Chapter 14 Game Couples
After Huang Xing and Ji Ran finished chatting on WeChat, they opened King of Glory.

From the gift bar, he opened the "Psychic Men" sent by Ji Ran to use, and then read the story of Angela and Arthur's Psychic series skins.

The background story is roughly speaking: In the future, when humans enter the virtual world, only black and white colors exist, and humans are completely numb.Mind hacker Angela has special skills that can awaken the human heart.

Unexpectedly, he met Arthur, the "decent man who controls order", and wanted to arrest Angela, but was activated by Angela and saw the colorful world.

After understanding the truth, Arthur turned into a psychic policeman and accompanied the psychic hacker Angela to save this virtual world.

Lu Xiaoke is right, little loli Angela and uncle Arthur are really a pair of CPs, Arthur's "Psychic Men" and Angela's "Psychic Hacker" are a pair of couple skins.

Huang Chen bought some coupons, opened the mall and gave Angela's "Mind Hacker" skin to his friend "Chasing and Throwing Fireballs".

Ding, trigger the task - game lovers.

Knowing from games begins with games.The host and his friend Ji Ran have known each other for 520 days in the game, and they gave each other couple skins to express their love on this special day.The host is requested to establish a game couple relationship with Ji Ran in Glory of Kings within 10 minutes.

Task Reward: Get 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

"So we've known each other for 520 days."

If it wasn't for the system prompt, Huang Xing would not have known that he and Ji Ran had known each other for exactly 520 days, and he had never paid attention to this before.

This task seems simple but it's a bit tricky. Ji Ran has already gone to sleep, so she can't wake her up on purpose and say that she wants to establish a game couple relationship with her.

Fortunately, I was rewarded with 10 gold coins for completing the task of protecting Xiaoke just now, otherwise I, the "No. [-] god in the universe", would become a "negative man".

Huang Xing was about to give up the mission, when the game reminded him that he had received a new message.

He clicked on the message interface.

Chasing and Throwing Fireball: The skin is very beautiful, I like it very much, thank you.

It turned out that when Ji Ran saw Huang Xing calling her "Ranran" for the first time, he couldn't sleep because of his wild thoughts. He received a message on WeChat that Huang Xing gave her the "Mind Hacker" skin, so he immediately entered the game.

Stars all over the sky: I also like the skin you gave me.

After being silent for a while, Ji Ran mustered up the courage to ask.

Chasing and Throwing Fireballs: Do you know how long we've known each other in the game?
Huang Xing was a little embarrassed when he saw this question. If it wasn't for the introduction on the mission just now, he really didn't know the answer.Since Ji Ran asked that, she must know in her heart that today is a special day for them to know each other for 520 days.

Huang Xing was very moved and sweet, so he answered right away.

The sky is full of stars: 520 days.

Ji Ran was stunned when he saw Huang Xing's answer, it turned out that he also always remembered every day when they met.

Her tears flowed out somehow.

These are moving and warm tears.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Yes, 520 days, time flies so fast.

Starry Sky: It was pretty fast. I still remember the first time I ranked with you, your Angela turned up in the opposite direction, which stunned me.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: At that time, I just played for a few days, and my teammates were all crying because of me, but Xiaoke didn’t dislike it, so he played a few rounds with me, and then asked you to play trumpet to lead us.

Ji Ran looked at the news from Huang Xing, with a smile on his face, recalling the past 520 days, unconsciously, it had already become a habit.

Very ordinary, but very warm.

Sky full of stars: This area is 520 days, I played the trumpet into a tuba.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Why, not happy?

Sky full of stars: How dare you!

Starry Sky: It’s just that my original account had CP, but now I haven’t had CP on this account after playing for 520 days, why don’t you pay me one?
Chasing and throwing fireballs: Have you ever been in CP before?

Starry Sky: Well, it’s still a tragic love story.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: If there is any unhappy story, telling it makes me happy.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Make Miss Ben happy, maybe I will pay you a CP.

Sky full of stars: Actually it’s nothing, I only knew her for a month, and the day after she took you and Xiao Ke, she said that I played with other girls on a trumpet, and she broke up the relationship with me.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Didn't you tell her that you were taking your sister to play?
Sky full of stars: Said, it's useless.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: ...

Sky full of stars: Later, I heard from people in the team that it was because someone else promised to smoke Wu Zetian for her that she found an excuse to break up the relationship with me.

Chasing the Throwing Fireball: This story is tragic enough.

Sky full of stars: Are you happy listening?

Chasing and throwing fireballs: happy.

All over the sky: no sympathy!
"Chasing and throwing fireballs" applied to establish a relationship with you, do you agree?

Huang Xing's game interface suddenly popped up an application from Ji Ran.

Of course I agreed.

Huang Xing chose to agree, and an invincible voice sounded in his head: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining 10 experience points and 10 gold coins."

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Miss Ben is very happy to hear that, I will pay you a CP.

Starry Sky: Is it possible to be a CP who can not only make love, but also make love, and give birth to dolls?
Chasing and throwing fireballs: roll.

Sky full of stars: Hey, just kidding.

Chasing and throwing fireballs: Since you know that today is the 520th day we have known each other, I will reward you.

Holding the phone, Ji Ran blushed, and shyly sent a kissing expression to Huang Xing.

Her heart beats fast, sweet and warm, this is the feeling of first love.

Huang Xing also returned a kissing expression.

His heart is also very sweet and warm.

The two seemed to have endless topics to talk about at once, and after they got off the game, they kept chatting on WeChat until after three o'clock in the morning.

If it wasn't for Huang Xing who was worried about Ji Ran staying up late and hurting her body, and kept urging her to go to bed first, the two of them would chat endlessly all night.

Ji Ran reluctantly went to bed, and fell into a sweet dreamland with a faint smile on his mouth.

After closing WeChat, Huang Xing opened the text message, and today's quota of 10 yuan has been credited.

"Xiao Ke and Ji Ran are coming over in two days, so they have to rent a house first."

The daily quota of 10 seems a lot, but it is still far from buying a house by myself, so I can only rent a house first.

"The number one god in the universe, you don't have much money, you can't even afford a house." Huang Xing muttered in his heart.

"How dare you question Brother Qiang's Shenhao system?" Invincible Qiang said dissatisfied, "You are only level 1 now, and your daily quota is 10. After that, you can double your daily quota every time you upgrade to a full level. Level, how much is the daily quota after you reach the full level?"

"The upgrade quota is doubled!"

Naturally, Huang Xing knew how terrifying the doubling calculation was. As long as he continued to upgrade, the amount would soon reach astronomical figures. It is not an exaggeration to be called "the number one god in the universe".

Wudiqiang continued, "If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for not passing the interview to become the number one god in the universe, otherwise you can directly reach the full level and become the real number one god in the universe."

"It's not that you canceled the interview."

Huang Xing felt that he was wronged, the interview was canceled before it even started, how could he be blamed.

"That's because Brother Qiang knew that your chance of passing the interview was zero, so he canceled the interview."

Invincible strong relentless blow.

(End of this chapter)

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