Chapter 123
When Huang Chen heard that Fei Ruyu would treat his younger sister as his own, it touched the softness in his heart.

He was 15 years old when his parents died, and Lu Xiaoke was only 12 years old. His younger sister lost the love of his parents early on, and they depended on each other for life, and suffered a lot.

If Concubine Ruyu can really treat Xiao Ke as her own daughter, it can also make up for the regret in his heart.

Huang Xing took out a medicine box and handed it to Concubine Ruyu, and said respectfully, "Senior Concubine, here is a Tempering Vessel Pill, which can strengthen the meridians, it is my little care."

He used up today's quota, a total of 320 gold coins. He spent 100 gold coins early in the morning to buy the Tempering Pulse Pill, and was going to give it to Fei Ruyu himself. He also spent 150 gold coins to buy 3 Consolidating Pulse Pills and gave them to Lu Xiaoke , Let the three senior sisters she gave her get into the relationship.

Seeing this, Concubine Ruyu declined, "Young Master Lu, you don't have to be so polite."

"Senior concubine, this is Xiaoke's apprenticeship gift, please accept it." Huang Chen handed the medicine box respectfully, and said earnestly.

Concubine Ruyu saw Lu Chen's attitude of not giving up if she didn't accept it, and no longer being hypocritical, she took the medicine box and put it away, and said, "Young master Lu, you can rest assured that Xiao Ke will stay in the Ice Mist Sect. I will definitely teach her well and ensure her safety."

"Thank you, Senior Concubine." Lu Xing cupped his hands and thanked Concubine Ruyu.

Concubine Ruyu looked at Huang Xing and Ji Ran, and sighed in her heart.

She admired Huang Chen's character very much. He was neither arrogant nor impatient, and he was able to advance and retreat in the world, not to mention his talent and aptitude. If he defeated Xiao Qingchen and Yuwen Wuji with one shot, he would definitely become a master of guns in the future.

It's just that he is unyielding because of love, and wants to compete with the blood alliance, and he doesn't know if he can overcome this hurdle.

She can't do anything about this kind of thing, she can't persuade him, she can't tell Huang Chen that you have a bright future, why bother to seek death for a woman?
"Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death."

Fei Ruyu didn't understand, and neither did many people.

Not long after, Lu Xiaoke came back happily with her three senior sisters, and it seemed that she got along well with them.

Concubine Ruyu asked Lu Xiaoke and Lu Chen to go back first, and then officially started teaching cultivation tomorrow.

Back in his other courtyard, Lu Xing confessed to Lu Xiaoke, "Xiao Ke, you must listen to the words of the senior concubine in the future and practice hard."

"Got it, brother." Lu Xiaoke promised obediently, "I understand the reason why the master is so kind, Xiao Ke will definitely respect the master and listen to the master's words."

"Don't be mischievous, bully others casually, and cause trouble for senior concubine." Huang Xing warned Lu Xiaoke respectfully.

She is now a person with a master, and her words and deeds not only represent herself, but also represent Concubine Ruyu.

"Brother, don't worry, anyone here has a higher level of cultivation than me, so who am I going to bully?"

Lu Xiaoke is usually eccentric and out-of-the-ordinary, but he is actually very sensible when it comes to serious matters, and Huang Xing is still very relieved about this.

"However, if someone bullies you, if you are wronged, and senior concubine can't stand up for you, don't hold back, just call and tell brother, brother will help you stand up." Huang Xing said again worriedly.

Although he was very reassured about Concubine Ruyu, he was not afraid of anything but ten thousand. If someone bullied Lu Xiaoke, Lu Xing would not let her be wronged in vain.

When Lu Xiaoke heard his brother defending her, he felt sweet in his heart, and said happily, "Hehe, brother is my most solid backing. If someone bullies me, I will report my name as brother."

"Miss sister, it's also useful to report the name of the little monk." The little monk interjected with a flattering expression.

"Go away." Lu Xiaoke looked at him contemptuously and said, "With you like this, can you compare with my brother?"

She put her finger on the corner of her mouth and thought for a while, then said with a smile, "I thought of a title that would suit my brother."

"What nickname?" Huang Xing asked curiously.

"China's first shot." Lu Xiaoke said domineeringly.

Then she said to herself, "Whoever dares to bully me in the future, I will tell him, my brother is the first shot in China, if you dare to bully me, believe it or not, my brother will stab you to death."

"Hey." As he spoke, he smirked to himself, gestured with his hand to poke the gun, and muttered, "Shoot you, poke you to death."

Huang Chen heard a black line, this title is really simple and rude, only Lu Xiaoke could think of it.

Why is she so good in nine-year compulsory education?

"China's first shot, this title is good, it is very suitable for the boss's domineering." The little monk agreed.

"I think this title needs to be changed." Wudiqiang's voice suddenly sounded in Huang Xing's mind.

"Change it to what?" Huang Xing asked.

"The first shot in the universe." Invincible Qiangbi Lu Xiaoke said pretendingly.

Then he dragged his voice and said, "Internship period."

Huang Xing was speechless.

Lu Xiaoke was very satisfied with the title he had given to his brother, so he proudly pulled out the Frost Sword in his hand, and posed in a pose, "Do you think my posture with the sword is handsome?"


Huang Chen, Ji Ran, and the little monk all cheerfully praised in unison.

"Hee hee, I think so too." Lu Xiaocute held the Frost Sword without letting it go, and said smugly, "You guys are so handsome, why don't you hurry up and take pictures."

The four of them made a fuss again.

After Lu Xiaoke was settled, Huang Xing felt less scruples.

They stayed in the Ice and Misty Sect for one night, and parted with Lu Xiaoke reluctantly the next morning, and returned to the magic capital.

"Boss, I'll go back to the Holy Land of Bliss to talk to my master about the blood alliance and those forces."

After returning to Shanghai and sending Ji Ran home, the little monk proposed to bid farewell to Huang Xing.

"Jiujie, I accept your wishes. If your master and the others are concerned about the forces behind them, don't force them."

The more you know, the more you know how powerful those forces are. The Four Saints and Nine Sects are very afraid of those forces.

"Don't worry, Boss, the little monk knows it well." The little monk said nonchalantly, "If you want me to say that those old men are getting more and more timid as they live, if those forces can really destroy the four holy and nine sects, they will come out and jump around a long time ago. .They hid in the dark and didn't show up, which means that they must have some scruples. It's just one or two people who come out, why are they afraid of them?"

Huang Xing felt that what the little monk said made sense, but no one knew what the current situation of those forces was, and no one dared to take risks. He could understand the actions of the Four Sages and Nine Sects, because they were not only for the individual, but also for the entire sect Everyone in the Holy Land is responsible and dare not act rashly.

He said, "Seniors also have their concerns, it's better to be cautious about those forces."

The little monk didn't have any respect for the elders of the Holy Land of Ultimate Bliss, and said very loyally, "Don't worry, boss, even if you can't persuade those old bald donkeys to take action, the little monk will fight against the blood alliance with the boss in a month."

"If there is a fight, we will fight together." The little monk said meanly, "If there is money, we will spend it together."

He left a promise, waved his hand, and drove away in the cool Lamborghini Bat.

 I'm going to the hospital for a review today

  I should be able to write a chapter when I come back tonight

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(End of this chapter)

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