Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 162 Leave, Return

Chapter 162 Leave, Return

Noriko Fujino and Yogen Ito contacted Huang Xing after talking on the phone, cared about his current situation, and asked him to be more careful about Oniichi's assassination in the last two days.

It's inconvenient for her to keep in touch with Huang Xing frequently, so she doesn't know about him and Luo Xiaoying.

Huang Chen didn't hide anything, and told her about Luo Xiaoying.

After hearing this, Noriko Fujino was amazed, but the threat of Oniichi had been lifted, so she felt relieved.

"I... want... to go..."

After lunch at noon, Huang Xing sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. Luo Xiaoying walked up to him and said with a blank expression.

This lunch was the first time for her to eat at the same table with Huang Xing and Ji Ran.

The wound hadn't healed in the past few days, Huang Xing didn't let her move around, so Ji Ran sent her to her room.

It has been 15 years since she sat down and ate with her relatives so warmly.

She regards Huang Xing and Ji Ran as her relatives.

The colder the heart is, the hotter it will be after being touched.

Luo Xiaoying is three or four years older than Huang Chen and Ji Ran, but in front of them, she is like a younger sister who is taken care of by them.

If she didn't leave, she was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave if it continued like this.

"Are you going to return to Ying Wu Zhai and be a killer again?"

Huang Xing glanced at her and asked sarcastically.

Luo Xiaoying nodded firmly.

"Don't you like the current life?" Huang Xing put down the newspaper and asked calmly, "Or are you afraid of being implicated by us and being chased and killed by the Blood Alliance?"

Luo Xiaoying nodded stubbornly.

Huang Xing looked at her calmly, without saying anything, got up and walked back to his room.

Whatever the reason, he was disappointed.

Luo Xiaoying stared blankly at his back, her face was indifferent, but her heart was filled with pain.

When Huang Xing came out again, he was holding a medicine box in his hand, and he handed it to Luo Xiaoying and said, "There are two pills in here, the one on the left can strengthen your physique, and the one on the right can strengthen your meridians. Before your injury recovers, If you are in danger, take it, and the medicine can restore your peak strength for about an hour."

Just now he went in and spent 400 gold coins to buy two level 4 pills to save Luo Xiaoying's life. As long as she regains her peak strength, ordinary innate early masters will not be able to keep her.

Giving her two elixir to save her life was the utmost benevolence, and it was worthy of Luo Linbing.

As for Luo Xiaoying's choice, whether it is right or wrong, she has already borne the consequences.

Luo Xiaoying knew how serious her injury was, and the pill that could help her restore her peak strength, even if it was only for an hour, was very precious.

He wanted to leave against his will, yet he was willing to give her such a precious pill.

Luo Xiaoying tried her best to control her emotions, and shook her head indifferently, unwilling to accept it.

"Take it if you tell me." Huang Xing grabbed Luo Xiaoying's little hand domineeringly, put the medicine box in her palm, and said, "I'll leave secretly at night, how can I explain to Ying Wuzhai what you've been doing for a few days?" Tian's whereabouts, if you need my cooperation, please tell me."

Lu Chen let go, Luo Xiaoying held the medicine box, and said indifferently, "Thank you...thank you..."

Then he turned around and went back to the guest room to close the door, leaning against the door weakly, biting his lips tightly, and firmly grasping the elixir that Huang Xing gave her.

When eating again in the evening, the three of them were silent, and Luo Xiaoying returned to the room after eating.

At night, she quietly left alone and disappeared into the darkness.

Huang Chen noticed Luo Xiaoying's movement in the bedroom, and silently let her leave.

The next afternoon, Huang Xing took Ji Ran to the airport to pick up Xiao Qingchen.

The day after tomorrow is the day when the martial arts competition will start, and they made an appointment to go to the world of Confucianism together tomorrow.

Xiao Qingchen was wearing a pale yellow ancient-style long skirt today, with the Phoenix Blood Sword tied directly on her back. People around looked at her frequently and thought she was wearing a costume and filming a costume drama.

Before her temperament was better than before, the heart of the sword was transparent, giving people a feeling of being ethereal.

Huang Xing checked her cultivation base, she had reached the seventh level of energy transformation, and in just over ten days, she broke through from the third level of energy transformation to the seventh level of energy transformation.

"Brother Qiang, doesn't she have a system?" Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang in shock.

Xiao Qingchen's breakthrough speed was a bit scary, almost catching up with his system, which made him very suspicious.

"You think too much." Wudiqiang said contemptuously, "What's the fuss about this speed of cultivation, you have never seen an evildoer who suddenly enlightened and became a Buddha and a fairy."

"Is there really immortals and Buddhas in the world?" Huang Xing asked curiously.

"Why ask so many questions now? The higher your strength, the bigger the world you can touch, and you will know what you need to know."

Wudiqiang didn't answer directly, but it was tantamount to tacitly acquiescing that there are immortals and Buddhas in the world.

Huang Xing didn't continue to ask. With his current level, Invincible Qiang would only answer questions about the martial arts world head-on. He couldn't help but think with emotion:

Immortals and Buddhas.

This world is really wonderful.

What are the blood alliance and Ying Wuzhai?
Just a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

"However, with the resources of the martial arts world, her cultivation speed can be so fast, and she can indeed be regarded as a monster."

Invincible Qiang gave a very rare compliment to Xiao Qingchen. Its ability to praise others with its knowledge is enough to prove how terrifying Xiao Qingchen's aptitude is.

Xiao Qingchen's cultivation breakthrough was so fast, which just solved the problem of his own cultivation breakthrough too fast.

He was able to defeat Xiao Qingchen with one shot a month ago, now that Xiao Qingchen has broken through to the late stage of energy transformation, and he has also broken through to the late stage of energy transformation, it will not be too incredible.

"Miss Xiao's sword intent is better than before. It seems that she has realized the second sword. Congratulations."

Huang Chen greeted Xiao Qingchen with a smile on his face, and the first thing he said was to congratulate her.

"Jian San." Xiao Qingchen said lightly.

Huang Chen was at a loss for words for a while, and smiled awkwardly, "Miss Xiao's aptitude and understanding are really amazing."

Speaking of going back to retreat to comprehend sword two, and directly comprehend all sword three, Lu Xing secretly scolded Xiao Qingchen for being a pervert in his heart.

Xiao Qingchen asked enthusiastically, "I wonder if Qingchen is qualified to let Brother Lu fight with all his strength?"

She has comprehended Sword Three, but she is not sure that she will win against Huang Xing. She knows that she is making progress, and so will a monster like Huang Xing.

Huang Chen shook his head, and smiled confidently, "Fight with all your strength, there will be death but no life."

Xiao Qingchen didn't doubt Huang Chen's words, and said with full motivation, "Qingchen will try her best to catch up with Brother Lu in this life, I hope Brother Lu will not let Qingchen down."

"Lu Xing will never let Miss Xiao down." With a confident smile on his face, Huang Chen warned, "I also hope that Miss Xiao will not give up on herself when she can't do it in time."

He has a system in his body, the speed of breakthrough in the future will make Xiao Qingchen doubt her life, and even destroy her sword heart, Huang Xing prepared her mentally in advance.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, Qingchen knows that he is as light as dust, and has never thought of competing with the sun and the moon." Xiao Qingchen held up his hands and saluted, and said seriously, "Please advise me for the rest of my life."

I am as light as dust, as light as dust.

Looking at Xiao Qingchen with a serious face, Huang Xing remembered her explanation of his name when they first met.

Neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither arrogant nor arrogant.

Jianzong Xiao Qingchen, no one knows how far and how high her swordsmanship can go.

(End of this chapter)

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