Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 110 The Eve of Departure

Chapter 110 The Eve of Departure
The matter of the blood alliance destroying the Ji family is complicated and confusing.

Why did they want to kill Ji's family?
Why didn't they let Ji Ran step into the world of martial arts?
Huang Xing always felt that there was some conspiracy hidden behind this.

Ji Zhongliang frowned, lost in thought, and recalled the past 22 years ago.

At that time, all the forces of all parties were hidden from the world, and the world of martial arts was calm and peaceful. In addition to being friendly with each other, the sects also walked and communicated with each other, and they did not interfere with other forces.

There was no sign of the blood alliance's attack on the Ji family, and they were killed by surprise.

He really couldn't think of anyone who had such a deep hatred between the Ji family and the blood alliance to destroy them, and said, "You can go to the Yuhua Daomen, if the blood alliance really has any conspiracy to destroy the Ji family, it can only be settled with the blood Shura." The blood-swearing Supreme Elder knows best."

"Boss, I will also go to the Taoist Gate of Ascension with you." The little monk said with great loyalty.

After hearing about the blood alliance and Ji's family, the little monk knew that the blood alliance wanted to kill Ji Ran, but he still stood with him without hesitation. How could he not be moved?
Huang Xing said, "Jiujie, I won't say more about thanking you. From now on, you will be my real brother, Huang Xing, and you will have the same blessings and difficulties."

Huang Xing was naturally very happy to go with the little monk.

I have just entered the martial arts world, and although I made up the background very well, I don't know the style of these ancient martial arts schools. It will be much easier to travel to the Taoist sect with the little monk, the true biography of the Holy Land.

"Hey, did the boss forgive the 1000 million I owed?" The little monk asked with a cheap smile.

Huang Xing knew that the little monk said that, but he didn't want him to feel too much in debt.

But against the blood alliance, the little monk is risking his life, how can 1000 million be measured.

Huang Chen nodded and said, "There's no need to pay it back. If you don't have enough money in the future, you can ask me to get it at any time."

"Hey, thank you boss." The little monk said happily.

"Uncle, Jiu Jie, don't reveal the news that my master is superior to the heavens." Huang Xing returned to the topic and said admonishingly.

He guessed that the blood alliance is already investigating his background, but it doesn't matter, letting them investigate will only make the investigation more and more confusing.

Wudiqiang said that the "Shenhao System" is a unique existence in the world, and it has never appeared before.

No matter how doubtful they are about their identities, they will never imagine that there is such a thing as a system in the world.

They will only preconceive that the master behind them is very mysterious, and they are too similar to pretending to be ordinary people before.

"Why can't it be revealed?" Ji Zhongliang said puzzledly, "If the blood alliance knows that your master is superior to the innate, maybe they will be afraid and dare not take action against them."

"I always feel that things are not that simple." Huang Xing shook his head, and said worriedly, "With their determination to kill Ranran, I'm worried that after they know that my master is superior, maybe before my master shows up, Desperately attack Ranran in advance."

Ji Zhongliang thought about it, and there is also this possibility. If Ji Ran is killed without hurting Huang Xing, when the time comes when Huang Xing's master leaves the customs, he may not seek revenge from the blood alliance for Ji Ran.

Although invincible by nature, the killer organization like the blood alliance has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one knows what the background is.

As long as Huang Xing is fine, his master will not rashly fight to the death with the blood alliance.

After Ji Zhongliang figured it out, he promised, "Okay, I only told Xiyun about this matter, and we will definitely keep our mouths shut."

It's about Ji Ran's safety, they definitely dare not reveal half of it.

"I will definitely not tell anyone." The little monk also promised.

"In the future, I will only say that my master is the peak cultivation level of the innate master, so that the blood alliance will have scruples about me, but they will not rush to jump the wall and do it in advance." Huang Xing said, "Let's find a way to delay it for two months. Let the blood alliance take action, and after my master is out of customs, I will have a showdown with the blood alliance and solve the matter of Ranran at once."

As long as it can be delayed for three months, and Huang Xing himself becomes superior to the innate, he has the confidence to protect Ranran, and then kill the blood alliance and let them pay with blood.

Ji Zhongliang watched Huang Xing methodically think of ways to protect Ji Ran, he admired and recognized this son-in-law very much in his heart, and was also happy for Ji Ran.

After discussing with Ji Zhongliang and Jiu Jie, Huang Xing decided to set off for Yuhua Daomen tomorrow.

It was about Ji Ran's safety and there was no need to delay, Huang Xing immediately booked a ticket to Tianfu Airport tomorrow.

Yuhua Daomen is in the Tianfu area. It takes 4 hours to fly there from Shanghai, and then it takes about 3-4 hours to go to Yuhua Daomen from the airport.

Huang Xing booked four air tickets, and besides the little monk Jiujie, he also brought Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke along.

Ji Ran is the person involved, and if she wants to solve the mystery about her, she will naturally go there in person.

Lu Xiao is his younger sister, and Huang Chen is worried about leaving her alone in the capital.

As for Xu Shasha, she is just an ordinary person, and there is no need to get involved in such things.

After everything was agreed upon, dinner was almost ready.

A tempting aroma emanates from the kitchen.

The little monk smelled the fragrance, and ran to the small dining room in the kitchen, where more than a dozen dishes with good color, fragrance and taste were placed on the table.

The greedy little monk drools, really wants to eat a few mouthfuls first.

"Hey, you are not allowed to steal it." Lu Xiaoke brought a dish of steamed fish from the kitchen and put it on the table. Seeing the little monk salivating, he warned him.

"Don't steal food, don't steal food." The little monk said with a smile on his face, "Thank you for your hard work, young lady."

Lu Xiaoke wiped the apron on his body with his hand, and ordered, "Go and call Uncle Ji and my brother over for dinner."

"Okay." The little monk responded, and went back to the living room to call Huang Xing and Ji Zhongliang over for dinner.

Ji Ran and Xu Shasha also brought out the other two cooked dishes from the kitchen, and everyone started eating together.

A total of sixteen dishes were cooked, ten of which were home-cooked dishes in Shanghai, and six of which were seafood brought by Huang Xing.

There is nothing to say about Chen Xiyun's cooking skills. Every dish is delicious in color, flavor and taste, and it whets the appetite after seeing it.

Ji Zhongliang is the elder, and after he moved his chopsticks first, everyone started to move.

Lu Xiaoke, a snack foodie, came to Ji Ran's house for the first time as a guest, and his eating behavior became very reserved, eating slowly like a lady.

Only the little monk was not averse to meat and vegetables, and he ate voraciously. Before he finished eating the hoof in his left hand, he grabbed another hairy crab with his right hand, and kept praising his aunt's cooking skills.

Made Chen Xiyun, Ji Ran and Xu Shasha amused.

Lu Xiaoke looked at the way the little monk ate and despised him.

She also didn't think about it, if there were no elders present, her eating posture would not be much better than that of the young monk.

 Thanks to "←═╬∞ Confused King☆" for being the rudder of this book

  I also thank many friends who rewarded and voted
  Thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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