Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 13 Good Night, Ran Ran

Chapter 13 Good Night, Ran Ran

God K was very depressed, feeling that Arthur on the opposite side followed him as if he had opened a perspective.

Arthur is like the wind, always with me.

No matter where his Luna wants to cut in, he will be blocked by Arthur. The silence effect of the first skill, the shield of the oath, can always accurately block his infinite company under the moon and disrupt his rhythm.

If it wasn't for the live broadcast, God K would have wanted to smash the phone directly.

The barrage in his live broadcast room was also a joke that he overturned his car.

If you only look at the record, others are even more surprised by Luban No. 0's [-]-death MVP. He is the only one who can best understand the horror facing Arthur.

That Arthur is simply poisonous.

Taibaijian received a private chat from God K, and saw Arthur's record of 4/2/17. This record is also very impressive, but his side has been crushing the opponent and has an economic advantage. It is not outrageous to play this kind of combat power .

He also noticed that Arthur, Luban No. [-], and Angela were in the third row, and they cooperated seamlessly, feeling like a tacit understanding of professional players.

"Why is Arthur poisonous?" Taibai Jian asked puzzled.

"You watch the video by yourself, and the angle of view follows Arthur." God K said depressedly, "I also watched the video, and it feels like Arthur is hanging up."

After seeing God K's reply, Taibai Jian curiously opened the video of the game just now, and said to the live broadcast: "Brother Jian just followed me and won a round, let's replay the video together to see how the novice trio did it. Those three novice professions played like this 6."

After Taibaijian finished speaking, he clicked on the live video and switched the camera to Arthur.

"This operation is coquettish and profligate."

"Is this operation fake?"

The more Taibaijian read it, the more he understood why God K said that Arthur was poisonous.

He first saw how Arthur got into Tass' blood and led Kay out so that "the hope of the whole village" Xiao Luban successfully took the first head.

Then after his own black screen, Arthur rushed towards Luna without thinking, but turned back with a twist of God to lure Luna down to fight back.

After that, Arthur continued to walk around Angela and Xiao Luban to protect them.

Arthur's equipment Ice Mark Grip, Extreme Cold Storm, and Boots of Calmness reduce his CD by 40%, and the charge silence of the first skill Oath Shield once every 2.8 seconds makes his roaming speed and silence control reach extreme.

K God's multiple cutting directions were blocked by Arthur's predictions in advance, and he had never been able to show off even once.

Arthur's shield of oath will always silence him the moment before the opponent is about to activate the key skills.

The two times he died were when he was surrounded by heavy siege during team battles. He exchanged his own death for Luban No. [-] and Angela's stalwart and brainless output to harvest heads.

Taibaijian was deeply shocked by Arthur's prediction, positioning, and timing of skill release.

"I will give 100 points to Arthur's operation, and you will be in a hurry if you lose 1 point."

"Is this Arthur who drives the whole map? It feels like he knows where there are people."

"It turns out that Arthur can still use this outfit as a control."

"Arthur with such a costume is too fragile. It's okay in the downwind situation, but I don't know how to die in the headwind situation."

"Arthur can still be Kluna, this is the first time I've seen it."

"Excuse me, how big is God K's psychological shadow?"


Both Taibaijian and God K's live broadcast room were full of quarrels, but Huang Chen hid his achievements and fame, and continued to roam with Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke.

"Hahaha, today my Little Luban is amazing, I will continue to use Little Luban."

Just now a round was over, and a new round was started, Lu Xiaoke was still unsatisfied with the thrill of killing the Quartet with Little Luban just now, and chose Luban No. [-] again.

Ji Ran chose Angela again without change.

"Brother, you continue to protect us two beautiful girl princesses with your big sword."

When it was Huang Xing's turn to choose someone, Lu Xiaoke called him to use Arthur again.

"Yes, little princess." Huang Xing chose Arthur, and replied in the tone of guarding a knight.

"Hee hee, Angela and Da Baojian are a couple in Glory of Kings." Lu Xiaoke suddenly laughed.

"Is the little girl thinking of spring, and she has nothing to do to study these things?" Ji Ran scolded with a smile.

"I always thought that Angela and Xiao Luban were a couple." Huang Chen said speechlessly.

Angela and Little Luban were the most photographed heroes before the recruiting mode started, they both had the same adorable image of children, Huang Xing thought they were just a couple.

"I'm Little Lu Ban, with an IQ of [-]. I don't want a girlfriend, la la la." Lu Xiaoke said in a daze.

Huang Xing took them to play a few more rounds while Lu Xiaoke was playing, and basically beat them to the ground with ease and joy.

But with Huang Xing's level beyond his god, he still lost a game.

In the last game, I met two funny people, they should be together, using pirated wifi, and kept dropping and going online at the beginning of the game.

Then the three of them were left to fight five opponents from the beginning to the end. No matter how awesome Arthur was, Huang Xing's Arthur couldn't take care of the three ways, and lost a round.

The angry Lu Xiaoke murmured and complained to them.

Huang Xing also really realized what it means that only pig teammates can defeat him.

It's already 11:[-] after this round, Lu Xiaoke was so angry that he was going to sleep for a beauty sleep, and made an appointment to continue to hang out together tomorrow night.

Just as Huang Xing closed the game, he received a WeChat message from Ji Ran.

Ji Ran: "Thank you tonight."

Huang Xing asked in confusion: "Thank me for what?"

Ji Ran: "When I was most helpless, you were the first to swipe gifts to support me and comfort me. Of course I must thank you."

Huang Xing: "That's it, Xiao Keke and I are both fans of your brain."

Ji Ran: "To express my gratitude, I will give you a new skin."

Then there was a reminder in his WeChat message that "chasing and throwing fireballs" gave Arthur the skin "Psychic Men".

Huang Xing: "Thank you for the great anchor's skin."

Ji Ran: "Thank you little fans for your rocket."

Huang Chen: "..."

Huang Xing: "There are not many other things on the Internet, but there are a lot of trolls, just ignore them."

Ji Ran: "I see. At first I saw so many people hacking me, it was really uncomfortable, but with your support and comfort, my heart is full of positive energy now."

Huang Chen: "That is, especially with the support of a super fan like Brother Shenhao."

Huang Xing specifically mentioned "Brother Shenhao", wanting to know what Ji Ran thinks about his other identity.

Ji Ran was silent for more than a minute and didn't reply, Huang Xing didn't know what she was thinking.

Ji Ran: "I don't know him, and I'm not interested in knowing him. I don't know why he would give me so many gifts, and no matter whether he really likes my songs or other purposes, I will let him He sent me the card number, and I will return the money to him next month."

Looking at Ji Ran's long message, Huang Xing showed a wry smile on his face, and continued to send messages——

Huang Xing: "510, I want you! What if he really wants to pursue you?"

Ji Ran: "I can't stop him from pursuing me, but I can refuse him."

Ji Ran: "So, please don't misunderstand."

Huang Xing: "I see."

Ji Ran: "You don't know."

Huang Chen: "I know."

Another moment of silence.

Ji Ran: "It's getting late, go to bed early, good night."

Huang Chen: "Good night, of course."

Ji Ran felt inexplicably warm when he saw Huang Chen's "Good night, Ran Ran". This was the first time that Huang Chen called her "Ran Ran".

Maybe, he really understood.

(End of this chapter)

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