Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 12 Your Arthur Is Poisonous

Chapter 12 Your Arthur Is Poisonous

"It's okay, the master is offline, and my brother is still here." Lu Xiaoke's personality is familiar, and he chatted with the rough and gentle, and said: "My brother is also a super expert."

Lu Xiaoke believed in Huang Chen's strength very much. If she hadn't brought her to rank with Ji Ran, her brother would have already won the King of Glory.

Huang Xing just smiled at Lu Xiaoke's compliment, accepting it calmly.

His glory of the king was already at a good level, but after his strength exploded, he could control the game to the point where he could do whatever he wanted.

As long as he doesn't want to die, the other side can't even touch his side.

"Let's go, let's go back to the bottom lane, Fireball guards the middle lane."

After getting on the road, Huang Xing continued to send instructions.

Huang Xing accompanied Lu Xiaoke back to the bottom lane, but the Kaihuang on the opposite side assumed that he was a real man for 8 seconds, and rushed in after using the 2 skill Blade Storm to kill Xiao Luban with a big force.

Kaihuang is so tough, and little Luban is so easy to bully.

But with Huang Chen around, how could Emperor Kai succeed?
He met Emperor Kai with the shield of the oath, a collision silence, a roundabout blow, followed by a stun, a big sword, and little Luban's "da da da", and when Kai Huang drove the immortal demon out, there was nothing left. Under the residual blood.

"The little Lu Ban who bullied me still wants to run away, so he will give me a shot."

Kaihuang started to flash and wanted to run, but Lu Xiaoke shot him with an invincible shark mouth cannon and sent Kaihuang back to the spring.

"La la la, Luban No. [-], with an IQ of [-]."

Lu Xiaoke took three heads and sang happily.

Huang Xing also found out that Kai, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, and Marco Polo on the opposite side were not very good at operation and consciousness, and they were at the standard of Xingyao.

It was Luna's operation that surprised him a bit. Don't look at him being powerless to fight back just now, but it was because he had reached the extreme level of manipulation of Arthur.

If it was replaced by the previous self, there would be no way to get rid of his unlimited company under the moon, and the one who gave away the head would definitely become himself.

As if to confirm his speculation, he and Lu Xiaoke had just taken Kai away, and Angela, who was in the middle of Jiran, was also taken away by Luna.

"Be careful, Luna on the other side is very powerful." Huang Xing reminded.

Ji Ran laughed at himself, "Pit, I didn't run away after turning on the flash."

"Brother, go up and protect Sister Ran, leave me alone." Seeing that Ji Ran was dead, Lu Xiaoke shouted to Huang Xing.

"I'm fine, your little Luban is weaker than me, just let Xingchen follow you." Ji Ran refused.

Hearing what the two said, Huang Xing felt a little embarrassed, and didn't know who to protect first.

Considering that Lu Xiaoke has already collected three heads, and the economy is high enough, it should be fine to hide under the tower with a red, so he said, "I'll help you get a red and then go to protect the fireball."

Huang Xing accompanied Lu Xiaoke to hit the red buff, and went to the middle with the big shield.

Lu Xiaoke looked at Arthur who was running wildly, and shouted solemnly, "Go, brave knight, and protect your princess."

After Huang Xing heard this, Arthur almost fell while running.

Ji Ran also smiled softly, and imitated Lu Xiaoke's tone and said, "Brave knight, you are going in the wrong direction. The little princess you want to protect for the rest of your life is on the way down."

Huang Xing's Arthur bumped his nose against the wall.

I can't stand these two women.

"Haha, the Great God is connected. My little princess is going to seek the protection of the Great God. Brother, you can protect your Princess Ranran with peace of mind." Seeing Li Bai's prompt to re-enter the game, Lu Xiaoke said with a smile.

"No, you two princesses are mine, and I will protect them." Huang Xing said dissatisfiedly.

Lu Xiaoke was stunned.

Ji Ran was also stunned.

This seems to be the first time that Huang Xing has brought Ji Ran into it so ambiguously.

In the past, Lu Xiaoke made jokes about him and Ji Ran, but Ji Ran didn't mind, but Huang Xing kept a certain distance and didn't talk to him.

Lu Xiaoke sometimes wants to beat her brother up, can't he see that Ji Ran also has a crush on him, that's why she allows herself to play tricks?
Does it still have to be Sister Ji Ran who takes the initiative to confess?
Although it's just a game acquaintance, Lu Xiaoke likes and recognizes Ji Ran very much after being in contact with him in the past two years.

Maybe her thoughts are naive and naive, but she just thinks that only a girl as good as Ji Ran is worthy of her brother.

She doesn't care if it's just online dating or not.

She doesn't care if there is a gap between her brother and Ji Ran's real conditions.

Sometimes, the thoughts of girls are the purest.

You can be together as long as you like.

"Ahem, the great master is here, let's all play games well."

Huang Xing also found that he had made a slip of the tongue, maybe after having the Invincible Qiangshenhao system, he became more confident and no longer contradicted certain things.

"Maybe, let's start at the beginning." Huang Xing thought to himself.

"Brother Jian is coming to save Yangcun."

After some tossing, Taibaijian's backup phone finally re-entered the game and connected to the live broadcast. He roared, and the handsome Li Bai appeared in the spring again.

"I'll go, isn't this style of painting right?"

Seeing that the head ratio was 5:4, Taibaijian shouted in disbelief. He was disconnected for 2 minutes, and the head count was even ahead by one.

He opened the record,


对面,马可波罗2/1/0,张飞0/0/2,露娜 2/1/0,凯0/2/0,诸葛亮0/1/0。

"You are amazing, little class, you are the hope of the whole village."

Taibaijian yelled, "Brother Jian is about to lose his temper, the children on the opposite side should tremble."

Then start to put your heart and soul into the battle.

Since he didn't get knocked out by the opposing God K in the 2 minutes he was offline, he still has a chance to win.

With the addition of Taibai Sword, the situation on the field has changed a lot.

Although the roughness and gentleness on the road are as gentle as ever, Hua Mulan's epee and light sword seem to never find their way, and they are sent flying by people's heads.

But the opposite side was still slowly suppressed, and then snowballed like a crash, and the crystal was pushed away.

"Brother Jian also enjoys the treatment of lying down today."

The game is over, Taibai Jian said cheerfully.


Didn't die even once!

Taibai Sword's 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes were almost blinded.

As Luban No. [-], who died the most in the Canyon of Kings, it is very rare to not die even once in a game, let alone facing Luna, who is number one in the national server.

Even if the inscriptions on God K's trumpet are not full, this performance is too inaccurate.

Taibaijian seriously doubts whether Luna on the opposite side is God K himself.

Not only did Taibaijian suspect that Luna on the opposite side was God K, but the onlookers were already arguing in the barrage.

"Luban No. [-] is on the hook! Didn't die once?"

"Xiaobanban is so cute and amazing, she will be the hero of my life from now on, hahaha."

"God K on the other side is fake, didn't he kill little Luban once?"

"I came from next door, and the opposite is indeed God K."

"God K has already fainted from crying next door."

"Little Luban has become so awesome, I will practice little Luban in the future."

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling to hold my phone! I couldn't tell her that my son's knee was given to Lu Ban."


When the audience frantically brushed the barrage, Taibaijian received a private chat from God K, "Your Arthur is poisonous."

(End of this chapter)

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