124 Calm
Seeing the little monk's Lamborghini bat disappear from sight, Huang Xing smiled faintly.

In the eyes of outsiders, for offending the blood alliance for Ji Ran, Huang Xing was dazzled by love and seeking his own death.

But for him, everything is under control, just wait for the one-month blood alliance to attack, and he can fight back strongly, killing him by surprise.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, he must find out who is behind the scenes and wipe out Ji Ran's potential danger.

From the moment Ji Ran became his woman, he took on the bloody feud of Ji's family.

Back home, Ji Ran and Chen Xiyun were making dumplings in the kitchen, and Ji Zhongliang was smoking a cigarette with a sad face on the sofa in the living room.

A bunch of cigarette butts were thrown into the ashtray, and he had already learned from Ji Ran that Huang Xing had returned from the Taoist gate of Ascension without success.

The little monk left, and Lu Xiaoke stayed in the Binglanzong.

All this gave him a feeling that the mountains and rains were about to come, and he was very worried.

Ji Zhongliang heard the door opening and looked up.

Huang Chen came in from the door, he looked at Ji Zhongliang who was frowning, and went straight to sit on the sofa.

Ji Zhongliang threw him a cigarette, Huang Xing lit it up and took a puff.

"Lu Xing, have you gone to Yuhua Daomen to find out why the Blood Alliance destroyed the Ji family?" Ji Zhongliang coughed from the smoke, and asked in a hoarse voice.

Huang Chen shook his head and replied, "The reason why the Blood Alliance destroyed the Ji family is not clear to the Yuhua Dao Sect."

Ji Zhongliang smoked silently, without saying a word.

"Uncle." Huang Xing called out, and Ji Zhongliang looked over.

"Yuhua Daomen originally wanted to prevent me from being with Ranran." With a calm smile on the corner of Huang Chen's mouth, he said bluntly, "I was persuaded later."

Hearing this, Ji Zhongliang looked at Huang Xing in shock, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

He understood what Huang Xing meant, and even the Ascension Taoist believed him, so why didn't he believe him?
A hanging heart gradually let go.

"Uncle, I have already discussed with Taoist Master Fengqing, and I will send you and aunt to Yuhua Daomen first."

Huang Xing was worried that the blood alliance would find that he was not as easy to deal with as they imagined, and would use Ji Zhongliang and Chen Xiyun to blackmail Ji Ran, so he helped them find a way out first.

Yuhua Taoist made a blood oath not to protect Ji Ran, but did not say that she could not protect her relatives.

"Okay, everything is up to your arrangement." Ji Zhongliang agreed without hesitation.

Huang Xing didn't reveal to Ji Zhongliang what was going on behind the scenes. Some things, the more they knew, the more worried they would be.

His own relatives, only his younger sister, Lu Xiaoke, has already joined the Ice Misty Sect, so there is no problem with her safety.

As for his and Ji Ran's friends, Xu Shasha is the closest to them. As long as she doesn't get involved, nothing will happen.

The martial arts world also has the rules of the martial arts world. The grievances between ancient warriors will not involve unrelated ordinary people, otherwise it will cause public anger.

But to be on the safe side, Huang Xing still gave Xu Shasha 500 million to travel around the world and stay away from the disputes here.

It is always calm before the storm.

Three days later, Xu Shasha got her tourist visa and flew to Paris, the romantic capital, to start her world tour.

A week later, Ji Zhongliang and his wife boarded a plane to Tianfu and were taken to the Taoist gate of Ascension.

That night, Huang Xing went shopping with Ji Ran, and after spending the day's quota, an invincible voice sounded in his head, "Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 4, unlocking the Eye of Delusion, the store has unlocked level 4 items, and got A chance to win a lottery.”

After steadily rising to level 4, Huang Xing couldn't wait to check the introduction of Delusion Breaking Technique.

Eye of Delusion: It can break through all illusory disguises (no more than two realms of oneself).

Huang Xing was very happy to get another powerful and practical skill, and he immediately started to draw prizes.

There are still five grids of money on the Jiugong grid, ranging from 100 million to 2000 million; one is thank you for participating, one is the 4th-level superpower pill, one is the 5th-level fortune pill, and the last 6-level sword technique "Mad Dragon Slayer Soul" ".

Although he has a level 6 sword technique and martial skill, what Huang Xing wants most now is to improve his cultivation with the Good Fortune Pill.

At this time, he was drinking coffee with Ji Ran in the coffee shop listening to casual music.

With the surprise last time, Huang Xing still wanted to absorb the power of love, so he called softly, "Of course."

Ji Ran was still looking at the introduction of various desserts, and looked up at Huang Xing when he heard the shout.

Huang Xing waved at her, and mysteriously asked her to bring her face closer.

Ji Ran moved his face in doubt, and Huang Xing meditated on the Good Fortune Pill, Good Fortune Pill, and quickly kissed Ji Ran secretly.


The aperture gradually decelerated and stopped at the level 6 sword martial art "Mad Dragon Slashing Soul".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Mad Dragon Slaying Soul"."

Huang Xing was dumbfounded, the power of love seemed to be too much.

"Fool." Ji Ran cursed sweetly, took out a tissue to wipe off the saliva on his face, and the gray lip stains from coffee.

"Hey." Huang Xing smirked at Ji Ran.

Although he didn't get the Fortune Pill, but he got the highest level 6 martial arts, Huang Xing was also very happy in his heart, and thought smugly: This trick is quite effective, and I will use it next time.

"Don't take dog shit luck as a belief, or you will be suspicious of green life when you meet in the future, thank you for your participation?" Wudiqiang said mercilessly.

Huang Xing was speechless, he was so lucky both times, he was indeed a little drifting.

He then checked the store again, and the level 4 items had been unlocked, and there were five more items in the store, all of which cost 200 gold coins.

They are level 4 elixir to enhance physical fitness, meridians, and spirit, a level 4 swordsmanship and martial arts, and a level 4 kung fu.

Huang Xing doesn't need these things at the moment, just skip them, and then check his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 4 (0/800)

Today's Quota: 800000/800000
Gold: 590
Combat Power: Huajin Quadruple
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial arts: Crimson Blood Strike, Ten Heavy Waves

Item: "Crazy Dragon Slashing Soul"

Mission: none
In this upgrade, except for obtaining the Eye of Delusion, his strength has not been improved, but it is one step closer to level 5. As long as he reaches level [-], he can purchase the Creation Pill, and his strength can improve by leaps and bounds.

Huang Xing is not in a hurry, there are still eighteen days before the one-month period, even if he doesn't accept the task, he can be promoted to level 5 in only ten days.

The blood alliance has disappeared since the last time the blood killing order was sent.

He knew that the blood alliance's killer had been hiding in the dark, eyeing Ji Ran covetously, and would launch a thunderous strike when the time came.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran are still drinking coffee leisurely, but the world of martial arts is full of turmoil these days.

All major forces of good and evil have sent innate masters to gather in Confucianism Tianxia, ​​one of the four holy places, to discuss fiercely the upcoming grand event in the world of martial arts - the establishment of the "Heaven and Earth Mystery and Yellow List".

 This chapter is over
  In order to delay Huang Xing's time, Yuhua Daomen
  Unite the Four Sages and Nine Sects, and invite all forces of the evil way to set up the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang List
  It's the tournament of the younger generation.
  Peerless evildoers from all major forces will appear one after another

  The monstrous killers of the Blood Alliance will also attack Huang Chen at the martial arts tournament

  With Huang Chen in hand, who will fight?

  Ps. Seeing this, you should also find out

  This is just an urban fantasy novel dressed in a godly style
(End of this chapter)

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