163 Seed Contestants
Among the younger generation, Xiao Qingchen felt it was a blessing to have Huang Xing as a mountain for her to look up to.

Don't seek the same brilliance from the sun and the moon, but only seek to chase their brilliance, so that your own sword path can go further.

Jianzong Xiao Qingchen will only lose to others, not to himself.

It was the first time for Huang Chen to see Xiao Qingchen dressed in an ancient style, and he was quite amazed.

With an ice-cold temperament, a sword heart with a clear mind, and clothes fluttering, he looks like a sword fairy in the clouds descending into the mortal world.

This woman is only in the sky, how can we meet in the world.

Huang Xing took the two daughters home directly, and personally cooked a few side dishes for Xiao Qingchen.

After dinner, Ji Ran played checkers with Xiao Qingchen in the living room.

Since the last time he confided his heart to Xiao Qingchen, Ji Ran regarded her as his good friend.

As the blood killing order was about to expire, her heart became calmer. Huang Xing's self-confidence as firm as Mount Tai made her believe that they would definitely survive the crisis of the blood alliance.

Xiao Qingchen was not as cold as usual to Ji Ran, and the two had a great time playing.

Seeing that the two girls got along well, Huang Chen was also very happy.

The main reason is that Xiao Qingchen's appearance is too disastrous for the country and the people, and she also likes to compete with herself, so getting too close to her is afraid that Ji Ran will be jealous.

Although I don't have that kind of thought, it's human nature that I can't help but look more occasionally.

Huang Xing made a glass of lemonade for each of them and put them on the table, then went back to the bedroom and chatted with Lu Xiaoke on WeChat.

The Binglan Sect had already taken its disciples to the world of Confucianism two days ago, and Lu Xiaoke also followed them.

The establishment of the Tiandi Xuanhuang List this time is the most grand event in the martial arts world in the past century. Many forces have brought their disciples to the world of Confucianism in advance to communicate with other forces.

After connecting to the video, Lu Xiaoke asked with a smile, "Brother, what time will you and sister-in-law arrive at the airport tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

She has practiced very diligently since joining the Ice Misty Sect, and only occasionally chatted with Huang Xing via video.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "No need, Jianzong has arranged for someone to pick up the plane, just wait for us in the world of Confucianism."

Xiao Qingchen's status in Jianzong is extraordinary, in terms of status, she can sit on an equal footing with the suzerain of Jianzong, and she is eligible to use Jianzong's private plane when traveling, but she doesn't want to be so high-profile
Lu Xiaoke was wearing a long white dress, his little head was shaking in the video, and he said coquettishly, "No, I'm going to pick up my brother and sister-in-law."

She hasn't seen her brother for nearly a month, and she wants to see him sooner.

Huang Xing smiled and taught, "It's so big, it's still like a child."

Lu Xiaoke stuck out her pink tongue and said with a smile, "I'm just a child."

Huang Chen looked at his sister dotingly, and had nothing to do with her, so he had to tell her the time, "Tomorrow at Shangqiu Airport at [-] o'clock in the afternoon."

Lu Xiaoke said happily, "I'll have lunch with my brother tomorrow, and then we'll go shopping in Shangqiu in the afternoon before returning to Confucianism. I haven't gone shopping for a long time."

Huang Chen agreed, "Okay, I'll take you for a walk tomorrow."

Tomorrow is the last day of the Blood Killing Order, and after that, he will face the pursuit of the Blood Alliance, and then he will go to Dongying to find Ying Wuzhai to settle the score, and someone from the overseas Ji family will find a killer to assassinate Ji Ran, and he will also go to seek justice.

In the future, if I want to go shopping with them happily again, I have to wait for a long time.

Ding, trigger the task—Shenhao visits Shangqiu.

Shenhao visits Shangqiu, what can he do without money.

The host is asked to spend more than 1 million yuan when visiting Shangqiu tomorrow.

Task Reward: Get 160 experience points and 160 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 160 experience points and 160 gold coins.

Just as Huang Chen promised Lu Xiaoke to take her shopping tomorrow, a system voice sounded in his head, the long-lost task appeared again, and [-] million Huaxia coins were transferred to the CCB card.

It has been a month since he received the blood killing order, and Huang Xing thought that the mission system had disappeared.

Now that he has received the task, he is very happy, which can offset the upgrade time of one day.

After making an appointment with Lu Xiaoke, Lu Xing hung up the video and went back to the living room.

The second daughter was still playing checkers seriously. Huang Xing walked over and sat next to Ji Ran, and said to Xiao Qingchen, "Miss Xiao, when you arrive in Shangqiu tomorrow, you should go to the world of Confucianism first, and Xiao Ke asked me to take her shopping." .”

"Okay." Xiao Qingchen answered elegantly.

Ji Ran made a move and invited Xiao Qingchen, "Qingchen, if you are free tomorrow, go shopping with us, it will be more lively if there are more people."

"Okay." Xiao Qingchen looked up at Ji Ran and Huang Xing, nodded and agreed.

After playing a game of chess, Ji Ran put away the chessboard, Xiao Qingchen and Huang Xing chatted about the tournament.

The martial arts competition is divided into Huangbang and Xuanbang.

Huangbang is basically nothing to watch, it's just a contest between Anjin's cultivation base.

It is mainly to give those talented disciples of small sects and small families and disciples of middle and lower reaches of big forces the opportunity to show themselves.

If you are under the age of 20 and enter the top 50 in the yellow list, there is still a little expectation in the future, otherwise the list will not attract much attention.

The Xuanbang martial arts competition is the real contest between the young generation of Tianjiao and evildoers.

From Xiao Qingchen's mouth, Huang Xing knew that evildoers with cultivation bases above the late stage of Huajin were designated as seed players, as long as they directly participated in the final three days of rematch competitions.

No one thinks that the regulation of seeded players is unfair, and those talents who have not yet reached the late stage of Huajin are secretly happy.

Only in this way will they have a chance to enter the semi-finals to compete for the 30 places in the Xuanbang, otherwise they will face off against the evildoers in the late stage of Huajin in advance, and they will basically be eliminated.

In the cognition of the martial arts world, in the later stage of Huajin, one can transform the internal force into innate qi, which is several times stronger than Huajin sixth level.

In the records of the entire martial arts world, there are only a few peerless evildoers who can defeat the late stage of Huajin in the middle stage of Huajin.

After Xiao Qingchen introduced the rules for the seed players to Huang Chen, he said, "Brother Lu, if your cultivation has reached the late stage of energy transformation, I will help you to report to Confucianism again."

The last time Xiao Qingchen helped Lu Xing sign up for the martial arts competition together, at that time they applied for the third level of Xiao Qingchen's Huajin, and Lu Chen's fourth level of Huajin.

Huang Chen smiled, and said calmly, "I have already broken through to the ninth level of Huajin, and I will report again with the help of Miss Laoxiao."

A look of surprise flashed across Xiao Qingchen's face, but there was not much surprise.

She herself broke through from the third level of Huajin to the seventh level of Huajin, and it was not difficult for Huang Xing to upgrade from the fourth level of Huajin to the ninth level of Huajin.

Xiao Qingchen took out his phone and called the elder Jianzong who was in the world of Confucianism, telling him that he didn't need to send someone to pick him up tomorrow, and then asked him to help himself and Huang Xing re-report their cultivation.

Elder Jianzong was very excited when he heard the news that Xiao Qingchen had broken through to the seventh level of Huajin.

In this generation, their Sword Sect has produced a truly peerless evildoer.

But right after, he heard the news of Huang Chen's ninefold energy.

The elder Jianzong was directly shocked and speechless.

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  Mobile Qpk finally passed the second round
  Tomorrow the third round

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(End of this chapter)

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