Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 10 Sword Brother's Luck

Chapter 10 Sword Brother's Luck

Taibaijian noticed Luna's name "K. Feibenna" when he saw the barrage.

"It's really God K's trumpet." Taibai Jian muttered in his heart.

Also a popular anchor of Shark Live, Taibaijian is very familiar with God K, knowing that his strength is equal to his own.

Taibai Jian laughed happily, "I really crashed with God K, come on, come on, Brother Jian makes an offer, and all the veterans come to guess who will crash between me and God K."

Taibaijian opened a guessing game: the anchor wins/loses.

As a result, as soon as the quiz started, the number of bets lost gradually increased.

"The veterans have so little confidence in Brother Jian, Brother Jian is so heartbroken."

Taibai sword held his chest in his hands, as if he had received ten thousand points of damage.

Comparing the lineups of the two sides, Taibaijian also felt that he had a higher chance of being cool, but as an anchor, he must not be cowardly. He bet himself a "win" of 10 fish balls, and said, "The old irons don't believe Brother Jian Don't you believe in Brother Jian's luck? As a man who wants to win 150 consecutive victories in a single row, Brother Jian is very confident that the opponent will definitely drop 460, this round is all right."

Taibai Jian flung his shoulder-length hair coquettishly, and his signature gesture was a confident smile that was flirtatious than a woman.

He said in front of the fans that he was full of confidence, but he was very nervous in his heart. After all, God K on the opposite side was as strong as himself, and his lineup was much weaker than the opponent's.

"Brother Bitch is still as coquettish as ever, and just flashed his waist."

"10 fish balls, this is a gift for us! Passers-by turn fans."

"Brother, this lineup can win, I'll be broadcasting live on Ridian fans."

"To lose is to pick up money, for nothing."


After the game was loaded, the heroes of both sides were born in the spring, Taibaijian no longer watched the barrage on the computer, and focused all his attention on the game.

Feng Qiuhuang's Li Bai took the lead in a chic posture, and sent the assembly command to set off towards the blue buff on the opposite side.

Arthur charged behind with a big shield on his back, and the video game kid jumped up and down to keep up. Angela in the middle and Hua Mulan in the top also took their positions.

"Go, go, go, follow the master to fight against the blue." Lu Xiaoke controlled the video game boy and shouted with the microphone on, "Brother, watch me, don't let people bully my little Luban."

It is said that team battles can be lost, and Lu Ban must die. Maybe because of his height, Lu Ban and Timo are the same for hatred, and are most likely to be bullied to death.

"No problem."

Huang Xing's Arthur stood in front of little Lu Ban with a big sword in one hand and a big shield in the other.

The opponent did not defend the blue, but chose to change the blue.

Li Bai easily took away the opponent's blue, and continued to roam the wild area, while Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke returned to the bottom lane, clearing the soldiers and pushing the tower.

On the opposite side is the Kaishou Tower.

Kai is called Emperor Kai in this version, a ridiculously strong fighter, an all-around fighter who can resist, fight, control, and move.

Kaihuang on the opposite side was huddled under the tower to clear the line after half of his blood was consumed by Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke.

"Brother, this Kai is too wretched, always hiding in the tower."

Lu Xiaoke's short legs were bouncing around the flat A tower in front of him, brushing passively, complaining unhappily.

As soon as Lu Xiaoke's voice fell, the system reminded Marco Polo on the opposite side to kill Hua Mulan and get a blood.

"Dizzy, I'm sending blood so soon." Lu Xiaoke felt speechless, and it took less than 2 minutes to start.

"Baiban Hua Mulan, practice being a hero with your thighs in your arms." Ji Ran said calmly while controlling Angela to clear the line.

"Baby is not happy." Lu Xiaoke expressed that he was very unhappy, and Xiao Luban's passive fire suppression swept the enemy tower by tower.

"Don't be angry, you hide in the bushes on the side, and watch brother go in and lure Kai out to beat you."

Lu Xiaoke was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Huang Xing controlled Arthur to activate a skill and rush towards the opponent's tower, and jumped over to Kai for a moment of silence, and then leveled A and ran back.

In the early stage, the hero's health was low, and Huang Xing's Arthur's blood volume was smashed by the tower, and when he ran out of the tower, there was only a trace of blood left.

"Stupid, at level 2, the higher the tower, the more the head will be given away."

Kaihuang saw Arthur come in from the tower, and cursed, as if he saw the call of the head, he rushed up and ransacked Arthur who was left with a trace of blood.

It was about to harvest Arthur's head, but Kai chased all the way out of the tower without touching the last trace of Arthur's blood. Instead, a grenade flew out from the grass and stunned him.

"Da da da."

Lu Xiaoke saw Kai coming out of the tower, and threw a skill 1 puffer grenade to stun Kai, then activated passive fire suppression, and fired wildly.

Huang Xing's Arthur also turned around, using the built-in hero skill stun to stun Kai, and the 2 skill spinning strike was activated.

Lu Xiaoke's Little Luban 2 skill Invincible Shark Mouth Cannon hits with a flying cannon, and continues to fire to suppress the crazy strafing.

Huang Xing's skill 1 has been cooled down, so he continues to be silent.

The poor Kaihuang just got out of the tower and was beaten up by his brother and sister without moving. He watched Arthur's bloody skin fall down in unwillingness.

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoke harvested a head and shouted happily, "Brother is still amazing."

"Must." Huang Xing's narcissistic response made Arthur hide in the grass and return.

Hearing Lu Xiaoke's cheerful voice, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth.

After he used the Xisui Pill and practiced the first level of "The Good Fortune Scripture", he felt that his whole body was full of inexhaustible prehistoric power, and his mental perception and reaction ability reached an extremely abnormal level. He used it to play games, It is simply overkill.

All kinds of difficult micro-management and seamless connection of skills in the game are more or less limited by the reaction and hand speed of ordinary people, but it couldn't be easier for Huang Xing, so he accurately calculated Arthur's blood when he entered the tower. Consumed, lured Kai out with a trace of blood, and perfectly controlled the movement so that Kai's skills could not hit him at once.

"It seems that Brother Jian's whiteboard teammate is a bit of a fool." Taibaijian sighed helplessly in the live broadcast room when he saw Hua Mulan gave him a blood.

But soon he saw that little Luban who was going down the road took Kaihuang away, and said happily, "My little Banban is amazing, is he the hope of the whole village?"

Taibaijian took away Ono, who was on the road, and reached level [-]. An elegant figure flashed under the tower on the road, and threw a wave of skills at Marco Polo, Zhang Fei, and the soldiers who were pushing the tower, and cleared the soldiers. Luna on the opposite side was also there Move in at this time.

Li Bai of Taibaijian seemed to have expected Luna's arrival, and instead of Marco Polo, who was greedy to harvest residual blood, he returned to the wild area and threw Luna away.

There was no pawn line on the opposite side, so they retreated outside the tower, and Hua Mulan resurrected to guard the tower.

Taibaijian sent a signal to the middle lane to turn up carefully, and brushed a mob to remove the red buff on the opposite side.

Ji Ran received a signal from Li Bai, knowing that there were enemies coming down the road, Angela bounced back to the tower.

After Huang Xing's Arthur was full of blood on the return trip, he directly held a big shield and rushed to the middle to support Ji Ran.

"Old irons, watch Brother Jian come to Bosao to operate."

The red buff on the opposite side was refreshed immediately, and Taibai Jian flung his hair coquettishly at the fans, trying to sneak up and attack Marco Polo.


There's no after that.

The game interface in the live broadcast room was pitch black, only Taibai Jian was left in a daze with his mobile phone in a daze.

"Oh, I'm going! The screen of the phone is black."

Taibaijian's inhuman scream came from the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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