Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 16 This young man is really not simple

Chapter 16 This young man is really not simple

After listening to the conversation between Elder Chu and Chu Siqiao, and Wudiqiang's introduction, Huang Xing roughly understood the division of martial arts levels.

In the past, he was just an ordinary person, and when he met Mr. Chu, he just regarded him as an ordinary person.

Now that he has the strength of Huajin [-]st level, he has stepped into the martial arts, so the things he sees are naturally different.

Huang Xing had to sigh, this world has always been wonderful, it just depends on whether you have the ability and qualifications to discover it.

After talking with Chu Siqiao, Mr. Chu found that Huang Xing was staring at them, so he greeted him, "Xiao Lu, I finished running so quickly."

Chu Siqiao also looked over, realized that Huang Xing was watching her punching, and gave him a proud look.

She is the proud daughter of the Chu family and has her own pride.

Huang Xing ignored Chu Siqiao's gaze. In his eyes, the bright and vigorous Chu Siqiao was just a junior, and he didn't bother to know her as well.

He smiled at Mr. Chu, "I just ran around and came back here. When I saw Miss Chu punching, I couldn't help but stop and watch."

Elder Chu didn't put on airs at all, and said with a pleasant face, "Miss Chu is not Miss Chu, you are about the same age, you are both young people, don't be so alien, just call her Sisi."

"Grandpa." Chu Siqiao saw that grandpa asked Huang Xing to call her Sisi, took his arm, shook it slightly, and complained coquettishly.

She didn't want Huang Xing to call her Sisi.

The nickname Sisi is only called by her elders and special close friends, and ordinary friends just call her Siqiao.

Old Chu cheerfully patted Chu Siqiao's hand holding his arm, jokingly said, "Don't shake it, Grandpa's body will fall apart if you shake it again."

Then he asked Huang Xing, "Xiao Lu, what do you think of Sisi's punching?"

"The steps are like a bow and thunderbolt, and the fist is like the wind and thunder. This is the first time I have seen such an imposing boxing."

Huang Xing sincerely praised her boxing skills.

After hearing Huang Xing's comment, Elder Chu's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Xiao Lu also knows boxing skills?"

Hearing Huang Xing's praise, Chu Siqiao was also very useful, and thought complacently in her heart: You have a good eye.

Huang Chen shook his head, and said calmly: "I'm just a layman, just watching the excitement."

After finishing speaking, he said goodbye, "Mr. Chu, I'll continue running first."

Elder Chu didn't ask any more questions, and said, "Go."

Huang Xing then ran around Weiyang Lake in the morning. His daily habit was to run five laps before going back.

"Grandpa, he's just an ordinary person, how can he know any boxing skills?" Chu Siqiao found that grandpa seemed to treat Huang Xing differently, and asked in puzzlement.

"Sisi, didn't you notice that Xiao Lu ran a long lap along Weiyang Lake without blushing, heart beating, panting, or sweating? How could this be the performance of an ordinary person after running?"

When Mr. Chu saw Huang Xing today, he felt that he was different from usual, and gave him a sense of detachment and refinement.

He specially observed Huang Xing's state after running a lap just now, and found that he didn't have the characteristics of ordinary people after exercising, even a professional long-distance runner couldn't do what he did.

After hearing what grandpa said, Chu Siqiao recalled Huang Xing's appearance just now, it was indeed as grandpa said, and asked, "Could it be that he is also an ancient warrior?"

"This is exactly what Grandpa can't see through." Elder Chu looked at Huang Xing's running back, and said solemnly: "Grandpa has been in contact with him for several months, but he didn't realize that he is an ancient warrior."

When Chu Siqiao heard what grandpa said, he no longer doubted that Huang Xing was an ancient warrior, and said, "Maybe it's just because he's used to running in the morning often."

Elder Chu shook his head and said, "Sisi, you follow up and run with Xiao Lu in the morning."

"Grandpa." Chu Siqiao said reluctantly, "I won't run with him in the morning."

"Hey, listen to grandpa and go quickly." Elder Chu smiled kindly.

"Yes, Grandpa." Chu Siqiao didn't refuse any more, looked in Huang Xing's direction, and ran after him.

Chu Siqiao knew grandpa's temper. When he said it for the first time, he could still act like a baby because of his grandfather's favor, but if his grandfather said it for the second time, it meant that no one could resist his words.

Linjiang Chu's family, Mr. Chu's words are golden words and jade words, and he says exactly what he says.

Elder Chu watched Chu Siqiao running towards Huang Xing, and asked lightly, "Xiao Jiang, you should have checked the details of this young man."

"It's been checked, it's just an ordinary person." The middle-aged man behind Elder Chu who had been tense all the time replied respectfully.

His name is Jiang Zhitao, and he is Elder Chu's personal manager.

After Huang Xing and Mr. Chu met by chance during morning exercises, he immediately investigated the details of Huang Xing. He was just an ordinary Linjiang University student.

"Does he look like an ordinary person today?" Elder Chu asked with a half-smile.

Jiang Zhitao was in a cold sweat after hearing what Elder Chu said. Huang Xing had been in contact with them for several months, but he didn't realize that Huang Xing was an ancient warrior at all.

The ancient warriors, when they were cultivating Ming Jin, could not freely retract and release their Qi. They were all masters of Dark Jin, and they could easily feel it.

Only after he has cultivated to the dark energy, the energy is restrained, if he does not take the initiative to make a move, it will be difficult for people to know his cultivation base.

If Huang Xing is really an ancient warrior, they haven't discovered it all this time, it can only mean that his strength is at least above the dark energy, and he has always disguised himself as an ordinary person before.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhitao felt a little scared. If Huang Xing really had any plans for Elder Chu, the consequences would be disastrous.

He said tremblingly, "I'll ask someone to check his background all over again."

Elder Chu waved his hand and said, "No need, since you didn't find out his details the first time, it means he doesn't want others to know, and you will only turn against him if you go to check again."

"Even I missed it, this young man is really not simple." Elder Chu sighed with emotion.

Even ordinary dark energy masters will never be able to hide it from his eyes.

And he always thought that Huang Xing was just an ordinary person. If Huang Xing hadn't deliberately disguised himself today, he would have been kept in the dark.

He couldn't help wondering why Huang Xing suddenly stopped hiding that he was an ancient warrior today?
No matter how old Chu thought about it, Huang Xing was really an ordinary person in the past, but he became a martial arts master at the first level of Huajin overnight.

He was real before, and he is real now.

Chu Siqiao was very depressed, she couldn't figure out why her grandfather would let her and Huang Xing run together in the morning, but she didn't dare to disobey her grandfather's order, and ran to Huang Chen unwillingly.

Huang Xing just jogged in the morning at a normal speed, trotting along Weiyang Lake at a relaxed pace, and was soon overtaken by Chu Siqiao.

He found Chu Siqiao running to her side, and smiled politely at her.

Hmph, isn't it just that you can run, what's so great about it?
Chu Siqiao thought unhappily, and then said to Huang Xing in a bad tone, "Would you like to compete to see who runs faster?"

(End of this chapter)

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