Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 194 The Golden Body Arhat

Chapter 194 The Golden Body Arhat
The Buddha has a Bodhisattva with loving eyebrows, and a Vajra with angry eyes.

King Kong glared and subdued the four demons.

Xuanyi held the demon-subduing pestle, and turned into an angry-eyed Vajra at this time, the Dharma was stirring, and his power was like a god who subdued demons.

After Huang Xing said that he hadn't stepped out of his gun path, the ancient warriors in the audience didn't think very favorably of him.

Wu claimed that he was the number one evildoer of the younger generation, but at this moment he found that he was not as evil as imagined, and couldn't help feeling contemptuous in his heart.

Those younger generation of ancient warriors who were overwhelmed by Huang Xing secretly praised themselves.

As for the rumor that Xiao Qingchen lost both battles, everyone thought it was just because she didn't use her killing sword.

"Master, please." Huang Xing pointed his gun at Xuan Yi and said calmly.


Xuan Yi uttered the Buddha's name, the Buddha's aura permeated, and he raised the demon pestle to attack Huang Chen.

Take a hit.

The subduing magic pestle fell from the air, and the three Buddha statues on it seemed to come alive, smiling, angry, and cursing, attacking Huang Xing's soul.

Those who are not firm in mind will collapse in front of these three Buddha statues and dare not resist.

Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes swept across, and the three Buddha statues scattered like dust, turning into nothingness.

Ten heavy waves.

He picked up the spear and stabbed out, the spear was like a wave, and met King Kong's angry Xuan Yi.

This shot is not the strongest ten waves.

Shichonglang in the strongest state shot out 55 times the power in an instant, and Xuan Yi would be seriously injured if he did not die.

After all, he is the little monk's senior brother, Huang Xing just used the weakened version of the ten heavy waves, ten shots in an instant, and the force of the shots was gradually superimposed.

But even so, it would be terrifying to use his current cultivation base.

He took the first shot and it was just average.

When everyone saw him make a move, they felt nothing more than that.

But they soon discovered that Huang Xing's gun was getting stronger and stronger.

Double, triple, quadruple...

Continuously, it was like a spear hitting the shore with a turbulent wave reaching seven times its strength, smashing Xuan Yi's Dharma power.

If Xuan Yi's strength is nothing more than this, he will be defeated immediately.

Huang Xing's strength has been recognized by everyone again. This kind of strength is much stronger than the ordinary Huajin Jiuzhong, but it is still not as good as half-step innate.

Just when everyone thought Xuan Yi was about to lose.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out on the martial arts stage, and it was all golden.

Xuan Yi's whole body turned into red gold, turning into a golden arhat.

The Buddhist King Kong does not damage the body.


The eighth shot hit the golden light protecting Xuan Yi's body, only making him tremble.

Flowers bloom on the other side.

The vajra head on the top of Xuanyi's subduing demon pestle blossomed like a mandala flower, turning into a four-leaf vajra disc with sharp thorns, spinning at high speed, cutting towards Huang Xing.

Lu Chen frowned. With Xuan Yi's indestructible aura, the last two shots of the weakened version of Ten Heavy Waves would definitely not be able to break through his defense, and his vajra wheel would definitely cut himself first.

He didn't hesitate anymore, the ninth and tenth shots were fired together, instantly reaching nineteen times the force, and with one shot, Xuan Yi, who was indestructible as a king kong, was sent flying.


Xuan Yi turned into a golden arhat, but still suffered serious injuries from this blow. When he was knocked into the air, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Xing retracted his gun, saluted Xuan Yi, "Master, I offended you."

Xuan Yi stood up with difficulty, the Buddha's light dimmed, and the red gold color of his body also turned into a normal flesh color, and he bowed to Lu Chen, "Amitabha, thank you Master Lu for your mercy."

He was not psychologically prepared for being blasted out by this shot. Based on the power of the shot in front of Huang Xing, his indestructible body was strong enough to withstand the opponent's next attack.

As a result, as soon as his Demon Subduing Pestle turned into a spinning disk, the power of Huang Xing's spear instantly increased several times, blowing him away.

He already understood in his heart that Huang Xing didn't show his real strength when he first fought against him.

If it weren't for the threat from his demon-subduing wheel, he wouldn't have used the last shot.

The changes on the martial arts stage were too fast, and the audience hadn't reacted yet.

When they saw Xuan Yi turned into a golden arhat, they thought they would surely win. Who would have thought that the power of Huang Xing's spear would increase several times in an instant, defeating Xuan Yi who had turned into a golden arhat with one shot.

When Huang Xing returned to the ancient pavilion, many evildoers showed fearful expressions towards him.

Although he already knew that he hadn't stepped out of his own gun path, the power of the shot that erupted just now was comparable to half-step Xiantian.

"Little brother, you are doing well. You are indeed a member of our guild." Ming Yuexi patted Huang Chen on the shoulder boldly and said, "Now it's the president's turn to act, you just wait and see Performance."

Huang Xing looked up at Ming Sha, and found that he was also looking at himself and Ming Yuexi playfully, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

He reminded fearfully, "Be careful."

"An'la, Anla, don't worry."

Mingyuexi replied indifferently, and flew towards the Yanwu stage.

Ming Sha smiled at Lu Chen, then turned into a black shadow and followed Ming Yuexi.

Huang Xing looked at the two people on the ring, although Ming Yuexi was considered to be the strongest in the half-step innate, and Mingsha was only at the eighth level of strength, but he still felt that Mingsha would win.

Mingsha gave him an unfathomable feeling, which was only found in Xiao Qingchen and Jia Jing's couple before.

Ming Sha defeated Lin Su'er, who had the eighth level of transformation energy yesterday, and had already proved his strength, but everyone still didn't think he could defeat the half-talented Ming Yuexi.

Just as there is an insurmountable gap between the middle stage of Huajin and the late stage of Huajin, the same is true for the late stage of Huajin and half-step talent.

On the martial arts stage, Ming Yuexi said cynically, "Quick battle and quick decision, let's call it a day."

Ming Sha didn't answer, but just showed a condescending smile.

Ming Yuexi despises Ming Sha on the lips, but in her heart she regards him as a strong enemy.

She had seen the power of Mingsha yesterday.

Mingyuexi used all her strength as soon as she kicked out, her figure was so fast that people couldn't catch her shadow, as if she suddenly appeared in front of Mingsha, a whip leg kicked to his left side with a whirring sound .


Ming Sha was not in a hurry to dodge, but was swept by her foot, making a loud noise.

"how is this possible?"

Ming Yuexi felt a pain in her leg bone, and her leg with tremendous force was like kicking on a steel plate.

But even if it was a steel plate, she had the confidence to kick it through with one kick, but Ming Sha didn't move a bit when he hit her hard on the leg.

The corner of Ming Sha's mouth raised a sneer, and he reached out to grab her calf.

Under Mingyue Xi's shock, she had already retreated four or five meters, which made him catch an empty space.

Ming Sha grabbed the air with one hand, and said with a sinister smile, "Shape-shifting, it's a bit interesting."

He stretched out his hand and dotted in mid-air, as if he was drawing some pattern.

Huang Xing has the eyes to break through delusion, and with the fingering method of quicksand perception, he can see that Mingsha is using very advanced fingering martial arts.


"Be careful."

The Grandmaster of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect and Huang Xing on the high platform shouted out almost at the same time.

Huang Xing's Silver Dragon Spear shot out, piercing through the air and hitting Mingsha, his figure rose sharply, and he chased after him.

The Grandmaster of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect also stepped into the sky and charged towards Ming Yuexi.

 i write for hours

  you just watch for 5 minutes
  everyone understand

  The update has been very stable these days

  At least 2 updates, sometimes 3 updates

  There are still people who question me every day

(End of this chapter)

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