Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 153 Method, Making Tea

Chapter 153 Method, Making Tea (Part [-])
After Mi Xianghua and Kong Zhanpeng left, the day passed without incident.

It has been 22 days since the blood killing order was received, and there are still 8 days left to complete a month. The martial arts competition will start, and the pursuit of the blood alliance will also begin.

Before that, Huang Xing had to face Yingwuzhai's killer.

But Huang Xing wasn't worried, Ying Wuzhai would only send half a step Xiantian over at most.

There are regulations in the martial arts circles of various countries. Grandmasters are not allowed to enter other countries' borders. If there is no open and aboveboard invitation, it is a provocation to the martial arts circle of a country, and everyone can punish him.

If Ying Wuzhai wanted to use the innate master killer to kill Ji Ran and Huang Chen, he had to inform the Chinese martial arts world first.

In the morning of the next day, Huang Xing received a call from Noriko Fujino, saying that Kage Wuzhai's killer Gui San wanted to make an appointment with him.

Moreover, he told him uprightly that Gui San was a half-step innate powerhouse, and asked him if he dared to come to the challenge.

Huang Xing was baffled, when did the killer become so open and aboveboard?
No assassination, but an aboveboard confrontation.

Even if Gui San thinks that his cultivation can crush him, this is not in line with the killer's style.

Huang Xing is not afraid that it is a trap set by Ying Wuzhai, if there is a trap, Noriko Fujino will definitely give him a hint.

He bravely challenged, took out the silver dragon gun, and took Ji Ran to Noriko Fujino's villa.

Even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he still has to go to it.

Arriving at Noriko Fujino's villa, the Hoshino sisters were already waiting at the door. As soon as they saw Huang Xing and Ji Ran, they shouted respectfully, "Sir, madam."

The Hoshino sisters couldn't help but secretly glanced at Ji Ran. It was because of his wife that the husband dismissed their all kinds of enchantment last time.

They followed Fujino Noriko since they were young, and knew that Miss would follow Huang Xing in the future, so Ji Ran would be their mistress in the future.

The two sisters were uneasy, wondering if the hostess would get along well.

Knowing that they had joined Huang Xing, Ji Ran smiled and greeted them gently.

She looked at the pair of twin sisters. Although they were only sixteen or seventeen years old, they had already developed extremely well. Control otaku's best fantasy object.

She glanced at Huang Xing lightly, and found that he didn't look sideways, and didn't focus on the twin sisters, so she felt relieved.

The Hoshino sisters welcomed Huang Xing and Ji Ran in, and Noriko Fujino was waiting for their arrival in the living room with a middle-aged man.

Seeing Huang Xing and Ji Ran coming in, the middle-aged man smiled and stood up, walking towards them.

"Mr. Lu is so courageous." The middle-aged man held the handle of the samurai sword at his waist with his left hand, and laughed at Huang Chen, "There is an allusion in China that Guan Yunchang went to the meeting alone, and Mr. Lu went to the meeting alone today, so he will not give up too much .”

He smiled even more, and a cruel smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's a pity that Guan Yunchang can go away by boat, and Mr. Lu can only die here."

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Gui San is still a fan of the Three Kingdoms." Huang Chen smiled sarcastically, "I'm very curious, Mr. Gui San is a killer, and he doesn't assassinate secretly, why did he invite me to fight openly?"

Ghost Three explained, "The employer has canceled the mission to assassinate Ms. Ji Ran, so now I'm just making an appointment with Mr. Lu as an ancient Japanese warrior."

The employer canceled the mission so quickly, it seems that the overseas Ji family already knew who paid for the murder, but they didn't inform him and Ji Ran to give an explanation, it seems that they can't think about it.

Even if the other party has canceled the mission, they will have to pay a price for doing it. If the overseas Ji family doesn't give Ji Ran an explanation, he will personally seek justice for her.

Huang Chen looked at Gui San and said lightly, "I have asked Miss Fazi to tell you that as long as you dare to come, I will dare to kill you. Since Mr. Gui San has come, I will leave this life in Huaxia."

"Mr. Lu was so young and successful, he thought he was invincible, and arrogant evildoers are easy to die." Gui San laughed, "Let me tell you today, the gap between the middle stage of Huajin and the half-step innate, the difference between internal strength and innate innocence. The air is really different."

"Really?" Huang Xing said noncommittally, "In my eyes, a half-step Xiantian is just a chicken and a dog. There is no difference between internal strength and Xiantian true energy."

"Mr. Lu is the most arrogant young man I have ever seen." Gui San said with cold eyes, "Tianzuo Yuancheng didn't dare to say such a thing when he was in the middle stage of transformation."

Lu Chen smiled proudly, "Yuancheng Tianzuo is considered the number one evildoer in your Dongying martial arts world, but what is it in the Chinese martial arts world? There are many evildoers who are stronger than him in my Chinese martial arts world."

Gui San snorted coldly, "Mr. Lu is not only brazen, but also arrogant and ignorant."

Huang Xing spun the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand, pointed at Gui San, and said with a fighting spirit, "Then see if I am arrogant, or are you ignorant?"

He boldly called to Noriko Fujino, "Fano, make tea."

"Yes, sir."

Noriko Fujino responded respectfully, and then began to iron the pot, set the tea, and warm the cup...

Ghost San frowned, he was a little puzzled by Fujino Noriko's attitude towards Huang Xing.

But before he had time to think about it, Huang Xing's laughter came to his ears.

"Mr. Guisan has only heard that Guan Yunchang went to the meeting alone. Don't you know that Guan Yunchang also warms wine and kills Hua Xiong."

There is no wine at this time, and tea is used instead of wine.

After Huang Chen's voice fell, the Silver Dragon Spear leaped like a dragon and stabbed Gui San.


Gui San drew his saber out of its sheath, and the innate qi in his body swelled all around.

With half a step of innateness, all the internal energy in the whole body has been transformed into innate qi, and there is only one last step left to walk out of one's own way, and one can become a congenital master.

The biggest difference between the half-step Xiantian and the later stage of Huajin is that the half-step Xiantian can turn the innate zhenqi into reality.

Gui San slashed out with his sword, and the sword's energy turned into reality, bringing up a dark gray blade light.

The sword glow seemed to cut through the space, and slashed towards Huang Xing with endless killing intent.

Huang Xing's gun was so powerful that he was terrified, but he couldn't feel any innate qi.

No matter how powerful the internal force is, it can't compete with the innate true energy that turns the emptiness into reality.

This is the consensus of the martial arts world.

Gui San was no longer afraid, he believed that his knife could cut through Huang Xing's spear and cut him in half.

His slash has an extremely domineering name - Killing God with a single slash.

The gun gang and the sword light collided, and a shot with 55 times the force of the ten heavy waves directly blasted Gui San's sword light.


Gui San was terrified, it turned out that there really is an internal force in the world that is stronger than innate qi.

But he is worthy of being a half-step genius, and Huang Xing's shot was already weak enough to break his sword light, so he just blasted him away.

Gui San was severely wounded by a single shot, spewed a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and shouted loudly, "Fazi, hijack Ji Ran."

This shot had already shattered his pride and self-confidence. He didn't know why Huang Xing was so strong, but he knew that Huang Xing could really kill him.

Hijacking Ji Ran is his only chance.


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(End of this chapter)

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