Chapter 111
Tianfu Airport.

The sun was scorching hot, when the four of Huang Chen walked out of the airport hall, they felt a wave of heat coming, like charcoal grilling.

It is about Ji Ran's safety, they dare not delay for a day.

Lu Xiaoke just arrived in Shanghai the day before yesterday, and he rushed to Tianfu to visit the Yuhua Daomen before he boarded the Oriental Pearl Tower, which he wanted to visit the most.

She didn't complain at all, the affairs of her brother and sister-in-law were her affairs.

The temperature in Tianfu is much higher than that in Shanghai and Linjiang, just like a steam oven.

Huang Xing, the little monk, and Lu Xiaoke all had internal body protection, but they didn't feel anything. As soon as Ji Ran came out, his forehead started to sweat.

They took a taxi and headed to Tianshu Hotel in Mianyang.

Although Tianshu Hotel is only a four-star hotel, it is very low-key in Tianfu area, but it is the industry of Yuhua Daomen, and it is also a transit point for outsiders to visit Yuhua Daomen.

Huang Xing contacted the Yuhua Daomen through the relationship of the young monk and told them to come to visit today.

The little monk didn't mention Ji Ran's matter, fearing that there would be too many people talking and accidents would happen.

If it wasn't for the little monk who accompanied him, it would have taken a lot of effort for Huang Xing to successfully enter the Taoist gate of Yuhua.

When they arrived at Tianshu Hotel, Yuhua Daomen had already arranged a special car to take them to the holy place of Yuhua Daomen.

The holy place of Yuhua Daomen is located in a remote area of ​​Mianyang, which is designated as a restricted area, and no one is there at ordinary times.

The road was bumpy, and it took more than four hours of continuous driving to arrive at the holy place of Yuhua Daomen.

This place is like a paradise, with singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere, misty clouds and mists, just like a fairyland on earth.

After getting out of the car, Ji Ran looked at the majestic Yuhua Daomen and tightly grasped Huang Chen's hand, feeling a little nervous.

She already knew her life experience last night, and also knew what kind of enemies Huang Xing would face for her.

Knowing that their Ji family was wiped out by the blood alliance, her heart was also full of hatred.

At the same time, she blamed herself very much in her heart. It was herself, the disaster star, who caused Huang Xing to suffer.

Especially when she knew that Huang Xing's master was still in seclusion, and she was going to face the blood alliance alone in a month, she was very scared.

She was not afraid that she would be ordered to kill by the blood alliance, but that Huang Xing would do something for her.

"Fool, don't worry, nothing will happen." Huang Xing held Ji Ran's hand and comforted her softly.

"Senior Brother Jiujie, I am descending to He Wenshan, following the orders of Elder Zhou, to welcome you all."

As soon as Huang Chen and his party arrived at Yuhua Daomen, they were greeted by a Taoist in green robes.

The green-robed Taoist was about 23 or [-] years old, and Huang Chen checked his cultivation base with eight layers of dark energy.

"Amitabha, Brother Laohe." Nine Precepts changed his normal routine and replied with a dignified appearance.

Martial arts world pays attention to those who are masters as teachers. Among the same generation, they are not from the same sect. Generally, those with low cultivation will call the senior with high cultivation, and those who are young will also call the senior with seniority.

Therefore, He Wenshan respectfully called the little monk senior brother, and the little monk also called He Wenshan senior brother.

"Everyone, please." He Wenshan politely led Lu Chen and the others to Tiande Hall.

Tiande Hall is the main hall of the Yuhua Dao Sect to welcome guests. Along the way, Huang Xing also met many disciples of the Yuhua Dao Sect. He curiously checked their cultivation bases one by one, and found that all of them had cultivation bases above Anjin .

Huang Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart the strength of the Yuhua Dao Sect, any one of these young disciples could be regarded as the arrogance of an ordinary Guwu family.

Arriving at Tiande Hall, there are already elders from the Ascension Daomen waiting there.

Huang Xing also used investigations on that elder, with nine levels of strength, which was enough to show that they attached great importance to the young monk.

The Nine Precepts of the Holy Land of Ultimate Bliss suddenly visited, and the Yuhua Daomen was also very surprised, and did not know the purpose of his visit.

As one of the four holy lands, the Yuhua Daomen and the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss have differences, but they both belong to the righteous way. Now that Jiujie is visiting, the Yuhua Daomen has also shown a warm welcome.

The little monk is the true heir of the Holy Land of Ultimate Bliss, and his status is much higher than ordinary disciples, equivalent to ordinary elders.

After everyone was seated, the little monk said, "Amitabha, Jiujie came to the door presumptuously, and there are a lot of nagging, Elder Zhou, please don't be offended."

Lu Xiaoke blinked his eyes at the solemn little monk, and suddenly felt that he was not used to it, and the little monk who was a bit mean was more pleasing to the eye.

"Master's words are serious." Elder Zhou said kindly, "I don't know why Master visited the Ascension Dao Sect this time?"

The little monk pointed to Lu Chen and said, "This is my elder brother, Lu Chen. The reason for my sudden visit this time is because my elder brother has something important to visit Taoist Master Fengqing."

Huang Xing mainly came to find the Supreme Elder of Shangqing, but the status of the Supreme Elder of Shangqing was too high, so Huang Xing threatened to find him all of a sudden, which seemed a bit abrupt, so he first visited Feng Qingzi in a detour.

Feng Qingzi is Ji Ran's mother's teacher, and he is still Ji Ran's teacher.

Elder Zhou was startled when he heard the young monk addressing Huang Xing, and couldn't help but look at Huang Xing a few more times.

He is very clear about the strength and status of the little monk. To be recognized as a big brother by the little monk must be superior. He has never heard of such a young hero in the martial arts world, so he asked, "I don't know where Daoyou Lu is from? What is the need to find Daoist Fengqing?"

"My teacher is just a wild crane, I don't want to reveal his name, I hope Elder Zhou will not be offended." After finishing speaking apologetically, Lu Chen said seriously, "I'm looking for Daoist Fengqing to destroy the Ji family 22 years ago. things come.”

Elder Zhou looked at him in shock when he heard Huang Xing mentioning the extermination of the Ji family.

In the past 22 years, this matter is like a taboo in the martial arts world, and everyone avoids talking about it.

The two great masters died in battle, and the Ji family was wiped out overnight, making people even more afraid of the strength of the blood alliance.

At this time, the young man in front of him actually came to Taoist Master Qingsong for this matter, and Elder Zhou secretly guessed the identity of Huang Chen and his connection with the Ji family.

"Fellow Daoist Lu is probably going to be disappointed." Elder Zhou shook his head and said, "22 years ago, the Supreme Elder of Shangqing passed down a decree that the Yuhua Taoist sect is not allowed to talk about the destruction of the Ji family. If fellow Daoist Lu came here for this matter, say The Lord may not be willing to see you."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and said again, "I'll let you know from Elder Zhou. Lu Chen and Ji Ran, the orphan of Ji's family, are asking to see Taoist Fengqing."

" are the orphan of the Ji family?" Elder Zhou looked at Ji Ran and said with a drastic change in expression.

Ji Ran nodded and said, "I beg Elder Zhou to inform you."

Elder Zhou was already shocked at this moment. He knew the blood oath made by the Supreme Elder of Shangqing and Blood Shura 22 years ago.

If the Ji family's orphan steps into the martial arts world, the blood alliance will once again issue a blood killing order, killing without mercy, and the Ascension Dao Sect is not allowed to shelter the Ji family's orphan again.

Now Huang Xing and Ji Ran appear at Yuhua Daomen, what are they trying to do?
If they broke their promise, wouldn't they be afraid of the Blood Alliance's order to kill them?

(End of this chapter)

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