Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 161 Chapter Go, Chapter House

Chapter 161 Go back, go back to the room

Ji Ran went to fetch the mirror and handed it to Luo Xiaoying. She took the mirror and put it in front of her body, looking up at the mirror anxiously.

What came into view was half of a delicate face with flawless flesh, while the other half was a silver mask.

The mask is very thin, with a layer of soft leather inside and a thin layer of smelted silver on the outside. It is light and beautiful. It is attached to the left face to cover all the scars, leaving only the left eye exposed.

The expression in her left eye was very dull, without a trace of expression. The eyeball could move, but she couldn't see anything.

"Is this me?"

Looking at the face in the mirror, Luo Xiaoying didn't feel disgusted and nauseous as she imagined, but it was a little pleasing to the eye.

She reached out and stroked her right cheek lightly, the tactile muscles were soft and elastic.

She couldn't remember how many years she hadn't seen her face.

ten years?

11 years?
Anyway, it has been a long time, she has wrapped herself in darkness, leaving only one right eye.

Luo Xiaoying raised her head slightly to look at Ji Ran, and handed the mirror back to her, "Thank you...thank you..."

She was expressionless when she said thank you, not because she was insincere, but because of her smile that she didn't understand.

"When you say thank you, you should have a smile on your face, so that people can feel your sincerity." Huang Xing said educationally.

Then he showed a bright smile on his face as a demonstration, and said to Luo Xiaoying, "Smile like me."

Luo Xiaoying looked at the smiling Huang Chen, then turned to Ji Ran, the muscles on her face twitched, she squeezed out a "smile", and said again, "Thank you...thank you..."

Her "smile" was very stiff, and the muscles on her face were so tense that it was hard to see that it was a smile.

This is a good start.

On this day, she felt the warmth of home.

Ever since she and her brother were sent to Ying Wu Zhai's training camp, she never had a home.

In the early hours of the night, Luo Xiaoying sat up and gently stroked the mask on her face.

She picked up the dagger next to the pillow, got up and got out of bed, the wound was involved, and there was a burst of pain.

She quietly walked to the living room, looked at Huang Xing and Ji Ran's bedroom, with reluctance in her eyes.

She decided to leave here because she didn't want to involve them.

Her betrayal of Ying Wuzhai will attract endless pursuit.

Although Ying Wuzhai also wanted to kill Huang Xing, but he was only cultivating with strength, and he was still an ancient Chinese martial artist. If Ying Wuzhai sent a congenital master to kill him, it would attract ridicule from all over the world and the ancient Chinese martial arts circle would backlash.

The killer world also has the rules of the killer world.

The general goal is to send a killer of whichever realm to assassinate.

If a killer is sent to assassinate by leapfrogging, it can only represent the incompetence of this killer organization.

Especially the assassination that crosses the national border, and the assassination by a killer sent by a leapfrog is to touch the bottom line.

Which force doesn't have a few Tianjiao monsters?

If other countries randomly send assassins to leapfrog assassinations, the entire martial arts world will be in chaos.

So there is no special reason, Ying Wuzhai can only swallow this breath on Huang Xing, and will not continue to send the killer of the innate master to hunt him down.

But she is different. To deal with traitors, it is only natural for Yingwuzhai to send as many and stronger killers as possible to chase her down, and no one will say anything.

If she continued to stay by Huang Xing's side, it would only hurt him.

She knew that Huang Xing would still face the pursuit of the blood alliance, and she could no longer attract strong enemies to him.

That's why she has to sneak out of here.

She will not go back to Ying Wu Zhai again, she will walk on the road that Huang Xing pointed out to her.

She will not let him down, even in the face of Ying Wuzhai's endless hunger and pursuit, she will not regret it.

Luo Xiaoying withdrew her gaze, and resolutely walked towards the door.

She was too badly injured to get out of the window with bone shrinkage.

"Where are you going?"

Luo Xiaoying was sneakily opening the door when Huang Chen's voice suddenly came in her ears.

She stopped what she was doing, lowered her head, was silent for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice, "Go...go..."

Luo Xiaoying doesn't want to tell Huang Xing what she really thinks, if he knows what she thinks, she will definitely not let her leave.

Because he is really similar to his brother, he will definitely protect himself like his brother.

Luo Xiaoying was a little flustered, even though she was nailed to the wall by Huang Xing yesterday, she didn't panic at all.

She secretly glanced at Huang Xing.

The darkness couldn't block her sight, Luo Xiaoying saw the disappointment in Huang Chen's eyes.

There was a throbbing pain in her cold heart for an instant.

"Go back to the room." Huang Chen said in a cold and domineering voice, "I'll go back after my injury is healed."

He slammed the bedroom door, leaving only Luo Xiaoying standing at the door blankly.

Her tears slid down.

Luo Xiaoying walked back to the guest room in a daze, her wound hurt and her heart ached.

"What's the matter?" Ji Ran was awakened by the sound of closing the door, and asked with his arms around Huang Xing who was sitting on the bed.

"She wants to go back to Ying Wu Zhai." Huang Xing said disappointedly.

Ji Ran said softly, "Let's persuade her again."

Huang Chen touched the tooth marks on his arm, and said sadly, "If it wasn't for Brother Luo, my arm was almost bitten off by that vicious dog, and I would even have been bitten to death."

He was only six years old at that time, no match for a vicious dog, if Luo Linbing hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

He sighed and said, "Let him recuperate well first, I have already pointed out the way for her, as for how to go, it's up to her."

Luo Xiaoying returned to the room and lay on the bed without sleep all night.

On the second day, Huang Xing used Xiantian Qi to help her recuperate her body as usual every three hours.

But other than that, I didn't say a word to her.

Every time Ji Ran came in with food, he would ask her about her injuries with concern, and told her to take good care of her injuries first.

After four days like this, she was able to get out of bed and walk around.

The wound from the gunshot wound was still painful, but for someone like her who survived to the end in the Ying Wu Zhai training camp, the physical pain was almost immune.

The recovery speed of the internal injury is relatively slow, and she can't actively circulate the innate qi now, otherwise the internal injury will be aggravated.

It has been five days since Luo Xiaoying left Dongpu, and Yogen Ito waited anxiously for news from Guiyi.

After the ghost went to Huaxia, he never contacted him again.

Ying Wuzhai was just born, and the news channels for the Chinese martial arts world have not yet been established, so he can only ask Fujino Nozoko.

There was no news from her that Gui Yixiang Huang Xing had acted.

But Noriko Fujino told him that Huang Xing lived in seclusion during this period, keeping a low profile, and it seemed that he was guarding against their assassination.

There are only two days left in the deadline for the Lixue killing order, and there is not much time left for Ghost One.

It seems that Huang Xing's strength is stronger than they imagined, Gui Yicai carefully hid in the dark, looking for a chance to kill him.

It never occurred to him that Ghost One failed to assassinate Huang Xing and stayed at his home.

Yogen Ito has great confidence in Oniichi, and she has never let herself down.

He believed that in the remaining two days, Gui Yi would be able to successfully assassinate him, which would bring unexpected news to the Chinese martial arts world.

This is really interesting, the Huaxia Martial Arts world is waiting for the Blood Alliance to hunt down Huang Xing and Ji Ran, but at the last moment, Huang Xing was killed by Ying Wuzhai.

Thinking of this, Ito Yangyuan sneered ferociously at the corner of his mouth.

 Congratulations to the candidates for their excellent performance and good grades

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(End of this chapter)

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