Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 151 Where is Huang Xing, I will be there

Chapter 151 Where is Huang Xing, I will be there

More than an hour after Shen Wenjie left, Mi Xianghua and Kong Zhanpeng really came to visit their home in person.

The four of them sat down in the living room, and Mi Xianghua said to Huang Xing, "Master Lu, Fei Zong and the elders have agreed to invite Miss to return to Ji's home overseas. If Master Lu and Master Ling are free, they are also welcome to Ji's home overseas." Be a guest."

Mi Xianghua smiled kindly and said, "Master Lu and Ms. Lu are already our own family, and we can treat Ji's overseas family as our own in the future."

There was something in his words, which meant that he wanted Huang Xing to "marry" Ji's family overseas, and it would be even better if he could bring his master gun master Li Tianqiao along with him.

With a gun dao monster like Huang Xing and the gun dao master behind him joining, the strength of the overseas Ji family will also be greatly improved.

As expected.

Huang Chen sneered in his heart, it seemed that his guess was right, he said pointedly, "Ji Ran's going back to Ji's house overseas, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

Before Mi Xianghua answered, Kong Zhanpeng snorted coldly and said contemptuously, "If you don't go back to Ji's house overseas, you will only die if you stay in Huaxia."

In his eyes, overseas Ji's family is the only retreat for Huang Xing and Ji Ran.

"Zhanpeng, don't be rude to Master Lu." Mi Xianghua reprimanded Kong Zhanpeng.

Then he said confidently, "Master Lu, please rest assured that the overseas Ji family is under the protection of the temple. No matter how powerful the blood alliance is, they dare not attack aggressively. If we only sneak in one or two killers, even if it is the three kings and seven evil spirits, we are sure." Let them come and go."

The temple has twelve temples and 72 pillars. It can be called the most powerful force in the world, ruling the martial arts circles of dozens of countries in Europe.

The combination of the Four Saints and Nine Sects in the Huaxia Martial Arts World may not be able to compete with the Temple.

Huang Xing was not surprised that overseas Ji's family was protected by the temple. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the European countries, he had no choice but to seek refuge in the temple.

"Mr. Mi may have misunderstood me." Huang Xing poured water into his teacup with a faint smile, and said, "The danger I'm talking about is not the blood killing order from the blood alliance..."

His voice suddenly became cold, and he said word by word, "It's from your overseas Ji family itself."

When Mi Xianghua heard the words, his expression changed, and he asked slowly, "What does Master Lu mean by this?"

Huang Chen said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Does everyone in your overseas Ji family want to see Ji Ran return?"

Mi Xianghua frowned, and said firmly, "I came to see Master Lu today, on behalf of the overseas Ji family, we have reached an agreement, and we all hope that Miss will return to the overseas Ji family."

"Hehe." Huang Chen sneered mockingly, "Last night, there was an assassin from Japan who assassinated Ji Ran. I don't think anyone else would assassinate Ji Ran at this time, except for those overseas Ji family who don't want Ji Ran to return. .”

"What did you say?" Mi Xianghua stood up angrily, and asked in disbelief, "Is there a Japanese killer who wanted to kill Miss last night?"

Kong Zhanpeng also changed his face in shock, and retorted, "Don't spout blood, how do you know that the Dongying killer is related to the overseas Ji family?"

"Shut up." Mi Xianghua yelled at Kong Zhanpeng angrily, then asked again with a pale face and trembling voice, "Did an Japanese killer really attack the young lady last night?"

"The killer's body has been disposed of by me. This is his weapon." Huang Xing took out the Dongying knife left by Gui Shiliu yesterday from the side and threw it on the table.

Mi Xianghua looked at the Dongying knife on the table, his face turned livid, and he clenched his fists angrily.

What Huang Xing said is correct, at this point in time, the Japanese killer was invited to kill Ji Ran, except for those who were unwilling to return Ji Ran to the overseas Ji family, there could be no one else.

He had roughly guessed who it was in his mind, and with a sigh, the martial arts master's energy and spirit all weakened, as if he had aged ten years.

Huang Chen said in a cold voice, "I believe you can easily find out who asked Dongying killer to kill Ji Ran. If you don't have the heart to deal with the people behind the scenes, I will go overseas in person when the bloody killing order is over, and put an end to this objection." Everyone who Ji Ran returns to the overseas Ji family will be killed."

He could also guess who was behind the scenes—the collateral blood of the Ji family who fled overseas with Fei Changan.

When Ji Ran returned to overseas Ji's family, that person had the greatest impact. With Ji Ran's direct bloodline, his collateral bloodline with a foreign surname had a bad name in overseas Ji's family.

I just don't know if the overseas Ji family will deal with that person for Ji Ran. After all, that person has been established in the overseas Ji family for 22 years and has been deeply rooted.

Hearing Huang Xing's threat, Kong Zhanpeng said disdainfully, "Big words, without the protection of our overseas Ji family, let's talk about if you can escape the pursuit of the blood alliance."

Huang Xing looked at Kong Zhanpeng with a sneer, and suddenly slapped him.



He shot as fast as lightning, before Kong Zhanpeng could react, he was slapped across the face by Huang Xing, and was sent flying out and hitting the wall.

"If it weren't for the fact that Mi Lao and Ji's overseas still have some support for Ji Ran, what right do you have to sit in front of me and talk?" Lu Xing looked at Kong Zhanpeng, who was knocked down, and said fiercely, "Today Spare your life first, you'd better pray that the overseas Ji family can give me and Ji Ran a satisfactory explanation, otherwise I will be the first to take the knife on you."

Kong Zhanpeng stood up staggeringly, with blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth, trying to use his internal strength to make a move.

"You want to fight with me?" Huang Xing looked at Kong Zhanpeng indifferently and asked with cold killing intent in his eyes.

Kong Zhanpeng was so frightened that he stood still and did not dare to move. He knew that he was not Huang Xing's opponent, so he looked at Mi Xianghua for help.

Mi Xianghua ignored Kong Zhanpeng, and said sincerely to Ji Ran and Huang Chen, "Miss, Master Lu, we will definitely investigate this matter and give you a satisfactory explanation."

"But please Miss and Master Lu go back to the Overseas Ji Family with me no matter what, Mi Xianghua pledged his life, most of our Overseas Ji Family want Miss to come back, only when Miss is here, our Overseas Ji Family can really be counted as Last Ji's Family. "

At the end of Mi Xianghua's speech, he was already in tears.

They are all orphans and were adopted by Ji's family since they were young. Without Ji's family, there would be no them.

Now someone from overseas Ji's family actually asked the Japanese killer to kill Ji Ran, which made him angry and ashamed.

Huang Chen shook his head and refused, "Mi Lao, it's impossible for Ji Ran and I to go to Ji's house overseas, please go back first."

Even if the assassination didn't happen, Huang Xing couldn't let Ji Ran return to overseas Ji's family.

If the overseas Ji family can leave the temple and return to China to serve Ji Ran, he will accept them.

But in the current situation, this is impossible.

But in the near future, he believes that the overseas Ji family will know how to choose.

"Miss." Mi Xianghua called to Jiran sadly without giving up.

Ji Ran said firmly, "Wherever Huang Xing is, I will be there."

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(End of this chapter)

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