Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 11 Invincible Novice Team of 3

Chapter 11 Invincible Novice Trio

"This wave of operations is too coquettish. I give 99 points, and I give 1 less because I'm afraid that the cheap brother will be too arrogant."

"Bitch V5, you're too flamboyant."

"Shocking, Li Bai, the number one in the national server, hangs up and cheats his teammates."

"666, my luck is invincible, and my strength is 460."

"The electric fans are all ready, you let me watch this?"


The barrage in Taibaijian's live broadcast room was chaotic. Fans gloated and made jokes when they saw the black screen of Taibaijian's mobile phone.

Fans of course like to watch the anchor crush the opponent with Niubi's operation, but occasionally when the anchor rolls over and gets slapped in the face, they will be happier.

"Unscientific, unscientific." Taibaijian quickly took the spare mobile phone, and while re-logging in, shaking his hair, he said sadly, "Brother Jian watched the sky last night, and it was clearly determined that the other party was disconnected. How could it be me?" disconnected?"

"Brother Bitch is an undercover agent sent by the other side, right?"

"Brother Xie and God K are true love, and the black screen directly assists."

"Shocking, the ulterior PY deal between the cheap brother and God K."

"Behind Brother Jian's black screen is the loss of morality, or the sacrifice for love. Please follow the camera and walk into Brother Jian's inner world."


There was another wave of swiping on the barrage.

As a powerful anchor, Tai Baijian knows that winning or losing is not the most important thing, mobilizing the emotions of fans and making them happy watching is the kingly way.

Facing a master like God K, the game black screen just after he reached level 4 is very fatal. The gap between the two sides will snowball and widen, causing the game to crash.

He seemed to see his handsome and unrestrained Li Bai standing there, beaten to death like an idiot, and the cute little Lu Ban and Angela trembling in the infinite company under the moon of K Goddess Luna.

"Li Bai seems to be offline."

Huang Xing's Arthur ran towards Ji Ran's Angela while observing the situation on the field. He found Li Bai standing motionless on the field, so he gave a warning.

"No, it was agreed to take us to lie down and win." Lu Xiaoke was still thinking about lying down to win, but the master Li Bai dropped the line.

Soon, a reminder that Li Bai was killed by Luna and disconnected was displayed on the screen.

"It's okay, it's up to you." Huang Xing controlled Arthur to run to the place where Li Bai died, and directed on the microphone, "Xiao Ke, come to the middle to clear the line of soldiers, move the fireball two steps to the left of the tower, aim at the corner of the grass and don't move , I will let you use skills to directly connect to the big with 2 skills."

"Aha, brother K, my aura is big enough, I just scared Taibai Jian off the line."

On the other end of the computer, God K's trumpet was also very surprised to meet Taibaijian. He didn't dare to underestimate it, and worked hard to operate it, but unexpectedly found that Taibaijian had gone offline.

"The rest are scum, Brother K can hit 4 of them."

God K looked at Luban No. [-] on the opposite side, Angela, Arthur, all novice heroes, he didn't pay attention at all.

He easily took Li Bai's head away, and continued to approach the middle. When he saw Arthur rushing into the attack range, the 1st skill, Crescent Moon, sent out a sword energy to attack Arthur.

"Hey, no hit."

God K sounded suspicious, the moment Arthur entered his attack range, he turned back suddenly, making his attack miss.

"You're lucky, I'll chase after you."

Li Bai of Taibai Sword was dead, God K didn't pay attention to the other people on the opposite side at all, and Arthur was only level 3, so he boldly pursued Arthur directly.

"Where are you going?"

God K chased Arthur fearlessly, and almost hit Arthur with his basic attack.

Don't be shy, keep chasing.

"Look at Brother K's Unlimited Company under the Moon, Arthur, it's mine."

Luna's skill 1 cools down, hits Arthur directly, marks a crescent on his head, and then activates the big skill Crescent Assault, and charges towards Arthur.

"Open skills."

Seeing God K charging towards him, Huang Xing smiled slightly, his position was Ji Ran's Angela's attack position.

He yelled, the 2-skill Spinning Strike was activated, and then the 1-skill Shield of the Oath was connected.

"Launch." Ji Ran has been standing still, and when he heard Huang Xing's order, he responded playfully. Immediately, a 2-skill Chaos Fire Seed was sent out, and it hit Luna who was in the tiger's mouth easily and happily, and was stunned directly, and then took the shot. The last 3 skills are blazing and shining, and the red line is burning at Luna.

Braised big cock.

Fairy Zixia, the God of K, stepped on the seven-colored clouds, and caught up with Arthur in a calm manner. She was about to show off a wave of Infinity under the Moon, but she was stunned by Angela as soon as she rushed to Arthur.

"It's okay, look at my brother's cleanliness."

God K used the hero skill Clean to remove Angela's dizziness, and pressed down the 2 skill Fiery Sword Glow, trying to stun and mark Arthur, and also add a shield to himself.


God K found that his 2nd skill did not activate as he wished. At the moment when he cleared his dizziness, he was hit by Arthur's 1st skill, the shield of oath, and was unable to use the skill.

Luna without a shield was directly burned most of her blood by Angela's blazing radiance. What's more terrible was that Arthur just reached level [-] at this time, a great skill Holy Sword Judgment leaped up, and the big sword cut down directly The remnant blood of God K is harvested by Luna.

"Accidents, they are all accidents. If you dare to kill Brother K, they will immediately know what regret is."

Although God K was killed by Angela and Arthur, he didn't take it seriously.

After Taibaijian accidentally disconnected just now, he relaxed his mind lightly and did not show his true strength.

He believed that as long as he showed his true strength, except for Taibai Jian, everyone else would be at his mercy.

This is the confidence in the strength of the national service.

Zhuge Liang on the opposite side saw Luna coming to the middle, and also rushed out of the tower to support.

In the end, before seeing Luna's face, she found that Luna had been taken away by a wave.

Poor Zhuge Liang was beaten by little Luban, Arthur, and Angela, and gave little Luban a head.

"Yeah, another head." Lu Xiaoke seemed very happy to kill Zhuge Liang.

"Go, continue on the road."

After Huang Xing gave an order, Arthur led Angela and little Lu Ban to the road with a big shield on his head.

"Go, invincible novice trio, attack." Lu Xiaoke roared happily.

Hua Mulan, who was on the road, seemed to be a real hero. Huang Xing and the others had just run halfway, when he delivered another head, and a tower was also pushed down.

However, the three of Huang Chen and the others arrived and took Marco Polo away, and Zhang Fei drove away.

They took advantage of the situation and directly pushed down the top tower on the opposite side.

Brutal yet gentle: "I'm sorry, I thought Li Bai was a great god so I became a hero..."

Hua Mulan died twice in a row, and she felt that she cheated her teammates, so she typed an apology.

After chasing and throwing the fireball: "It's okay, just guard the tower well."

Happy Donut: Turn on your voice and listen to my brother's command.

Hua Mulan took the initiative to apologize, but they didn't say anything. It is true that Li Bai's performance is a bit scary, and it is easy to drive them away.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to practice eleven swords in three seconds, but the result was too bad."

Rough and gentle, he turned on the mic. It was the voice of a middle-aged uncle, and the simple and honest voice was somewhat apologetic.

(End of this chapter)

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