?"

"I haven't heard of it, let's go and have a look."

"Didn't Young Master Ke just say that he wanted to complete Jiran? You got slapped in the face so soon?"

"The number one god in the universe, this name is Niu Bi, it can't be Papa Ma!"

"Hehe, it looks like a shark's drag, and the idiot only spent 12 to drive a nobleman."

"Go away, you ignorant local turtle, you have never seen a local tyrant."

"12 for an emperor, poverty limits my imagination."

The public screens of the various live broadcast rooms on the Shark platform were swiping the screen to discuss the "No. [-] God in the Universe", and many melon eaters jumped to Ji Ran's live broadcast room to watch the new emperor.

Maggie was still separated from Ke Shao, when she suddenly saw the news, her tongue stopped on her lips in shock, and she remained motionless.

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(End of this chapter)

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