Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 152 Fei Changan's Choice

Chapter 152 Fei Changan's Choice
Huang Xing and Ji Ran were very resolute and refused to go to Ji's house overseas.

When the assassination happened, Mi Xianghua knew that the overseas Ji family was sorry for Ji Ran, so he didn't have the face to continue to force him, so he had no choice but to take Kong Zhanpeng away.

Kong Zhanpeng didn't have the courage to fight with Huang Xing, he was slapped on the face and left without embarrassment, full of resentment.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran's refusal to go to overseas Ji's family was just in line with Kong Zhanpeng's wish. He thought maliciously in his heart, "A fourth level Huajin dares to be arrogant and arrogant, without the protection of overseas Ji's family, let's see how you escaped from the blood alliance Hunt down."

He thought that Huang Xing and Ji Ran were about to die at the hands of the blood alliance, and the humiliation of that slap eased a little.

After Mi Xianghua left, he sent the news of Ji Ran's assassination back to Ji's home overseas.

Fei Changan was furious, but after calming down, he was more lamented and unable to make a choice.

22 years ago, he brought five martial arts masters to protect the three-year-old Ji family collateral blood Ningzhong to overseas, relying on the Mondros family, one of the 72 pillars of the temple, to establish the overseas Ji family.

Of the five martial arts masters who used to be, one has passed away, one has become a master, and the other three are all above the late Huajin stage.

Ning Zhong grew up with him, just like his son. Under his dedicated training, at the age of 25, he has reached the fourth level of energy transformation, and the future master can be expected.

Overseas Ji family is growing step by step in his hands. Now there are two innate masters, ten Huajin martial arts masters, and dozens of dark energy masters. It is not a small family in the British Empire in Europe. The knighthood was officially recognized by the Continental Europe.

Although the overseas Ji family is called a family, it has never established a patriarch.

The most qualified to be the head of the family is Ning Zhongze, a branch of the Ji family, but his surname is not Ji after all.

Fei Changan sighed, and ordered the housekeeper beside him, "Go and call Zhongze over."

"Yes, sir."

The butler withdrew, and Fei Changan looked up at the big "season" on the wall.

After these old people passed away, who in the overseas Ji family still remembers the Ji family in China?
Maybe after their death, the Overseas Ji family will change their appearance and cease to exist.

After a while, the butler walked in with Ning Zhongze.

He was wearing a neat black suit, and his elegant appearance was not like an ancient warrior, but more like a successful businessman.

"You step back first." Fei Changan waved his hand, telling the housekeeper to step back.

The housekeeper withdrew silently and closed the door gently, leaving only one old and one young in the study.

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Ning Zhong asked respectfully.

Fei Changan turned his back to Ning Zhongze, and looked up at the character Ji on the wall.

After a long time, he recalled, "22 years have passed in a flash, I still remember that year, it was the lady who hugged the young lady in one hand, and you in the other, rushed out of the fire, handed you into my hand, and let us escape to overseas."

Ning Zhong stood aside and listened respectfully.

Fei Chang'an continued to recall, "That night, Ji's family turned into a sea of ​​flames, and only the six of us fled overseas with you in our arms. Later, news came from Huaxia that Ji's family was wiped out, and only the infant Miss Ji Ran was under the protection of Yuhua Daomen , become an ordinary person in the dunya.”

"In terms of seniority, Ji Ran still wants to call you cousin." He turned around, looked at Ning Zhongze, and Lao Huai said comfortingly: "I heard from Xianghua that Miss Ji Ran and Madam Ji look very similar, they are almost the same. A figure is carved out, as a teacher, I really want to see her with my own eyes."

Ning Zhong smiled warmly and comforted, "Mr. Mi and Junior Brother Kong have already gone to pick up my cousin. Master will see her soon."

Fei Changan calmly looked at Ning Zhongze's smiling face, and said slowly, "Miss Ji Ran was assassinated last night."

"What, my cousin was assassinated?" Ning Zhong said in shock, "Isn't the deadline for the blood killing order coming in eight days? Could it be that the blood alliance violated the blood oath and attacked the cousin in advance?"

Fei Changan shook his head and said, "It's not the blood alliance, it's the Japanese killer."

Ning Zhong frowned, and said suspiciously, "How could the Dongying killer attack my cousin?"

He went on to say, "Master, don't worry, she will be safe when Mr. Mi and Junior Brother Kong bring my cousin back."

"Zhongze, you don't even ask if Ji Ran is okay after being assassinated, so you are so sure that she is okay now?"

Fei Changan looked at Ning Zhongze in disappointment, and he was sure that the Dongying killer had something to do with him.

Ning Zhong's face froze immediately, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake, he didn't ask Ji Ran if he was okay, he knew that Ji Ran was fine now.

Fei Chang'an sighed, and suddenly aged a lot, and said, "Go back and cancel the mission, this matter ends here."

"Yes, master." Ning Zhong lowered his head, not daring to look at Fei Changan.

"Miss Ji Ran is unwilling to come back now. I will return to Huaxia after I arrange things in the past few days." Fei Chang'an said earnestly, "From now on, the overseas Ji family will be handed over to you."

Ning Zhong looked up at Fei Changan and said, "Master, is it worth doing this?"

"It's worth it, why isn't it worth it." Fei Changan said with a smile on his old face, "You haven't received any kindness from the Ji family, so you don't have a sense of belonging to the Ji family, but I grew up at home, and the Ji family's kindness to me is as great as a mountain. The only way to repay him is with death."

Ning Zhong hesitated for a moment, and decided, "Master, you bring my cousin back, and I will do my best to assist her in developing the overseas Ji family."

"The matter is irreversible." Fei Changan said, "The matter of inviting the Japanese killer should be done by Miss Tiffen."

Ning Zhong stood aside, silent and acquiesced.

Stephen Mondros, the legitimate daughter of the Mondros family, one of the 72 pillars of the temple, is now in love with Ning Zhongze, and has reached the point where they are talking about marriage.

If there is no Ji Ran, Ningzhong is the best choice to become the ruler of the overseas Ji family, and many members of the overseas Ji family also support Ning Zhongze.

With the support of the Mondros family, the overseas Ji family will develop better and better in the future.

It's just that the name of Overseas Ji's family will probably be changed to Ning's family by then.

That's why they hesitated again and again when Ji Ran came back this time, but in the end he still tried his best to bring Ji Ran back.

Now that the assassination happened, what's the point of Ji Ran's return?
If Ji Ran returns, how can Huang Xing beside her let Ning Zhongze go.

When the time comes, the two sides will fight, and it will only make the overseas Ji family fall apart faster.

He didn't want to see that result, and he didn't want to be sorry for Ji's family, so he had to sacrifice his life and go back to China to protect Ji Ran and repay him with death.

Fei Changan sat back on the chair in the study, and said to Ning Zhong, "Go back and cancel the mission first."

"It's the master, Zhong Ze will leave first."

Ning Zhong withdrew from the study, leaving only Fei Changan sitting on the chair, his eyes glazed over.

 Happy Children's Day
  little brother, little sister

  Hurry up and give me the recommendation ticket as a Children's Day gift


(End of this chapter)

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