Chapter 15
At six o'clock in the morning, Huang Xing woke up very regularly.

Every day at this time, he would get up and run in the morning.

Although he only slept for less than three hours, Huang Xing was still full of energy and didn't feel sleepy.

This is the benefit of washing the marrow and cutting the body, and he has practiced the "Natural Creation Scripture", and now he will not feel tired even if he does not sleep for three days and three nights.

Running in the morning is not beneficial to his current body, but Huang Xing still got up and put on his sportswear to go for a morning run.

He likes the fresh air in the morning and the soft sunshine in the morning.

Morning jogging has been his habit for many years.

Linjiang University is an open university. In addition to the teachers and students at the school, there are also many surrounding citizens who go to the university park for morning exercises every morning.

In particular, there is a famous Weiyang Lake in Linjiang University. The water is shimmering and the willows are beautiful. The lakeside is spacious and the air is fresh. It is a good place for morning exercises.

Huang Xing started from the dormitory and ran all the way for more than ten minutes to Weiyang Lake.

In fact, with his current strength, if he runs at a high speed, he can achieve the effect of generating wind under his feet, and he can run in just one minute.

But he still followed the usual speed, facing the morning sun, breathing the fresh air, listening to the morning calls of the birds, and ran to Weiyang Lake in a comfortable mood.

Because there are not many teachers and students staying in the school during the summer vacation, and it is still early, only a few people are doing morning exercises by Weiyang Lake.

As before, Huang Xing went to the lake to breathe in the air with the fragrance of willow leaves.

"Little Lu is here."

An old man in white exercise clothes walked up to Huang Xing to say hello.

The old man has white hair and a childlike face, about 80 to [-] years old, but he is hale and hearty. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, and looks very energetic.

He was always accompanied by a middle-aged man with a tight face who looked like his bodyguard.

Since the beginning of this year, Mr. Chu has been going to Weiyang Lake to practice boxing every morning, and he also likes to stand by the lake first and take a few breaths of fresh air.

It may be due to the same habits, the old and the young gradually started to talk, and they would greet each other every day when they met, and occasionally chat a few words.

But the old man didn't mention his identity, Huang Xing only knew that his surname was Chu, so he was called Mr. Chu.

"Morning Chu."

With a sunny smile on Huang Xing's face, he greeted Elder Chu, and found that there was a girl beside him who was also wearing exercise clothes.

The girl looked about his age, with a ponytail and a neat look.

Seeing Lu Xing's eyes resting on Chu Siqiao, Mr. Chu introduced him with a smile on his face, "This is my granddaughter Chu Siqiao. She is studying at Kyoto University and just came back yesterday."

Then Elder Chu pointed to Lu Chen and introduced, "Sisi, this is Lu Chen, a student of Linjiang University, a friend of grandfather's morning exercise."

"Hello." Huang Xing nodded and greeted Chu Siqiao with a smile.

Chu Siqiao also nodded to Lu Chen, introduced herself and said, "Hello."

She couldn't help but look at Huang Xing a few more times, wondering what's different about this young man, his grandfather actually called him a friend.

Does he know how much her grandfather's friend means in Linjiang?
What Chu Siqiao thought, the men in front of him were just ordinary people, maybe they were called friends by grandpa because they had a lot of contact with morning exercises.

Huang Chen smiled at Elder Chu and Chu Siqiao and said, "Elder Chu, Miss Chu, I'm going for a run first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and started to run along Weiyang Lake in the morning.

Looking at the back of Huang Xing leaving, Mr. Chu frowned. He always felt that Huang Xing gave him a different feeling today.

He couldn't explain this feeling clearly, and it seemed that he couldn't see through it.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Chu Siqiao asked suspiciously when he saw his grandfather staring at Huang Xing's back.

Could it be that the young man just now had something worthy of her grandfather's attention?


What is her grandfather's status, ordinary young talents can't get into his eyes.

"It's okay." Elder Chu shook his head, and looked back.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Elder Chu didn't think about it any more, he turned to face the lake, and between breaths, his breath rose into the air like white practice.

Chu Siqiao also imitated Elder Chu's way of spitting out, and the breath out of his mouth also let out a free breath, but it did not have the momentum of Elder Chu's flying into the air.

After a few breaths, Elder Chu said to Chu Siqiao, "Sisi, you practice Kongmingquan once to show Grandpa if he has improved recently."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Chu Siqiao replied respectfully, then walked under the open willow tree and began to practice Kongmingquan.

His strides are like a bow and thunderbolts, and his fists are like wind and thunder.

Chu Siqiao punched down with a set of Kongming punches, with momentum like a rainbow, quite a bit of a master's demeanor.

Elder Chu looked at his granddaughter with satisfaction, nodded and praised, "I haven't seen you in half a year, Sisi has made great progress, Kongming Fist has been completed, and her cultivation has reached the level of Mingjin Eightfold. Put your efforts down."

"Sisi's progress is due to his grandfather's good teaching." Chu Siqiao said with a bright smile on his face after closing his punches.

"Your mouth is the sweetest." Chu Lao said with a smile, and then his face became stern, "Don't be complacent, bright energy is easy to practice, dark energy is difficult to achieve, and only after you have practiced dark energy can you be regarded as real. You have to redouble your efforts to step into the threshold of cultivation."

"Sisi will definitely live up to grandpa's expectations, and she will cultivate dark energy soon." Chu Siqiao said seriously.

An energy is exactly the realm she has been pursuing.

The so-called dark energy refers to the internal force generated by the introverted strength after opening up the meridians of the whole body, and the circulation of the meridians.

Because internal force is invisible and invisible, it is called dark energy.

Huang Xing ran around Weiyang Lake, and when he came back to the original place, he happened to see Chu Siqiao practicing boxing.

He couldn't help stopping to watch curiously, and also heard the bright and dark energy in their conversation.

Huang Xing guessed that this is a division of strength, but his strength system is directly reflected by the combat value, so he asked Wudiqiang for advice: "Brother Qiang, do you know how to divide the bright energy and dark energy that Elder Chu said? Is it?"

"These are the divisions of ordinary martial arts levels. How can there be a strong brother who directly uses the combat value to reflect the intuitiveness."

Wudiqiang looked down on their division of martial arts, but he still explained it to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing also roughly knew how ordinary people's martial arts levels were divided.

Martial arts can be divided into innate and acquired.

The acquired three strengths: bright strength, dark strength, and transformation strength.

Each strength is divided into nine weights.

Exercise the muscles and bones with bright energy, exercise internal strength with dark energy, and exercise the whole body with energy.

Above Huajin is the innate realm.

Able to reach the innate state, each one is a powerful person who can shake one side.

A congenital strong person, also known as a "grandmaster", is qualified to establish a sect and create his own school.

If it corresponds to the combat value, Ming Jin's first to ninth weights are equal to 10-99.

Anjin from the first to the ninth is equal to 100-499.

From the first weight of Huajin to the ninth weight is equal to 500-1999.

More than 2000 is inherently superior.

With Huang Xing's current combat value of 500, it is the first level of Huajin.

Invincible also very humanely displayed the combat value of Huang Xing's attribute as——

Combat value: 500 ([-] level of Huajin)
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(End of this chapter)

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